Kiss in the Rain

I'm sorry but I love you


            “Yoobin! Yoobin! Yoobin!”  The crowd roared as the announcer stood on the stage without saying a word.

            “Will it be the undefeatable T.O.P or will it be another?”  The announcer kept asking the crowd.

            Seunghyun just kept staring at Yoobin without blinking.  The thought of this beautiful woman as a rapper had never popped into his head and it made him confused and dazed.  Sohee saw the boy’s look and gestured to Jiyong to see his friend.  They both smiled.

            Sohee looked at her oldest friend and cheered with the rest of the crowd.  It was exciting to see one of her friends in a rap competition.  Yoobin always talked about rapping but she had never been in any kind of competition.  Sometimes Sohee would hear Yoobin rap to song on the radio or while listening to her MP3.  This took it to the next level.

            “The winner of today’s competition is…”  The announcer paused once again.  “Kim-Yoo-Bin!”

            Sohee couldn’t believe that Yoobin had won.  In fact, Yoobin herself seemed surprised at this outcome.  Sohee jumped up and down like crazy and ran to the stage while the other friends followed.  As soon as she got on stage she made her way through the other contestants.  Their disappointed faces from losing were evident but they also seemed exited that Yoobin had won.  Yoobin was smiling and bowing when Sohee saw Seunghyun walk towards Yoobin and hug her.  He then lifted her and spun her before putting her back on her feet.

* * * *

            It’s been three weeks since Sohee and Jiyong have been dating.  Sunmi and Seungri are still dating and happy. Seunghyun keeps asking Yoobin out but she keeps rejecting him over and over again.  Not because she doesn’t like him, but she wants to play hard to get.  Seunghyun acts cute for her and even does some aegyo.

            Today Sohee needs to get ready to go to the gym with Hyuna again.  This time Sunmi will accompany them.  The three girls are the same age and love to hang out together whenever they can. 

            Sohee tied her hair up into a ponytail.  She looked over at her best friend next to her.  Sunmi was tying her hair as well.  The two girls grabbed their belongings and walked out the door.  Sunmi locked the door behind them and they walked down the hall.

            “Are you guys going to work out?”  Sohee turned to her left and saw the door open to Yeeun and Sunye’s room.   The two girls were eating while watching television.

            “I feel like I gained some weight unni, I need to work out.”  Sunmi answered.

            “That’s crazy Mimi, you’re skinny.  Maybe I should work out.”  Yeeun replied.  “But right now I’m watching this awesome movie on TV, it’s so good.”

            “Ok unni, but we have to go.  Hyuna is waiting for us at the gym already.”

            The girls said good bye and left.  When the roommates entered the gym, an extra person was there waiting.  Sohee didn’t know he would be there but she smiled at him.  Although he always tried to hit on her, Sohee liked to hang out with him.

            “Heechul, annyeong haseyo.”

            “Hello there beautiful.”

            Sohee was madly in love with Jiyong but she always blushed when Heechul complemented her.  Hyuna put on some music and they all started to stretch out their muscles.  They concentrated in stretching their legs.  Hyuna showed off her perfect leg split while Heechul applaud like a happy fan.

            “Do you guys want to learn the dance to Single Ladies by Beyonce?”  Sunmi got up and put the song on.  “I learned it on YouTube the other day and I can teach you.” 

            She seemed very excited to dance to this song.

            “That’s not fair you guys, I’m the only one who’s single.”  Hyuna complained.

            “Don’t feel bad Hyuna, I’m single too.”  Heechul added.

            Hyuna walked up to him very seductively.  “You know, we don’t have to be single if you ask me out.” 

            “Your y voice might be right…”  Heechul caressed her face.  “But no.”  Heechul laughed knowing that teasing her always made Hyuna mad.

            “Oppa don’t reject me like that.”  She playfully hit his arm and laughed along.

            For the next hour and a half Sunmi taught them the dance until they all perfected it.  After they got tired of that song, they started to just mess around in the dance room.  They put on some rock and roll and they started to dance crazy.  They jumped around and shook their heads in circles, making their hair flip in circles.  Heechul air played an invisible guitar and sang along to the song.

            Hyuna decided she was going back home while Sunmi wanted to hang out with Seungri before it got too late.  Jiyong was studying with friends for a big test so Sohee didn’t want to bother him.  She decided to go take a shower and probably go to bed early or watch something on the television.

            “Bye Hyuna.”  Sohee hugged her friend and started walking in the direction of her dorm with Sunmi.

            “I don’t get a hug?”  Heechul stood there waiting for Sohee to hug him.

            “I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to hug you.” 

            “Aww... ok.”  He made a sad face and stuck out his bottom lip.  “Well, do you want to hang out with me tonight?  I don’t have any plans and I don’t want to be bored in my dorm.”

              Sohee taught about it for a bit but decided to say yes.  Since Jiyong was busy, and Sunmi wasn’t going to be at the dorm, she didn’t want to get bored either.

            “Ok we can hang out but let me take a shower first and then I’ll meet you.”

