Magical Bunnies


The sun shined on you when the morning came. You woke up to something hard but warm next to you. You can feel something around your waist and hot breathe on your forehead. *Why is it hard? It's supposed to be soft..* Your eyes fluttered open and squinted to see what it is. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up slouching, still not processing what's beside you. And then...


"WHO ARE YOU?!?!" You screamed in shock when you saw a weird man on your bed. The man winced in pain while having his hand on his back, "Oww..." You don't know what to do, whether you should help him up or run out for help. *Where is the bunny?! Didn't I lock the door last night?!* I sighed in frustration. "Damn! My transformation power is running low." The man muttered deeply and yet softly but you could hear it.

You thought the man was crazy with those type of clothings on. You immediately grabbed your phone, about to ring the police when the man spoke up, "Ace! Wait, let me explain. I'm the-" "Explain what? What Ace? I`m not Ace." You cut him off. The man looked buffled. You narrowed your eyes while scanning him, your eyes softened at his blonde hair with red highlights. He was about to explain when you shouted, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW. NOW! NOW!"

The man was shocked, *This isn`t Ace.. I've expected this. Must well pack and leave than having to be arrested and not see her again. I better wake the boys up.* "Mianhae if I've shocked and angered you. But I've to explain to you, alright? So can you change and come down? We  have lots of things to say. So, please. Listen to us. Please, Ace." "For the ing second time, I am NOT Ace. I AM Chan Mi. Lee Chan Mi." You emphasized, *There must be a reason behind this man being in my room. Might as well let him explain. He looked cute in his bed head though..*

"And yes, I've a reason for coming here. You're the Ace. Our Ace. I am Yong Guk. Bang Yong Guk. Pleasant to meet you, Ace."

"What do you mean by 'our'? You mean that there's more guys?! no. And how did you know what I was thinking? Anyway, annyeong. Chonun Chan Mi imnida." You held out your hand for a handshake. Yong Guk raised an eyebrow, *What's she doing?*

"Hello? A handshake." You waved your hand in his face. "Handshake? What's that?" He asked. You broke into laughter, "HAHA You don't know what's a handshake? You must be kidding! I mean you're not a alien or anything." Your laughter stopped when you saw no hints of joking on his face.

Silence engulfed the room. "Wait, don't tell me you're..That isn't possible!" I gasped. "Nothing's impossible, Ace. Now get changed and come down. I`ll be going." Yong Guk smirked and went out of the room.

"What the did I just heard." You said to yourself. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MUST BE HALLUCINATING." You screamed out of your lungs and messed up your hair. Yong Guk heard it and laughed to himself. Although you can't accept the fact, you chilled yourself down and changed out of your night clothes.

<- your outfit.

You poked your head out of the door just to make sure no one's outisde with a gun in their hands. You heaved a sigh of relief when you saw no one. But the same man in the living room with other 5 bunnies. "AWW BUNNIES." You ran up to the bunnies and hugged them, ignoring Yong Guk who's jaws are wide opened. "What? I find bunnies cute." You rolled your eyeballs and continued, "Now. explain." Yong Guk nodded and come closer to you.

"Don't come near me!" You shrieked. Instead of hurting you, Yong guk picked up one of the bunnies that had pink highlights and whispered something into its ears. The bunny then hopped to the ground and instantly turned into a male human that has blonde hair with pink highlights and was wearing similiar clothes as Yong Guk.

Your eyes widened, jaws dropped, "What. The. . Just. Happened." You managed to blurt out. "Yong Guk-ah, I like her already." The male human pointed at you while smiling to Yong Guk. Yong Guk smirked and said, "I know. She's cute, right?" "Totally my type!" The male smiled brightly. You did a mini rolling of eyes. He turned to you and introduced himself, "Hello, Ace. I`m Him Chan. Kim Him Chan. I like you." Kim Chan then hugged you.

You stiffened at his touch. No one had hugged you except for Jin Young. But this felt different from the hugs Jin Young gave you. It felt.. warmer.

Him Chan let go of you and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, Ace. He can be quite intimate to females sometimes. Especially to the ones he likes alot. So, yeah.. be careful of him." Yong Guk warned and pulled you behind him. Him Chan made face. "Erm.. o-okay.."

Silence engulfed the room. The 3 of you were standing awkwardly eying each other. You tucked your hands in your pockets of the jeans and said, "Erm. So, the rest of the 4 bunnies can transform too? Please say no. Or else, I`ll really freak out."  "Oh yes, they can. Just watch." Him Chan grinned. You turned pale.

Yong Guk smirked and said, "Zelo, JongUp, DaeHyun and YongJae, you can transform now."

The next moment you blink, there are 6 humans wearing similar clothes. They all had blonde hairs with different highlights. Red, pink, yellow, green, blue and black.

(only the outer wear!)

All of them gathered around you, except the one with black highlights. "ACE!!! I finally meet you!!" The one with blue higlights said excitedly. *He looks like the youngest.* You thought. "Annyeonghaseyo, Ace. I`m Choi Jun Hong. I only allow my closest friends to call me Zelo. You're allowed to call me Zelo~ And, yes. I`m the youngest." Zelo smiled. You blinked.

"Hello, Ace. I`m Jong Up. Moon Jong Up. It's nice meeting you." The one with green highlights spoke.

