What to Hear a Secret

If Only You Could See It

                “Sehun, please at least try and look like you’re having fun!” Chanyeol threw his lanky and uncoordinated arms in the air, looking at his blank faced friend.

                “But I’m not having fun. This is completely pointless, and I have papers to finish.” Sehun put his head on his hand and leaned into the sofa’s armrest.

                Sehun, Chanyeol, and a small group of their friends were sitting on sofa couches and fluffy chairs belonging to a newly opened café. It was less than a block from where they all went to university and rather close to all their apartments. It was simple and served nice drinks and snacks, but Sehun just wasn’t in the mood. In all honesty he only came because one of his best friends invited him, because he works here and would get discounts on his beloved bubble tea.

                “Silly Chanyeol. You know as well as I do that Sehun only came for the love of his life.” A small wide eyed boy came close and handed everyone in their small circle a cup.

                “But, Kyungsoo if he only came for the stupid tea, why did he come sit with us? He could have gotten the tea and left ten minutes ago.” Kyungsoo patted Chanyeol’s light brown hair and handed the discussed bubble tea to Sehun.

                “It’s because I promised him a discount if he stayed. Now pay up.” Kyungsoo put the square platter he carried the drinks on in the middle of the group and everyone threw in a few buck to cover their ordered coffee or tea.

                Sehun sipped his bubble tea as he watch his closest friends bicker about this and that. He didn’t know how they all became friends; because they didn’t really share any similar tastes only shared a university. Well that and a few shared apartment rooms.

                He looked over his friends thinking about what they brought to their small exclusive group. Chanyeol, the light brunette wore think rimmed glasses he didn’t really need. He was unfairly tall, but majorly uncoordinated. His best friend, Baekhyun sat next to him in a heated discussion. Baekhyun was older then Chanyeol by a few month, but if you only glanced at them you wouldn’t believe it. He was short with dark hair and a cute personality. He liked Chanyeol in glasses claiming he looked more intelligent, probably why he wore them so often. They shared an apartment and were very close.

                Sehun shook his head at the two, and looked over at Kai. Kai was a just a few months older than him, and is madly in love with Kyungsoo. He refuses to admit it, but the tell-tell signs are obvious. He’s an average sized kid with dark eyes and tan skin. He’s crazy and loud, but always has a shoulder to lean on. Kyungsoo, ever the umma takes care of their small group with love, but gives special attention to Kai. If Sehun remembers correctly they recently moved in together about a week ago. He snickered at the thought.

                “What are you laughing at?” Kai turned his attention away from Kyungsoo’s scurrying figure to Sehun.

                “Whatever it is, it’s probably illegal.” Chanyeol looked at Sehun now too, and got a good slap on the arm. “Hey that hurt!”

                Chanyeol rubbed his arm and stuck his tongue out at Baekhyun. “I don’t care, you should be nice. He is your friend you know.”

                “I don’t care. You’re my friend and you just slapped me.” Chanyeol glared at Baekhyun who rolled his eyes in return.

                “If my presence is going to cause you guys to get physical, I think I’ll head home early.” Sehun didn’t wait for any comments and got up and headed to the door, waving at Kyungsoo on his way.

                Before he left he could hear Kyungsoo’s voice, “Look what you two idiots did,” and then the sound of a magazine bouncing off two heads.

                If Sehun was completely honest he really just wanted an excuse to leave, but the fact that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were scolded by Kyungsoo umma made him smirk.

                He let his mind wander to how much they annoyed him and yet he cared about them on an indescribable level. Who knew that a simple boy trying to get through university would make and keep such weird friends.

                Sehun couldn’t for the life of him remember how he met them, but deep down he was glad. He wasn’t a very good social person. His plan when he first started university was to be quite and go under the radar. He had it all planed out. Then Kyungsoo introduced himself and slowly brought Sehun into his group. He was really thankful. Really really thankful.

