
Havoc in the Heart


Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Jungsu thought as the car reached the building's entrance. The police officer stopped the music he was playing and stepped out.

"Come on," He said grabbing Jungsu by the shoulders and pulled him out. Jungsu winced as the pain in his shoulder hit him again.

The police officer, whose name was Jun Woon, roughly pushed Jungsu into the building. They were welcomed by a rush of cold air. There was a security system placed and the guard stood up to run a check through Jungsu.

The guard ran his hands over Jungsu's body making sure there were no hidden weapons. Jungsu only sighed. If it wasn't for the broken arm, his hands would prove more dangerous than guns or knives.

When the guard signaled, the police officer dragged Jungsu into the elevator. Jungsu took the short ride in the elevator as a chance to observe the police officer. He was shorter than him by an inch and his hair was graying in parts.

"So, where are you taking me?" Jungsu asked, breaking the ice.

Jun Woon glanced at the boy and laughed, "You are inside a police station. Where's the place you think belong?"

Jail. The instant answer came to Jungsu's mind. But they wouldn't keep him in there for long. He was captured at a location where drugs were supposedly kept. The police would want to know every detail he knew about it.

However, the amount of information Jungsu had would be the same as what the police would probably have regarding the drugs. It was one of the shipments made by the current drug lord of South Korea, Kwang Ho, and they were supposed to be sold tonight to some low-ranking Chinese mafia.

The elevator came to a halt and Jungsu watched as the doors slid open to reveal a white lobby. Small cubicles were filled with people working hard on either phone calls or paperwork.

Jun Woon took Jungsu towards the farthest end of the lobby. He groaned inwardly as he realized the officer had brought him to a holding cell.

"In you go," He said as he locked Jungsu inside. Jungsu walked towards the steel wall and sat down against it. He hoped Kyuhyun would've have noticed that he was in trouble by now.

Meanwhile, Youngwoon sat in the meeting room discussing the whole takedown which had failed. His boss, the Senior Superintendent, Kim Heechul sat at the head of the table rubbing his forehead.

"What I don't understand," He looked at each Inspector present in the meeting room, "Is how the drugs moved from the location where it was said to be at,"

One of the young rookie inspectors opened his mouth to speak up but Heechul raised a hand, "I'm not finished yet,"

"And how come we retrieved five dead bodies from the site? All but one died from shots to the head. Was anyone found alive?"

"Youngwoon arrested a person who almost escaped," This was said by Inspector Jin-ki who looked at Youngwoon and gave a wink.

"Good job Youngwoon. At least someone's doing the job properly," Heechul said. He leaned back in his chair and looked at the post-mortem photos of the dead people again.

"All of them carried AK-47s? Then what about the Desert Eagle gun you found? Who's one is that?" Heechul asked Jin-ki.

Jin-ki shrugged, "Fingerprints taken from the dead didn’t match the fingerprints on the gun,"

Heechul raised an eyebrow, "Did you match it with the suspect?" Silence. No one dared to respond.

"Aish," Heechul said quietly. He clasped his hands together and looked at them with the best poker face he could make without screaming.

"Jin-ki, Youngwoon and Jaejoong. Three of you go and start questioning the suspect. It seems as if he's an important link to this case,"

Youngwoon stood up from his seat and left with the others. He didn't want to face Jungsu and question him. His heart wasn't ready to accept the fact that Jungsu was back in his life.

"You ok? You've been quite ever since we came back," Jaejoong asked. Youngwoon shook his head and smiled, assuring Jaejoong that he was okay.

Truthfully, he wasn't ok one bit.


"Shi Yuan! Get over here right now!" Zhou Mi called out to Siwon who was having a deep conversation with Eunhyuk. They were in the lounge waiting for further orders by Boss.

Siwon, immediately hearing the fashionista's call, ran over to Zhou Mi, "Yes Mi?"

"Go and put a suit on. You're coming with Boss and me to SMPA," Zhou Mi said pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his slender nose.

Siwon froze, "Why are you dragging me there?"

"Because," Their Boss entered the lounge. He was wearing sunglasses now, "When people see you, they think you have a lot of authority and power. We're gonna need to borrow your looks if we want to SMPA to believe we are powerful people,"

"We are powerful people. Hello, agents of Narcissus!" Eunhyuk pointed out matter-of-factly.

Zhou Mi rolled his eyes. "I really don't think SMPA is going to have the right impression about a vigilante association, don't you?"

Siwon sighed, "Alright. But Boss, isn't there another way to bring back Hyung? I mean going to the's a lot of risk,"

Boss sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry but there isn't. And sooner we bring Leeteuk out, the better,"

Siwon nodded and got in line with Zhou Mi and the Boss. Eunhyuk went up and hugged each of them, "Good luck!"


