Sharing Is Caring

Sharing Is Caring


I hate crowded restaurants.
In a sense it is a good thing that many people come to a place to eat, it means the food is good, but it also means there is never an open seat.
My eyes scanned over the full dimly lit place...Thai food was my absolute favorite and Joya's Restaurant always did it the best.
My eyes found a small little table, a two seater in the corner, recently vacated. I started my walk over to the table finally happy that I can eat. Waiting for 15 minutes on my feet is never a pleasant thing for me.
Just as I was within grabbing distance of the table, I felt a wind blow past me and a blur of blondish hair sat at the table I had my sights set on. 
Stopping dead in my tracks I clenched my fist feeling like punching him in the back of his head, and then running away...instead I marched up to the table and stared at the guy who was peering over the menu with a look of satisfaction on his face.
"Excuse me," I grounded out, "Did you not see me heading for this table?"
He looked up at me with big doe eyes and his mouth hanging open slightly he looked absolutely innocent, until he closed his mouth and looked me up and down while murmuring something in a language I did not understand.
"English!" I said impatiently. He gave me an indignant stare before repeating himself, he did say one thing I understood though.
"Chinese," he spoke looking back at his menu.
"Ugh! You are rude! I don't care if you don't understand me! This is my table!" Ok, I know I was being childish and rude to the guy, but he was just as rude to me! He didn't hardly acknowledge me before he went back to his menu, as if saying he was Chinese was enough to get away with what he did.
This is a Thai restaurant, neither one of us is Thai, which means this is an even playing ground!
"Table for two!" I called out to a waiter that was passing so he could bring me a menu as I haughtily took the seat across from the Chinese blonde.
"Why it is fancy meeting you here dear," I smiled out as the waiter eyed our strange behavior. The blonde across from me just smiled as if he was approving my move to sit at his table, oh excuse me, my table.
I quickly ordered the Pad Thai and watched as the blonde pointed at what he wanted, he really couldn't speak English...
When the waiter left us, he looked at me and mouth something I couldn't understand. He pointed at himself and said something that sounded like 'Luhan' before he pointed at me.
I guess he was asking my name?
"Ni Hao Terri," I said making the most of the Chinese I knew from watching 'Ni Hao Kailin' with my little cousins.
He immediately started to laugh and clap his hands until his face turned red.
I smiled slightly before feeling a little conscience about my pronunciation of what I just said.
"You better not be teasing me," I mumbled.
"VerE goodt," he said in a heavy accent of English pronouncing the Y as a hard E and putting the T sound on the end of good. I snickered myself wondering if I sounded like that in his language.
I stared slightly when I finished laughing. This guy was really good looking. Cute but handsome at the same time. He is slightly mean though.
"You are mean," I told him slowly. He pointed to himself and mouthed the word 'mean' before furrowing his eyebrows as if he disagreed with me.
So he knows what mean is?
"Yes you are," I said again.
"No, not mean," he said. "Nice, very nice."
"You steal," I pointed at the table so he could get my point.
"No, open," he said opening his hands in a gesture so I could understand him.
"No, not open, you steal, my table," I explained.
He pouted his lips and shook his head about to say something, until a hot plate of food was placed in front of him. I looked down at my own plate and said a quick prayer before looking over at Luhan who was tasting his food. It looked like his first time trying whatever it is he ordered.
"Luhan," I tried his name on my tongue. His head shot up as he looked at me and smile slightly. I unconsciously smiled myself because of his very adorable face. "Is this your first time trying that?" he made a confused face at me as he tilted his head to the side like a lost puppy.
"First time?" I said hoping he would understand. It didn't seem like he did. "Food, good?" I asked instead.
"Umm, yes," he smiled. He took some food in his chopsticks and reached across the table gesturing for me to take a bite. I laughed a little uncomfortably at this cute stranger trying to feed me.
Quickly I put my hands up and shook my head 'No'. He got the hint and retreated his chopsticks, but then he reached across and grabbed my fork, swirled some of his food around on it and reach across the table to feed me again with my own utensil.
I made a face at his stubbornness, I am sure he understands that I didn't want him to feed me, but instead he decides try another approach.
Smiling at my loss, I opened my mouth slightly as he put the fork between my lips. I pulled away and chewed the food as he mimicked me and chewed his own food, eagerly awaiting my reaction.
I thought it taste well, but not as good as my Pad Thai, so I gestured for him to take a bite from my plate. He grabbed at some of my food with his chopsticks and chewed it. Instantly his eyes lit up as he his lips.
"Umm GOODt!" he said with both thumbs up.
I smiled at him, "I know," I said.
I watched him look down at his plate and then look at mine fawningly. I laughed at his obvious desire to have more of my food. I pushed my plate in the middle of the table and gestured for him to have more.
"Share," I said as he looked up at me and smile gratefully. 
We both dug into our now shared plate much like our shared table.
"One," Luhan said looking up at me and waving for a waiter.
Once our waiter arrived Luhan took a menu and pointed to a fruity looking beverage. He gestured at his cup of water on the table and said 'One' to the waiter and then pointed to his straw and said 'two'.
"One Fruit slush and two straws?" the waiter asked.
Luhan shook his head agreeing with the waiter before he turned and left. I didn't really catch what happened except Luhan wanted a fruity beverage and two straws to drink it with.
I looked down at our almost finished plate and then up at Luhan suddenly wondering why he was alone in such a big city. He looked back at me with big questioning eyes himself.
"Alone? Why?" he asked exactly what I was thinking about him.
"Work end today, I eat here every Friday, after work ends," I explained. He made an 'Oh' face before smiling and looking down.
"Why are you alone?" I asked him.
He looked up again and pointed to the food, "I try food," he said causing me to make the same 'Oh' face. The waiter came back with a fancy shaped glass of the Fruity looking drink with two straws sticking out of it.
Luhan looked up and smiled at him, "Thank You," he said. The waiter smiled back and left from our table. Luhan looked at me and pointed to the straw facing me "Share," he said with a smile before leaning up and sipping from his own straw.
I felt my poor cheeks heat up as I looked down, allowing my curly hair to fall around my heated face, covering up the obvious blush.
It's a sin being so light skinned sometimes. 
I am thankful that this restaurant has dim lights or Luhan would see my embarrassment.
"Awww 你很可爱(nǐ hěn kě ài) !" Luhan squealed suddenly. I looked up at him wondering what in the world he just said. He smiled a bright smile, so I am guessing, whatever he said was a good thing. I reached for the straw and took a sip keeping my eyes focused downward because of his close face sipping from his own straw.
The sweetness of the drink attacked my taste bugs as I leaned back and let him have the rest of the drink. I smiled watching him drinking down the rest of the beverage, once he was finished he pulled out his wallet and put some money on the table then looked up at me.
I put down the same amount as him to pay for our shared plate and his uneaten one.
We stood at the same time and exited the restaurant. It was evening time and the sun was setting, I looked over to Luhan who was texting someone on his phone.
Once he was done he looked over to me and met my eyes, he was a nice height over me, especially since I am a tall girl myself.
I smiled at him, "It was nice meeting you Luhan," I said preparing to leave.
"Terri," he said with a slight accent making me giggle at how cute he sounded, "Walk?" he said gesturing me to go with him.
"You want me to walk with you? Where?" I asked.
"City," he smiled out, "Walk in city with me."
"You have nothing else to do? Busy?" Why did he want me to tag along?
"Yes busy, but time I share with Terri," he said walking closer to me and reaching for my hand.
I felt slightly nervous at his sudden approach, but I honestly wanted to go with him, I did enjoy my time being with him, even though he stole my table that became our table, he stole my plate that became our plate, he brought us a drink to share, and now he wants to walk around with me...I smiled at the sudden thought of it all feeling my face heat up.
"你很可爱(nǐ hěn kě ài)" he said. It sounded like the same thing he said in the restaurant. I looked up at him and tightened my grip around his slender fingers.
"Sure I will go with you, after all sharing is caring," I smiled to him. 
I don't think he really understood what I said besides knowing that I would walk with him.
All I can say is that I just made a friend that I didn't know would eventually turn into much much more.
Sharing really is caring.