                He was so preoccupied with his thoughts he wasn’t truly paying attention. Sehun walked straight into a person splashing the person with bubble tea.

                “Oh my goodness I’m so sorry!” Sehun snapped back into reality and looked at the person he just ran into.

                “It’s fine. Really I’ll just have to head back home to clean up.” The boy Sehun ran into smiled at him. His face was porcelain, and his eyes were a beautiful shade of caramel. His hair was messily styled and almost matched his eyes. He wore black skinny jeans, a cream jacket, and a grey sweater. The sweater was now soiled with half of Sehun’s drink.

                “Please, my place isn’t that far away. I’ll wash it for you as an apology.” Sehun looked at the other with pleading eyes hoping it would convince him.

                “It’s okay. My friend lives just up ahead. I was hoping to surprise him, because he’s caught the flu that’s going around. I’ll just clean up there.” The boy smiled at Sehun and began to walk away.

                Sehun had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that if he let the stranger go he’d regret it. Reacting on pure impulse he lightly grabbed the man’s arm, “Let me do this, I feel really bad. I can’t let you walk around all wet. You might catch what your friend has.”

                The other seemed to think about it, and nodded. Sehun, with his hand on the others arm lead him in the direction of his apartment. They walked side by side, and Sehun couldn’t help but notice he was slightly taller than the other. The man looked quite young, but over the years Sehun has learned the looks can be deceiving. Take Chanyeol as an example, when Sehun first met him he seemed normal enough, now however he knew the truth. If he didn’t know better Sehun would think Chanyeol was on crack most of the time.

                They walked in a silence, but not quite an awkward silence. It was comfortable and neither really wanted to disturb it. Sehun took the quiet as a chance to glance over at the other, who seemed to be talking under his breath. His hot breath came out in small puffs in the rather cold air. Sehun being curious as to what the other was saying held his breath and listened carefully. And he was shocked to find the other counting; counting in time to each step he took.

                “We’re here; watch your step, the stairs are a bit slippery.” Sehun walked up the four steps and to the door where he punched in a code to open the doors. He let the other walk in, who had stuck one of his hands slightly in front of him. As if he didn’t want to run into anything. Sehun closed the door and got in front of the other, leading them both to the elevator.

                “I live on the fourth floor. I have a wonderful view of the park and university just a ways down.” He didn’t know why he said it, but he felt the urge to somewhat show off.

                “I’m sure it’s lovely. Um, I’m sorry I don’t know your name.” The other smiled apologetically.

                “Oh, I’m Sehun. Second year university student.” Sehun bowed a bit and looked at the other.

                “I’m Luhan, in my fourth year at university.” Luhan bowed as well.

                Luhan, what a nice name. It matched his appearance well. “Luhan, I don’t remember seeing you around the campus.”

                The other laughed, “I usually keep to myself, fly under the radar I guess. Of course I have some friends, but not many.”

                The elevator bell rang and the doors opened before Sehun could respond. He walked out first and Luhan followed close behind. Sehun stopped at the third door and dug around his pockets for his keys and unlocked the door.

                “Sorry it’s a little small, and super messy. I’ve been so occupied with last minute papers I haven’t had time to clean up.” Sehun led Luhan over to the couch and let him sit down.

                “It’s alright. I don’t mind messes much.” Luhan sat down and looked up.

                “I’m going to go get a change of shirt for you so I can wash your sweater.” Sehun walked to the back of his apartment were his room was located. He grabbed a thick blue sweater and walked back to the living room. Luhan sat on the couch, in just his sweater while his jacket lay on his lap. His long fingers fiddled with the buttons.

                “Here you go.” Sehun handed Luhan the sweater and turned around in embarrassment. He didn’t know why he was embarrassed; he’d seen a shirtless man before. He used to play basketball in high school. But with Luhan it was just a bit different.

                “Sehun, you can take my sweater now.” Sehun turned to see Luhan holding out his dirty sweater and the new blue one on. The blue was a bit big on Luhan so it sort of slipped off one shoulder, but other than that it looked like a good fit.

