Who says you need to see to dance

A dance to remember

Your head felt like is was about to explode. Waking up, you went to put your hands up to your head but instead your hands were caught around something.

“What the?” You asked until you remember what had happened last night.

You moved your hands to feel the familiar long hair of your best friend Kimmie, smiling before you slowly pulled your arm out from underneath her. We must of passed out You thought as you dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom. After brushing your teeth and hair you the shower before you went back over to the bed. Walking around the frame you went over to Kimmie, shaking her lightly.

“Kim Kim, its time to get up.” You cooed.

“No, I don't want to.” She said groggily pushing you lightly.

“We have school.” You stated patting her on the arm.

“So?” She stated turning over as she pulled the covers over her head

“Don't forget you have your interview today.” You said.

With that Kimmie flung her eyes open and quickly shot up making you fall backwards on the ground.

“OMG! Why didn't you tell me sooner. Look at the time, I am so going to be late.” She yelled flinging herself off the bed and practically jumping over you as she scattered to the bathroom and before you knew it she slam the door.

Did she just take my shower? You though shaking your head back and fourth, wasn't like you could do anything now. Still on the ground, you hesitantly got up and sighed walking over to the bathroom door ready to knock, but before you could the door flung open and Kimmie came out practically running you over as she scattered to her own room. You just stood there dumbfounded your head still hurting from the hangover. After about a couple minutes of loud screeches, the sound of clothes flying everywhere, and some grunts you heard Kimmie making her way back to your room. Seeing that you were still in yesterdays clothes she quickly scuffed,

“Why aren't you ready? We are going to be late!!”

You didn't say anything as she went to your closet and began to fling clothes at you. Like ever day you changed into the clothes she picked out and you both headed to the front door, her grabbing her keys and purse and you grabbing your bag and walking stick. Once done she dragged you out of your apartment and threw you in the car, racing to school. Once arriving she quickly parked and said goodbye leaving you to walk to class, which was in the opposite direction. Sighing you took one last deep breath before walking into another lecture. All day you were either listening to someone giving a speech or you yourself gave a speech. Helping teachers prepare for their next class and taking a couple of test, the day went by quickly and before you knew it it was already night time. Saying your last goodbyes to the professors at the conference you headed down the empty hallway and walked over to the dance rooms. Pausing outside of the room you once again took a deep breath and pulled out the key Mrs. Jin had given you.

Closing the door behind you, you walked across the room to where the piano sat and you put your bag and walking stick there. Pulling a water bottle and towel you placed it on the ground and you walked over to where you knew the CD player was hiting what you hoped was the play button. You smiled to yourself as the music began to fill your ears and you kept hitting the change button until your song came on. Walking out to what you hoped was the middle of the dance room, because you have ran into the wall before, you began to stretch and after about 20 minutes you got into dancing. Sweating you kept doing the dance over and over again, changing things here and there, wondering if everything was ok. It wasn't like you could see and at the moment you wished you had a second opinion. You would ask Kimmie but she was busy the whole night and everyone else was busy with finals. After a while fatigue took over you. You huffed falling to ground as you landed on your back. Throwing your arms and legs out in a star position you laid there, sweat trickeling down your neck. Closing your eyes you brushed your arm across your forehead breathing in and out as the music kept playing.

"You know laying there isn't going to help." A voice said over you.

Your eyes shot open but it wasnt like that would help, all you saw was complete darkness. Still out of breath you said teasingly,

"Oh, an expert aren't we."

"Well I woudn't say an expert." The person said still standing over you.

Sitting up you felt around for your towel and water bottle. Frowning you sat there empty handed wondering where your things went.

"Looking for something." The person who was definitly a guy said, handing you over the towel and water bottle.


"Thanks." You replied wiping your face before taking the water bottle from his hand and drinking it.

"You didn't do anything to my drink did you?" You asked warily.

"Who, an angel like me?" He said sitting next to you on the floor.

"More like a devil, in disguise." You scoffed.

"Oh really and do you know even who this devil is?" He smirked.

You put your arm out and cupped his cheek. Automatically he pushed his face further into your palm and you smiled remembering that familiar face and those familiar lips.

"Of course I do. Kai." You replied.

At the mention of his name he smiled and you felt it under your finger tips. Taking your hand he planted a kiss in the middle of your palm just like the first time you met.

"Long time no see. Rosaline." You smiled at him.

He remembered.

What are you doing here this late at night?” You asked still sitting on the ground.

I should be asking you the same thing?” He teased.

How did you even get in here?” You asked not even bothering with his question.

Well you know there is a such thing called the door.” He smirked and you playfully hit his chest, well you thought it was his chest.

Har har, your funny.” You replied sarcastically.

I try.” He smiled shrugging his shoulders.

You still didn't answer my question, why are you here?” You said taking another sip of water.