            “Perfect.  I have to take a shower too.  Meet me in half an hour?”

            Sohee agreed and the girls walked to their building.  They entered their dorm and got undressed.  Sohee grabbed her pink polka dotted bathrobe and headed to the community showers down the hall. Sunmi followed behind her.  Nobody was taking a shower so the two girls had the entire shower area for themselves.  Sohee turned the knob to get the water to the right temperature.  She let the warm water we her hair before adding some shampoo.

            “Don’t you feel awkward when Heechul hits on you?  I mean he does it all the time.”

            “Well I didn’t like it at first but I’m kind of used to it now.”

            “You think Jiyong will get mad if you hang out with Heechul.”

            Sohee rinsed the shampoo off and lathered her body with soap.  She thought about what Sunmi asked her.

            “I don’t think so… I’m not doing anything wrong.  Heechul’s just my friend.”

            “Yeah, a friend who likes you.”

            “Don’t worry; he doesn’t try anything on me.”

            After the shower, both girls got dressed.  It was late autumn and the weather was getting colder.  Sohee grabbed a sweater to keep warm.  Sunmi met up with Seungri while Sohee left to meet up with Heechul.  He had also showered and smelled very nicely.  It was getting late so they decided to stay on campus and hang out at the park.  They walked side by side down the big hill on the east side of the school.

            A car passed by and blew a gust of icy cold wind onto them.  Sohee shivered, wishing she would have gotten a bigger sweater or a thick jacket. 

            “Are you cold?”  Heechul asked when he noticed her shivering.

            “Just a bit but I’m ok.”

            Heechul took off his jacket and wrapped it around her.  She tried to refuse but he insisted.  They walked for a few more minutes and finally reached the park.  Sohee climbed onto a big rock and named herself the queen of all rocks.

            “You’re so short from way up here Heechul.”  In reality, the rock just made her about the same height as Heechul.

            “What are you talking about Sohee?  Even that big rock cannot make you taller than me.”

            Sohee jumped off the rock and ran to another rock nearby.  This other rock was a bit bigger than the one before.  She climbed on top of it and called Heechul over to measure themselves to see who was bigger.  Heechul laughed at her for insisting on being taller.

            “Heechul-shi, who’s taller now?”  Sohee used her hand to measure their height difference.  She was now taller than he was.

            “I guess you are the queen of all rocks.”  Heechul smiled and got really close to her.  “You are also the queen of my heart.”

            Sohee pushed him away and stepped down from the rock.  She ran towards the large field in the middle of the park.  She looked up to see the stars but darks clouds covered the night sky.  Heechul walked towards her with a smile on his face.  Sohee spread her arms out and started to spin.

            “You look really cute spinning around like that.”

            Sohee ignored what Heechul said and continued to spin.

            “I bet I can spin longer than you and not get dizzy.”

            “Are you sure?”  Heechul then started to spin next to her.

            Both of them spun around like small kids.  They laughed and laughed until Sohee started to get dizzy.  She was having fun but when she tried to stop, she couldn’t.  She kept wobbling around until she fell on her back.


            “Oww…”  She said while still laughing.

            Heechul stopped and wobbled around for a bit until he too fell on his back and landed next to Sohee.  Sohee tried to get up too quickly and she felt that everything was spinning.  Heechul grabbed her hand and pulled her back down.

            “I guess you lost Sohee.”

            “No wait, I can still go.”

            She tried to get up again but Heechul was still holding onto her so she gave up.

            “Fine, I lost.  I admit defeat.” 

            Heechul leaned in and whispered into her ear.  “Can I call this a date?”  Sohee moved her head away from him.  She seemed confused as to why Heechul would want to call this a date.

            “Heechul, I have a boyfriend.  This is definitely not a date.”

            “When are you going to break up with him?  I’m more mature and I have more money than him.”

            The idea that she would break up with Jiyong to date Heechul had never crossed her mind.  The thought of who had more money than the other never popped into her head either.

            “I’m going to tell you this for the one hundredth time, and the last time.  I’m in love with Jiyong and I see you as just a friend.  OK?”  She got up not caring about how dizzy she would get and started to walk away.

            “Sohee wait, don’t get mad.” 

            A few drops of water landed on top of Sohee’s head.  The dark clouds over them were getting ready to pour rain on them.  Heechul caught up to her and walked next to her.

            “At least let me walk you back to your dorm.”

            “Ok, fine.  But don’t start hitting on me anymore.”

            Heechul agreed and the both of them kept walking.  Rain soon started pouring down on them getting them both wet.  Heechul’s jacket was covering most of Sohee’s body letting only her head and hair get wet.  Heechul on the other hand was soon drenched in rain.  Sohee wanted to give the jacket back to him but he refused.  He said that it was better for her to have it than him.

            “You know what I’ve always wanted to do during the rain?”

            “No, what?”

            “Have you ever kissed someone in the rain?  I’ve always wanted to try something romantic like that.”  Heechul stopped her and before Sohee could react, he leaned in and kissed her on her lips.  It lasted a few seconds before Sohee could react and push him away.

