


You blinked slowly opening your eyes. The sun was shining in through the window. You rolled over only to see an empty spot next to you. You frowned... But you knew that sometimes you had to wake up to an empty bed and an empty house because you were dating an idol. Even though you got use to being alone most of the time and waking up to no one, today you were sad. This was because today is your birthday, and your boyfriend Chunji didn't even leave you a birthday card or flowers. 

'Did he forget?' you thought but quickly shook the thought away when your phone started to ring. Without even checking who it was you answered.


You jumped not expecting shouting in your ear this early in the morning. But you smiled once you recognized the voices on the other side of the line, it was Infinite.

After a couple minutes they had to go because they had to attend an interview. Once you hung up you couldn't help but frown, a part of you really hoped it was Chunji. You got out of bed and got ready for the day.


"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FORGOT NOONA'S BIRTHDAY!!!" Ricky shouted wide eyed in disbelief at his hyung. Niel just shook his head, Changjo was too shocked to say anything, and L.joe just sat on the couch in their dorm shaking his head and clicking his tongue.

"What is with all the yelling so early in the morning?!" C.A.P  came walking out of the bathroom drying his face.

"Chunji hyung forgot it is noona's birthday today!" Ricky said pointing at a pale Chunji.

C.A.P gasped, "How can you forget your girlfriend's birthday?!"

"Aish! What am I going to do?! I didn't even get her a present! Hyung OTTOKHAE?!?!" Chunji was on the verge of tears, he was so frustrated with himself.

"Okay... Maybe we should do this..." 

The day went on and still nothing from Chunji.

'Oh my gosh he forgot my birthday.... Pabo Chunji....' you shook your head at the though.

"Well Chunji-shi I will ignore you or forget something important to you too~" you stuck out your tongue at the picture of the two of you together on the refrigerator. Your phone beeped reminding you that you had to get ready to go see Teen Top's performance on Music Core tonight.

'Should I go? I could say I 'forgot'... but I did promise Ricky and Changjo I'd be there... Fine I'll go for them... Ugh I can't believe he forgot my birthday!!!'

 You stomped down the hall to your room to get dressed for the performance.



You walked back out to the kitchen to answer your phone.

"Hello?" you answered kind of annoyed.

"Hi Jagi~!"


"Are you gonna come watch us perform tonight?"


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.... Wae?"

"Oh... I don't know... you sound annoyed..."

You stayed silent.

"Please come to watch me... I mean us"


"Okay I'll look for you in the audience~ Hold a big sign for me okay?"

You hung up with out answering his question. 

'The first call from him all day and he doesn't even tell me happy birthday! Ugh!'

You got ready and headed to the place where Music Core was being shot. When you got there you saw a huge line of girls waiting to get into the building. Slowly the line went down and you got in. Unfortunately you were all the way in the back.

The music started and Teen Top walked out. They performed their new title song Be Ma Girl. You cheered and chanted along with the rest of the fan girls in the audience.

When the song was over all six of them gathered in the center of the stage. 

"Annyonghaseyo, Teen Top imnida~!"

All the fans started cheering. The members started to individually introduce themselves.

"Thank you all for your support!" Chunji yelled to the audience, and of course all the girls screamed.

"So I know there's a special Angel out there... Her name is _____."

Your eyes widened.

"She is my amazing girlfriend. Now today I.... Well I did something really bad... something a good boyfriend would never do... I forgot today was her birthday."

You were shocked and you started to turn red.

"So _____, please come up here~"

You shrank into your seat not wanting to be seen. But your phone started ringing giving away your position, Changjo and Niel zoomed in and carried you onto the stage.

"_____, I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday... So to make it up to you I wrote you a little song with the help of the other members."

A slow song started to play and Chunji serenaded you right there in front of everybody.

Tears formed in your eyes, his voice and the lyrics were just so beautiful.

You ran up to him and hugged him when he finished.

"I'm so sorry jagi..." he whispered.

"It's okay Pabo"

He wiped the tears from your eyes then placed a kiss on your nose.

Everyone including the fans started singing happy birthday. You turned around to see C.A.P and Ricky rolling in a birthday cake, while L.Joe and Changjo came out with a huge banner that said:


This is one birthday you would never forget.

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Chapter 1: Awh, that was soo sweet!
That must have been one hell of a great birthday!
Chapter 1: ADORABLE!L.Joe is acting cool here,Ricky's frantic!LUV THIS!
Chapter 1: can i like faint now? xDD this is so freaking adorable kekeke
love your fluffy ideas~ seriously. ..
but this is like a best birthday gift right? kekeke
meymey26 #4
hehehe . Sweet :D
loved this~! ^^
thanks for all the comments... technically yes you probably would get bashed but i'd like to think Angels would be accepting haha ^_^
Wouldn't the fans bash her? O.O
Anyway, nice story^^