"Annyeonghaseyo! YongJae imnida." The one with yellow highlights bowed. "Ah, annyeonghaseyo!" You quickly bowed back as you felt that you need to. "For the last time, I`m not Ace. I'm Chan Mi. Lee Chan Mi." "We'll still address you as Ace though." Yong Guk said. You face-palmed yourself hard at their stubborness. "Ace! Why would you hit yourself?!" Him Chan gasped.

You ignored him. "If you're wondering, that's DaeHyun. Jung DaeHyun. He's shy at first but if you become close to him, like us, he'll open up to you more." Yong Guk said, pointing at the one with black highlights. *Pfft. As if they're gonna be staying with me and be my friends. Why would I even care?* You thought as you took a glance at Dae Hyun.

For a moment, you find him different from the others. Dae Hyun was standing far away, he's wearing a mask and he's emotionless. "Why is he wearing a mask?" You pointed at DaeHyun with your index finger. "Ace! How could you point the finger! It's illegal, don't you know?" Yong Jae pushed your finger back to your side. "Yong Jae hyung. We're on Earth. Not Mato." JongUp reminded him. "Oh yeah.. I forgot." At the side of your eye, you saw Him Chan rolling his eyes.

"We don't know why DaeHyun hyung always wears a mask. He never tell us. Not mentioning hinting too. It made us worried sometimes." Zelo spoke with his head down. It's like as if it's their fault that DaeHyun doesn't trust them. You shifted your gaze to DaeHyun. This time, he's looking striaght into your eyes. It's full of sorrows, pain and sadnesss. You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to read his mind. His eyes widened and looked away. You shrugged and turned back to the 5 men.

"Let's get to the point, shall we? First, you guys are bunnies. And then, you transformed to humans. So.. I`m talking to bunnies?!" You shouted at the sudden realization. "We are not bunnies."

"Yes, you are."

"No, we're not."

"Yes yes yes!!"

"No no no no no! We are not bunnies!"

"Well, maybe we are bunnies. Handsome bunnies." Him Chan tossed his hair. Yong Guk smacked the back of his head. Him Chan winced in pain, "OW!"

"Oh god. So I`m talking to bunnies right now?!" You exclaimed. The atmosphere has tensed up.

"Yes.. I mean no. You're talking to humans now." Yong Jae tried to lighten the mood. "Humans that wear like this? Really?" You raised an eyebrow. "Not helping, hyung!" JongUp elbowed Yong Jae.

"Listen, Ace. You have to help us okay? We are in trouble getting back to our homeland and our head, T.S had appointed you, The Ace, to guide us, help us. So, please, Ace-" "Stop calling me Ace for god's sake! I`m Chan Mi. Chan Mi. CHAN MI. How many times do I have to say this? Look, I don't get the whole Ace thing, but now i`m sure that I'm getting all of you out of my house!"

"Ace..." Zelo looked at you with his watery eyes. It seemed like he's could cry any time. "OUT. NOW." You pointed to the door and then crossed your arms. JongUp was about to voice out something but Yong Guk stopped him, "Okay, Ace.. I mean Chan Mi. Sorry for the trouble caused. We'll leave at this instant. Come on Zelo, don't be sad. DaeHyun, get your over to the door. Bye Chan Mi." "Hyung, are you insane?! We need her help! We can't just leave like that." Yong Jae pointed out.

"I only said we'll leave this house. I never did not say that we're leaving the area of this estate. WE ARE STAYING OUTSIDE THE HOUSE." Yong Guk said the last part a little too loud. 

"Are you serious?!" Your arms flung up to the air in disbelief. "100% serious." Yong Guk winked. "Whatever. Do what you want. I`m not gonna care anyways." You shrugged. "Oh, really? We'll see about that." He challenged as he stepped out of the door with JongUp and YongJae waving to you. DaeHyun looked at you once more and left. HimChan hugged you and left too. Oh man, I somehow like his hugs. Zelo brightened up as he heard the conversation, "Bye, Ace!! I mean Chan Mi. Ahem.. See you later ~" He was the last to step out of the house.

The door shut close.

Your fingers ran through your hair, "If Yong Guk is the bunny I've adopted, doesn't that mean.. He heard what I've said yesterday morning?!"

Even you're in the house, yu could hear the noises and conversations outside the house, "Ugh. This is so frustrating."




Chapter 5 asdfghjkl!

I'm in love with B.A.P's Unbreakable <3

I`m unbreakable~~~~~~~~~~


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It gives me motivations <3


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Chapter 18: Random but I think she's cutest with gukkie xD
Chapter 16: HAHAHAHAHAHHA Jonguppie said he wanted to go to school then after he's horrified xD
Chapter 14: DON'T KILL ZELOO!!!!!!!!! XD lol
Chapter 12: Lol yongguk guilty as charged xD I wish I could be zelos Noona! Sadly I was born three months too late for that T~T lol
Chapter 7: Lol at this point I'd be in the verge of a mental breakdown screaming at the nearest bunny to stop reading my mind xD
Chapter 2: Lol uh oh that missing pizza is bound to cause problems xD
Chapter 18: I'm in love with this fic!!!
Update soon! ^^
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 13: I really love your writing but there is just one thing that I'm not very fond off the unnecessary curse words like the over use of and face I love everything else though xD
Chapter 18: Are you going to BAP LOE SINGAPORE? :)