The Tomb

The Tomb


The Tomb

My name is Sarina Marcel Recardino. I'm sixteen and I'm writing about my life as I now know it.

I wake up in a state of panic. I'm screaming again. I close my mouth and sit up. It was just a dream. I repeat over and over again until ,y heart stops racing. I go over to the wall mirror above my dresser and pull it forward. I look around and see my sister still sleeping through her open bedroom door. I smile slightly then turn back to the mirror. I reach into the hole and feel around. I panic. I reach farther back and my hand hits the soft velvet box. I grab it quickly knocking the mirror forward. I push the mirror back when I have the box and walk quickly to the windowless bathroom. I turn on the light and I'm blinded for a second, when I can see again I close the door and sit on the floor. I place the little red velvet box covered with sapphires and emeralds in front of me. My hands are shaking so bad I can barely get the latch open and I have an even harder time opening the lid. I sigh in relief when I see the beautiful silver chained necklace sitting in the same place I laid it the last time I checked to make sure no one stole it. I took in every detail just in case something happened to it. The actual prize was a gold heart with fourteen garnets surrounding the outside of it while in the middle was another solid gold heart. This prize hung on a medium length silver chain that hung down to the neckline on my shirts. I remember the day I received this gift as though it were yesterday. I was twelve and my mother had just gone in the hospital and was diagnosed with cancer. They gave her about a year maybe two to live. When she started getting worse about three months later she took me into her room and showed me her hiding spot behind the mirror. I saw a little box sitting against the wall and she told me to take it. When I opened it I gasped at the beauty of this necklace. I looked up to see my mother smiling down at me.

“Sarina this necklace has been passed down from mother to daughter in my family for generations. Long before I was even born.” She sighed looking at the jewels. “I want you to keep this safely hidden. Don't tell anyone, not even Sara or your father. Do you understand?”

“Yes mother.” I replied in the same whisper, looking back at the item in my hands.

I came back to the present with a single tear in my eye. When I heard the floor creak outside the door I shoved the box into my pocket that was deep enough to hide anything, even a weapon of any kind.

“Sarina?” I heard the small voice of my sister come through the thin door. I opened it and looked down to see my ten year old sister standing there in her butterfly pajamas rubbing her eyes.

“What's wrong Sara?” I asked bending down to pick her up. I carried her back to her bed and tucked her back in. “Did you have a bad dream again?”

Sara nodded, “Will you sing me back to sleep?” She whispered looking at me with her small light blue eyes. I started to sing her favorite lullaby. It was the one mother used to sing to me when I was a kid. I started the second verse when I heard a lite knock on the front door. I stood up quietly and walked out of the room. When I reached the door I saw the shape of a man standing on the porch holding a briefcase.

“Hello? Is anyone home?” I heard the man ask quietly. I recognized that voice at once. “Sarina?”

“Dad?” I said opening the door a tiny bit. When I saw his face I almost started to cry again. I threw the door open and ran into his waiting arms. I let go of him and stood back to let him into the house then I ran down the hall to my room and pulled the mirror out and stuffed the box back into its hiding spot, gently closing the mirror. Then I turned and ran into Sara's room and jostled her awake. She looked scared to death because the only other time I had done this was when the “men” came looking for dad last year and he had to leave. The men were the people after the necklace.

“Sarina what's wrong?” She whispered, though her voice still shook.

“Dad's home!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. She looked at me like I was crazy. I must have been because when I looked around all I saw was the empty house and the front door standing wide open. “No I swear he was here.” I shrieked at her before going to close the door.

“Sarina you were probably just sleeping and dreamed this whole thing.” She said turning to go back to bed.

“No I wasn't!” I yelled grabbing her arm and spinning her back around.