I was just taking a stroll and remembered the dance rooms here, I looked through the windows and poof here you were.” He said making gestures with his hands, as if you could see.

Wouldn't people recognize you?" You asked, he was a famous person now.

Not when I'm in disguise.” He tisked as if that was super obvious.

Your disguise didn't fool me.” I scoffed.

Tuche. Anyway what are you doing here so late at night?” He asked you.

Practicing.” You replied, yourself shrugging your shoulders.

For what?” He asked.

I have a performance tomorrow and I don't want to mess up, so.” You replied, gesturing for him to go.

Well then you should be glad that I'm here.” He happily said, clapping his hands together.

Why's that?”You replied.

Because I am an amazing dancer. Who better to critice you.” He stated.

Well you did want another opinion, and he was right about being a dancer. What the heck. Getting off the floor he helped you up and you both stood there for a moment.

Want to start the music over?” You said gesturing to hopefully the CD player.

Sure.” He said leaving you as he walked over and pushed the track to restart.

He just leaned his back against the wall looking at you not saying anything. You closed your eyes, though its not like you could see and you breathed in, calming your nerves. Once the beat started you quickly went into character, hitting sharp points where you needed to be strong, letting your body flow to the music. You were so into it you had forgotten that Kai was even there as you let the music take over you, falling gracefully, bringing your hands up, pointing your toes, becoming soft when the music slowed and harsh went the beat went back up. It was always the end of the choreography that got you, it was the landing of the jump that you just couldnt handle. You went through the motions but as you landed you fell with a harsh thud. Kai quickly ran over to you,

Are you ok?” He asked worried.

Yeah, fine. I just cant seem to get that part.” You stated pushing yourself off the floor.

Everything was great up until that last move. Here why dont I help you.” He said moving to stand next over you.

How?” You asked, it was easy for him since he can see, but you couldn't see the ground, thats what made it so difficult for you.

Putting you back on your feet he came around you, placing his hands on your hips.

When you jump make sure that your torso is tight, as if a string is pulling on you straight up. Let your body relax and give in when you land, when you make contact with the floor then shift your weight allowing you to fall into the next move more gracefully and not ending with you like a flat pancake on the ground.”

But I don't know where the floor is when I jump, I'm landing blind.”

He thought about it for a minute before he quickly squeezed your sides his hands still on your hips,

I got it, let me spot you, when you land get used to the feel of the flow, giving in and then go into the next move."

Sure I guess.” You said hesitantly.

After a couple of rounds and asking if you were ready you warily nodded. Going through the movements again you jumped and freaked out making you fall once again. Quickly getting up you shook off Kai's 'are you ok's' as you did it again in again. After many bruises and curses you felt yourself determined. Taking a deep breath you went through the moves, jumping in the air you thought about what he said about giving in. Landing on the ground you let gravity take you as you went into the next movement and you did it, you actually did it. You were so happy that you jumped up and down, squealing you heard Kai say something and knowing where he was standing you ran over to him and threw yourself at him. You were glad you didn't miss because that would have been too embarrising and once you found contact with his chest you gave him a bear hug.

Thanks so,so much. I swear I love you.” You praised him as your arms were wrapped around his head. You kissed the top of his head over and over, and your legs wrapped around his waist.

You were so happy in the moment and you squeezed tighter not even realizing what you were doing. He just chuckled at your craziness and hearing him laugh you quickly realized what you were doing. Coughing you let go of his head and unwrapped your legs from his chest as he lighly set you back on the ground.

Sorry about that, I was just a bit happy." You said sheepishly scratching the back of your neck.

"No worries, I kinda like this side of you." He replied smiling, oh how you wished you could see his smile.

"Side of me?" You asked a bit confused.

"Yep, aggressive." He smirked.

Before you could answer he grabbed your arms and placed them around his neck, wrapping his own hands around your waist. You were a bit shocked at the sudden movement and seeing your face go a deeply shade of red he smiled and said,

"May I have this dance?"

You nodded as he swayed you around the room, the music still going at a fast pace but you didn't care. For you guys it was slow motion.

Now this I can get used to.” He said leaning his chin on the top of your head as he pulled you closer.

Me too." You smiled as you laid your head on his shoulder.

Rosaline?” Kai asked

Yeah?” You replied.

Your going to be amazing tomorrow.” He said and you couldn't help but smile even more.

Kai?” You asked turning your head up towards him.

Yeah.” He said looking at you.

Thank you.” You said and you both were lost in the moment.

Dancing slowly around, as the night went by. 

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sorry just wanted to fix grammar mistakes


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This is so cute, I want to kill myself. And I love the feel you gave to this, it gives the reader the ability to think freely about the air between Rosaline and Kai. It's like we stepped right in the middle of a private moment, not knowing if it's the beginning or ending, leaving us to wonder what will happen next but still be satisfied with the end you gave to it. It's really lovely !
sunaina95 #2