Jungsu looked up from his stance as a young Inspector opened the holding cell and came inside.

"Come with me," He brought Jungsu out of the holding cell and led him through the lobby to a metal door. The young man pulled out some keys and opened the door.

Jungsu blinked his eyes several times. The room was even brighter than the lobby. It had a metal table and three chairs placed inside. He also spotted a mirror placed on one of the walls.

Interrogation, the moment Jungsu had been dreading. He was made to sit on a chair and the Inspector headed outside. The young man didn't close the door so Jungsu could hear his conversation.

"Are you sure you're not coming?" He heard the young man speak.

"Nah. I'll just watch you guys today," Kangin's husky voice spoke.

Jungsu was relieved a bit. If Kangin was here to question him, it would be hard for him to maintain his cool.

Two inspectors entered the room this time. One was the young man and the other was a taller male who gave a cold look towards Jungsu.

"I'm Inspector Jin-ki and this is Inspector Jaejoong," Jin-ki, the young man, introduced themselves.

Jungsu didn't look at them. Instead he focused his gaze on the mirror, knowing Kangin would see him.

"So, we'll just get to the point. What were you doing at the warehouse?"

Jungsu looked at Jin-ki and smirked. Jin-ki realized that Jungsu wasn't going to answer any of their questions, but he still continued anyway.

Jaejoong sat on the chair facing Jungsu, "Please answer the question, or we might have to make you answer,"Jungsu just kept on smiling until Jin-ki punched him. His head snapped to the right and he felt blood fill his mouth.

Jungsu spat out the blood and leaned back in his chair. They could torture him all they want, but he wasn't planning on telling the officers anything.

Youngwoon winced as he watched Jin-ki punch Jungsu. The latter was adamant on keeping silent.

"Just let go of your stubbornness, damn it!" He whispered to himself. Youngwoon had witnessed the lengths at which Jin-ki had gone to make suspects talk. He didn't want Jungsu to suffer the same.

Youngwoon watched on as Jaejoong kept asking questions and Jungsu evade them by keeping mute, which resulted in Jin-ki hitting him again. It was a vicious cycle and Youngwoon decided it needed to stop.

Just when he turned to leave the observation room, a police officer entered the room and said, "Sir Heechul called everyone to the front entrance. Immediately,"

Youngwoon nodded and pressed the button on the wall. What could it be now?

Jaejoong and Jin-ki turned their heads when a beep rang through the room. Jungsu, who was breathing heavily, watched the officers leave.

"It's not over yet," Jin-ki said. Jungsu leaned back in his chair feeling light-headed.

"What's wrong?" Jaejoong asked as he followed Youngwoon to the elevator.

"Heechul called us to the front entrance. Must be something big,"

When they headed downstairs, all of the policemen were standing at the entrance with Heechul at the front.

Youngwoon walked up to his boss, "What's happening?"

Heechul just kept looking at the entrance, "I received a phone call. The person wanted to discuss about the bail of the suspect you brought in,"

Youngwoon's eyes widened. Someone was actually willing to bail Jungsu out?

"And?" Youngwoon asked, urging Heechul to continue.

"And I said that he would need to discuss it here and the person said he would come in with his Boss. Seriously how important is that guy?"

Just then, a black SUV drove up to the entrance and three men stepped out. Two were extremely tall and walked with a shorter person in between them.

The person at the center took quick strides and went face to face with Heechul. He took of his sunglasses and extended his hand.

"Hello. My name's Hankyung. I am the CEO of Narcissus,"



This chapter was so long and tiring. I'm not sure if all mistakes were corrected. If not, Mianhe!

Heechul and Hankyung gyaaaa!!! *eternal hanchul shipper*'

Btw when Teuk refers to Kangin its Kangin. For everyone else its Youngwoon

When kangin refers to teuk its jungsu, for everyone else its Leeteuk

just wanted to clear up any confusion because i was confused  >.<

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im coming back....;;


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xspecialxsjx #1
Chapter 9: R u already give up with this story , please don't your story is amazing I don't know why you're not continued please don't give up fighting dear
ayumuhide #2
i hope you update this story soon, author-nim~ i miss it ;;
ayumuhide #3
Chapter 22: Everytime this story updates, I ahfggdsajhdsh. It's just so great. ;A;
Chapter 21: Who did Leeteuk lost? Really want to know. You'll tell me soon, right? I really love this story. Keep on updating, I'll keep on reading. Fighting! <3
ayumuhide #5
Chapter 20: This is really one of the fanfics which has gotten me hooked. Keep up the great work!
Mindstring #6
jungjungjung #7
leeteuk! <3
Chapter 14: Vicky-chaaaannn~ kangteuk love??