Bitter Dream


I want to redo it all.

I want to fall in love with you and know it right away

I don't want to wait until it's too late and you're gone again.


Disclaimer: I own only the plot.

Warnings: swearing


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eilrepacta #1
Chapter 1: I have read this story so many times now, but I can still feel the pain Ryeowook felt because of Kyuhyun. I can't keep myself from crying. πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­πŸ˜­
YongWook23 #2
Chapter 1: I always cry everytime I read this. Beautiful story author-nim! ❀️
Frozen_Sky #3
Even after almost 5 years I keep coming back to this story even though it's heartbreaking one and I'm not really fond of angst. And I'm being the crying mess everything single time I reread it. And maybe I ever confessed my love for all your stories, maybe not, but I think they're so beautiful and memorable, whether you're still in fandom or not, whether you're still here on aff or not, I thank you for them. I hope you have a happy life, dear author.
Chapter 1: this is the saddest thing I've read today! omg! kyu! you such a dpmgwgeg'ugdgd'! what so wrong about replying his love?! what so wrong about that! serve you right! you going to live in regret all your lives. lol. emm, let just hope, lixu is the reincarnation of ryeowook. β™‘ good job author nim β™‘♥
Chapter 1: Poor Wookie :c
As for Kyuhyun, it's too late for him to make it up to Ryeowook. Li Xu is not Ryeowook, even if they have the same face or eve the same soul. = u =
cmngcm #6
Chapter 1: Sorry but still hate kyuhyun as a jerk!!
cmngcm #7
Chapter 1: Woah....I cried hard for this story and it's such Ryeowook is such as angel!!!! Authornim you wrote beatifully!!!
YongWook23 #8
Chapter 1: Oh gosh! This is beautiful! It made me cry so hard that I had to pause from reading and wipe my tears so I wouldn't look suspicious while at work. *sniffs* I'll definitely come back and read this all over again! :D
AlyciaC #9
Chapter 1: So sad about ryeowookγ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ but it's a good thing that kyuhyun changed for Li Xu