
He Stole My First Kiss!
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You inhaled the cool summer breeze as you strolled down your neighborhood. You always spent the last days of summer like this before school started. With your headphones on, you let your feet aimlessly lead your way around.


You stopped and examined the display of freshly baked pastries at your local bake shop. “Well, hello, there Bailey.” The owner of the bakery greeted when he noticed you sniffing away his work. “Oh, good morning Mr. Shim.” You smiled at him.


You made your way to the park. You marveled at the silhouette of the leaves and branches swaying on the asphalt underneath your feet. Ah, the feeling of soft winds brushing through your hair made you want to savor the moment and close your eyes. And so you did.


With your eyes closed and thumbs in your pockets, you continued walking with a little skip in your step. You were completely oblivious of your surroundings as music from your headphones filled your ears.


♫ I lost my mind

The moment I saw you

Apart from you, everything else

Gets in slow motion ♫


What a strange feeling. You thought to yourself as you stopped in your tracks. This is how I imagined clouds to feel like if I get to touch them. Except now, I’m not really touching them with my hands, I’m touching them with my lips. It feels… nice.






Wait a minute.



My lips?



You opened your eyes wide and saw a pair of closed eyes only centimeters away from yours. Hands gently held your shoulders to keep you in place. A pair of soft, soft lips caressed yours in small, slow movements that made your toes curl.


Dumb struck; you were completely incapable of doing anything. The realization of what was happening was still unclear to you, until you were pulled away from the kiss. It was a tall boy, almost your age. Kinda cute, too. His small eyes sparkled as he winked and grinned. To make things more complicated than your brain could handle, he suddenly turned his back at you, and ran. LIKE. HELL.


You stared at his diminishing figure as he ran away, with your lips still pouting.


The tall scoops of ice cream from a boy’s ice cream cone fell to the ground as he watched in astonishment. A biker almost ran into a pole when he saw it too. Even a bird might’ve fallen from a tree branch at the sight of what happened. You blinked hard. Really hard.



What the hell was that?!



That was my first kiss.




You rested your chin on your fist, supported by your elbow. With your other hand you held your pen as you listened to your teacher explain the rules of thermodynamics. Well, you weren’t really listening. Your mind was on something else.


Summer had just ended and you were into your first week back to school. It hadn’t been long since your first kiss was taken by that boy you never got to know. You couldn’t even recall details of his face anymore. But you were absolutely sure you’d recognize him if you saw him again.


All you could remember, ever so lucidly clear, was the kiss. The memory was still fresh in your mind. The feeling lingered on your lips even until now.


How dare you. You thought. That was my first kiss ever! And what the heck did you run away for?!


You cringed at the thought. You were irritated. You were frustrated. You felt cheated! Heck! You… missed it. For some odd reason your lips stretched into a dreamy smile.


So that’s what it feels like. You thought, just like how you’ve had for the past couple of weeks after the kiss. Wait a sec – What the fudge?!  You shook your head when you realized you were mentally swooning over the guy. You clenched your fists.


I swear. If I ever see you again I’m gonna make you pay.




The bell rang, pushing you out of your thoughts. You got up and fixed your things. Soon enough, the hallways were filled with other students making their way to the cafeteria for lunch. You swayed with the crowd as you walked little steps. You looked around for signs of your lunch buddies. You couldn’t find them, but your eyes landed on someone else. Him.


Tall. Small eyes. Fair skin. That grin. Oh, you’d recognize that grin anywhere. What the hell is he doing here?!


Were you seeing things? You stared with wide eyes as the crowd brushed past you. With your mouth ajar, you slowly held up a finger, pointing at the direction of the boy. “Y-you…” You whispered to yourself. Your target was laughing with a couple of his own friends, until he looked ahead and s

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will post soon~!!! ♥♥♥ :'3 within 24 hrs :P


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bunny5760 #1
Chapter 1: that's a horrible story baekhyun is a ert
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 1: That was so funny and cute!!!
Chapter 1: OMG THAT WAS SO
meahtokko #4
Chapter 1: OMG GREASY FLUFFY CUTIE BAEKHYUN.. I cant with all these feels~~ well, bye while im going to check ur other stories~...
-xttran #5
Chapter 1: effin sequel please! :]
icekyuream #6
Chapter 1: lol idk i keep smiling til my jaws hurt lol kajhsdgs /died
kashika #7
Chapter 1: A greasy Bacon,indeed.
ParkSeungRin #8
If Baekhyun suddenly kissed me, I won't even be mad. =))