A/N: 你很可爱(nǐ hěn kě ài)  means "You are cute"

Whew that was Hard!!! My Luhan Feels barely exist but my friend wanted a Luhan oneshot and here it is! I do hope you guys enjoyed this Lots!!! I actually liked it, even though it is Luhan...Whelp, Kai is next...and might I add a different kind of Kai, the one that exist but is hidden by the always y Kai. Check out my other Oneshots: Lay 'Does That Answer Your Question' and its Parts 1-6, and Tao 'Eating Well'
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Chapter 1: you're WAYYY CUTER luhan!! i really could imagine luhan and his broken english lol it's different from the usual emotional fic you write and i was surprised you could write something as sweet as this lol i like it anyway~
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwww :3
key_to_me #3
Chapter 1: This was so cool :D I like these stories :D such a cool author! :D
mirae5 #4
Chapter 1: its so cute!! the engrish<3 hahaha
Onepenny #5
Chapter 1: Cute story. And everyone's dream right?! I'd choke if I was sitting opposite him!
didzzz #6
I can totally imagine lu han here. I mean, being his cute, adorable self and being the warm guy he is despite the language barrier.
You've done a good job portraying the character scenes, author-nim!
Chapter 1: OMG he was soo cute but I don't think I'd be able to share food with him I'd get too nervous and just eat the food all by myself lol
Chapter 1: i loved it!! if any of us would met any of our idols it would be like that...many of them aren't good with english! really cute story ^^ <3