            “Heechul!  What the hell!”  Sohee was now mad.  She couldn’t believe that he had kissed her.  He knew that she had a boyfriend. 

            “I’m sorry.  I just couldn’t help it.”

            Sohee didn’t know what to do.  She was angry and upset, but most of all she was worried.  How would she tell Jiyong that this guy kissed her on the lips?  She walked away from Heechul and when he followed her, she ran.  She kept asking her to stop but she wouldn’t. 

            “Sohee listen to me.” He grabbed her wrist and stopped her from running up the big hill. 

            “I don’t want to listen to you.  You promised to stop hitting on me and what do you do?  You kiss me!”  She tried to pull herself away from him but his grip on her wrist was strong.  It almost hurt her.

            “Fine, then.”  Heechul seemed very mad but kept the anger inside him.

            Is he mad at me?  I’m the one who should be mad, not him.  Thoughts came into Sohee’s head.  She took off his jacket and handed it to him.  Then she continued to run up the giant hill towards her dorm building.  Heechul was no longer following her.  By the time she reached her building, she was drenched.  Every inch of her body was wet.  Her shoes were flooded and her toes were cold and wet. 

            She walked into the elevator and pushed the number two button.  She looked at her hand and saw the couple ring.  She took off the ring and kissed it and whispered the word sorry.  The elevator doors opened and she walked out.  She made a sharp turn to the left and walked down the hall very slowly.  The door to Yoobin’s room was opened.  All her friends, with the exception of Sunmi, were there.  They spotted Sohee walking and dripping wet.

            “Sohee?  Omg you’re soaked!  What happened?”  Sunye ran out the room and met up with the youngest member of the group. 

            “I’m ok, I just got wet from the rain.”

            “It’s raining?”  Yoobin asked while walking towards the window to look outside.

            “You need to change out of those clothes before you get sick.”  The girls took Sohee towards her own room to change out of her clothes.  The undressed her and but clean warm clothes on her.  The older girls used a blow dryer to dry her hair.  Yoobin made her some tea as well.

            “Where were you?”

            Sohee didn’t know if she should tell her friends about what happened.  Would they judge her for hanging out with a guy who has feeling for her and then kissed her?  She wasn’t ready to talk about what had happened.

            “Actually something happened but I don’t really want to talk about it now.”

            The girls looked at each other in confusion. 

            “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s ok.  Just know that your unnis are always here to hear you. When you are ready to talk about it, we’ll hear you.”  Sunye told her.

            “I will, I promise.”

            Sohee told her friends that she was tired and wanted to go to sleep.  The hugged her and kissed her cheek then left the room.  The lights were off and the only sound that could be heard was her breathing, and the rain outside.

            Bzzt Bzzt.  She got a phone call… from Jiyong.



Note from the author

Hey beautiful people!  Sorry Sorry Sorry from the deapth of my heart.  Really sorry for not updating in like a month or so.  This Biology class that I have is taking all my time.  It's crazy!  I mean I like it because it's about plants, and my major is Environmental Science, but god dang it gets difficult.  I've been wanting to update this story for so freaken long and I couldn't.  But you know what you guys, today I didn't even finish my homework to update this chapter.  It's 11pm here in California and I don't know if I should go back to my homework... or go to sleep already.  IDK but atleast this is updated.  I'll work harder nest time and make some time to update this, and my BANGHIM fanfic.  I love you guys for sticking around and waiting patiently. Well Have a good night, morning, or afternoon, depending of where you live. 

Untill next time ^_^

I'm heading to bed....

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[Sorry But I Love You] just has been updated! New chapter to read!


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Chapter 20: Yay! You updated!! :) Hope there will be more HeeDragon moments in the next chapter! :D
Hello! I opened up a new graphic shop and I'm not really getting new customers so could I make you a poster? I promise that it's 100% free as long as you could possibly subscribe & upvote. I read your story, so I think I know what kind of a poster you might want :)
Hello! I opened up a new graphic shop and I'm not really getting new customers so could I make you a poster? I promise that it's 100% free as long as you could possibly subscribe & upvote. I read your story, so I think I know what kind of a poster you might want :)
AhnSoFics #4
Chapter 18: thank you for updating. :)
AhnSoFics #5
Chapter 4: Goshhhhh my two ultimate biases are Sohee and Yonghwa. I got total shocked when you made Sohee had a crush on Yonghwa. My feelssssssss...! This is epic! And i already finished reading this. Hope youll update soon! ;))
Chapter 17: I have a feeling it's a tie!
sleeping-angel #7
i bet yubin and top tied
Chapter 17: that was so cute during the rap competition. :)
Update soon! XD
Chapter 16: I'm so glad you updated! Heechul seemed like a really nice guy. Curious about how Lim and Heechul are related. Can't wait for HeeDragon's date!
Chapter 16: OMG. Sunmi's gonna leave? TT-TT Ahhh. Anyway, I'm thinking what's with Heechul and Lim. Hihi. Sohee- Jiyong's angel. Update soon! <333