                Sehun grabbed the sweater and headed off to the back again, “I’ll go put it in the wash.”

                Luhan nodded not aware the Sehun had already left. He walked back to the couch and sat down, bringing his knees to his chest and resting his chin on them. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of Sehun starting the washer, and the busy street noises below. He didn’t hear Sehun come into the room, but jumped when he felt Sehun sit down next to him.

                “Goodness Sehun, you about scared me to death.” Luhan put his head in his hands and laughed at his own silliness.

                Sehun laughed along with Luhan, “Didn’t you see me walk in?”

                Luhan was quiet for a moment, wrapping his arms around his legs, “I had my eyes closed.”

                There was a blanket of silence, this time thick with awkwardness. Sehun didn’t know what to say, and Luhan chose to say nothing. “Sehun?”

                Sehun hummed in response. “Can you show me the beautiful view of the park and university?”

                Sehun looked at Luhan for a moment. Luhan’s gaze was directed straight in front of him and refused to look any other way.  He smiled and put a hand on Luhan’s shoulder, “Sure.”

                They had walked out of Sehun’s apartment, and were now climbing some indoor stairs. Sehun opened a door at the top and let Luhan walk by.

                “No one ever comes up here. I don’t know why, it’s a lovely view.” Sehun led Luhan to the edge and sat down.

                Luhan carefully placed himself next to Sehun, somewhat scared of slipping and falling. “You come up here.”

                “That’s true, but in the two years I’ve lived here no one has come up. Only me. It’s open to anyone who lives here. But they all chose not to bother. But I like it that way. Gives me a quiet place to think.” Sehun let his eyes wander through the many people walking on the side walk. His gaze led him over to Luhan, who’s eyes were glued to the assault right below them.

                “Don’t worry Luhan I won’t let you fall.” Sehun smiled and put his arm around the other’s shoulders.

                Luhan smiled and leaned closer, eyes finally looking ahead in the direction of the park. “Sehun, is it really as pretty as you keep telling me?”

                “Of course it is. You can see it just as easily as I can.”  Sehun looked at Luhan with a weird look.

                “Describe it to me.”

                “But why?” Sehun was confused but Luhan’s request.

                “Just do it, please.” Luhan had closed his eyes, and leaned in even closer.

                “Well, almost all the buildings are a shade of grey. Ash grey and light grey are the most common. The buildings just beyond the park are the tallest and stand out easily. All the buildings are close to one another, to make enough room for each other. If we had a sky view it’d probably make a circle.”

                “Really now?” Luhan still had his eyes closed but a smile on his lips.

                “Luhan, you could have told me all that. You have the same view point I do. You see the same things I do.”

                Luhan laughed, “You want to know a secret Sehun?”

                Sehun looked at Luhan a bit confused and answered unsurely, “Sure.”

                “I can’t see anything. I’m blind.”


Managed to write all of this in one morning and it didn’t turn to crap, I'm proud. I’m sure this wasn’t what you were expecting was it? I don’t know why but I’ve always wanted to write a story like this, and hunhan just fits the idea perfectly. My other pairings weren’t obvious at all huh? But yes this will be interesting to write so wish me luck. If you liked it please feel free to subscribe and comment!

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Chapter 1: OMG! This is going to be super interesting!^^ Update soon~ :D can't wait^^ keep up the awesome work! Fighting Authornim^^
flamefishy #2
that why the story title "if only you could see" hummppffzz .. poor baby lulu .. hope he can see the world .. sad to hear lulu is blind ..
This is interesting . Please update soon , author-sshi ! ^^
And and , I ship the same pairing as you too . Kekeke . You know, BaekYeol , KaiSoo xD
This is great! Update soon~
omg! didn't see this coming!! >.<
oohluhan #6
update? >_<
omg im gonna cry just because lulu said that he is blind n can not see anything ;A; please next chapter
Update soon :D