
A Whole New World
"So what is this like? I'm not really used to…movies," I struggled to remember the word.

"It's about ghosts. The spirits of dead people, they're meant to be evil but most people don't even believe that they exist," Lay explained. I nodded. "This movie is supposed to be quite scary so you might want to hide behind a cushion," he teased. I stuck my tongue out at him as he turned to switch the channel.


The film was scary. Very scary. I didn't want to show it but I was quite frightened by it and I hid behind the cushion. Suddenly, a ghoulish face appeared in the window if the car, accompanied with a loud, shrill note of music. I yelped in fear and buried my face into the cushion. I looked up only to be confronted with the same ghoulish face, larger this time. "…L-Lay?" I squeaked.


"Can you come…s-sit with me?" I whispered. A smirk spread across Lay's lips and he came over, plonking down on the sofa next to me. "N'aww, is it too scary for you?" he teased. I pouted as there was another eruption of screaming from the tv. I exclaimed in horror and grabbed Lay's arm as I hid in the cushion. "You keep doing that," he said.


"It's ok," he chuckled and turned back to the screen. The film got scarier as it went on and I squeezed my eyes tight shut behind the cushion. "How is this not scaring you?" I asked, my voice muffled by the cushion.

"It's not real so it doesn't really bother me," he replied. I looked up at him.and he smirked. Suddenly, a horrific noise bared out of the screen and I screamed, hunching forward with my hands over my ears. I hit my head on Lay's chest and he let out a small, shocked noise. I didn't notice because I was still terrified and breathing heavily. "If it's too scary I'll switch it off," he said. I shook my head, still leaning on him. He chuckled and patted my back. "You don't have to be all brave," he said. I looked up and smiled sheepishly, crawling back to my side of the sofa.


The film eventually finished and Lay changed the channel. "Something lighter so you don't have nightmares," he quipped. "Do you want some hot chocolate?"

"Hmm...okay," I replied.

"And you'll be alright if I leave you for a minute?" said Lay. I nodded as he stood up. Lay smiled and patted my head before leaving. I sighed and looked back at the screen, not understanding anything. I wondered how long it would take before I felt at home on this planet...




The next morning was bright and crisp, and a thin layer of frost covering everything. I blinked sleepily as I shuffled down the hallway into the kitchen. "Good morning!" Lay said brightly, stirring a cup of coffee by the window. "Morning," I replied sleepily.

"No nightmares?" he asked. I shook my head. "Good good. We're going to see the Oracle today, she'll help to make things clearer."

"The Oracle?"

"Yes, just like the Oracle we have back on Auroura. She is the fifth daughter of the supreme Oracle. I've spoken to her many times and she is very wise." Lay finished his sentence with a smile and handed me a cup of coffee. I smiled and sat down with the drink. It was the perfect cup - creamy and warming. "We can leave in half an hour if you will be ready?" he suggested. I nodded and he grinned. I drained my cup and headed upstairs to change.


I was apprehensive about visiting the Oracle but I knew it would be a great help to me if I was able to have some kind of contact with Auroura again. I looked out of the window at the sprawl below me and it struck me for the first time how different Earth was from Auroura. I sighed and turned away. The more I thought about it, the more I realised just what being on Earth would mean for my future. I needed to see the Oracle as soon as possible. "Lay?" I called down the stairs.


"Can we go now?" I called. Lay appeared at my door. "I want to meet the Oracle as soon as possible...I just need to see something familiar. I...m-miss home," I stuttered, feeling tears behind my eyes. "I'm sorry..I want to go home," the tears escaped and I looked at the floor, feeling embarrassed to cry in front of Lay. "I know'" he said softly, placing his hands on my shoulders. "I wish it was as simple as just going home, I really do," he said, " but let's go and see the Oracle, she'll make everything clearer." I looked up and smiled, wiping my tears off my cheeks.

"I hope she will."

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I'm still writing this, don't lose faith!


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Ooh interesting plot, can't wait to read more! :3