“Ok.” Sara said taking a step away from me with her hands in the air. I bolted to my room and slammed the door shut with tears streaming down my face. I heard Sara walk into her room and shut the door quietly behind her. I collapsed on my bed ten minutes later and fall asleep quickly, with tears still running down my cheeks. When I woke up I saw a small light coming through the crack in the cave wall above my head. I looked around my parents old room and remembered the night before. Then I remembered the night I first came here with my parents. I was about six and my dad was in the Egyptian military. He had built this tomb so we would all be safe when the invaders came. I've lived here ever since only now it's just me and my sister. I got up and crept into Sara's room. She was reading a book and laughing quietly to herself.

“About time.” she said standing up. “I'm sorry about last night. I know this place has a lot of old memories for you.” Then she walked over and gave me a big hug. I leaned down and picked her up then carried her to my room.

“Sara do you remember the men that came for dad last year?” I began, slowly turning to the mirror.

“Yes.” She whispered. I pulled the mirror out slightly and grabbed the box then pushed the mirror back in place. “What's that?” She asked staring at my hand then at the mirror.

“Sara what is in this box must never leave it okay.” I said staring at her. When she nodded I set it down in front of her and nodded for her to open it. She gasped just like I did the first time I saw it then looked back at me. “This necklace was mom's. She gave it to me before she died but told me not to tell anyone, not even you or dad, about it. I'm telling you now because it's yours.” I said this all very calmly so I could watch her reaction when I finished.

“Why? Why are you giving me this?” She whispered confused. I could see in her eyes that she knew the answer but she didn't want to admit to herself.

“Sara I have to leave. I have to leave and not come back, for a long time.” I whispered my voice shaking. I saw the fear in her eyes and knew exactly what she would've said if I hadn't stopped her. “I have to leave and go find dad, and the longer we wait the more danger he could be in and potentially us too. I need to leave to protect our family, if I leave then nobody will come after you. I can tell them I don't know anything about this and they will never bother us again. Dad will be able to come home. It's the only way to save our family.”

“No! I won't let you!” Sara yelled, tears filled her eyes.

“I have to.” I said calmly before pulling her into a tight hug. She began sobbing, soaking my shirt to the bone. When she finally stopped she looked back at the necklace still sitting in the box and reached out to touch it. I put my hand on hers and pulled it away, then shook my head when she looked at me. “No you must never touch the necklace or you will be found instantly.” I whispered closing the box tightly and placing it back in the hole over my dresser. When I turned around everything was dark. I looked up but couldn't see the sun reflecting off the mirror.


I woke up screaming at the memory of what happened those few weeks after my dad left and Sara was at my side rubbing my shoulders like she always did now. Dad still hasn't come back and neither have the men, but I knew I still had to leave. Sara thought we were safe for now but I knew different.

“Shh. It's OK Sarina.” I heard Sara whisper when I finally stopped screaming. It's been three months and I'm still having the same dream of the worst part of my life.

“Sara I have to go. Today.” I said hurriedly. I jumped up and started trowing clothes into my bag, then I went to the mirror and grabbed the box. “I need to take this also. If anyone comes and searches the house they will never find it.” Sara just stared at me but I could tell she wasn't happy. I walked over to her and bent down to look her in the eyes. “Sara you know that I would never abandon you. I will be back and when I do come back dad will be with me. I promise you Sara.” I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek gently. The taste of salty water filled my mouth and I realized we were both crying. “I love you Sara.”

“I love you too Sarina.” Sara whispered. I smiled and stood up. I went to the bed and grabbed my bag and looked around the room. Slowly I walked to the front door and opened it without turning around. Just as I was leaving Sara came running out of the house carrying a bag just like mine. “I'm coming too.” She said in a determined voice. I smiled and took her hand as we left our home behind us. We didn't look back once as we stepped out into the daylight for the first time in almost four months.  

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YouDunnoMe #1
wow i like this!! (Y)
lionsrule2015 #2
Ok this story is from an essay I had to write last year in English. I'm using it to enter a short story contest at my school and am hoping to get first prize. please read and comment.