Chapter 3 - Women and My Left Eye

The Other Yoong~ and Hyun~


Chapter 3



She walked forward, hands on her waist guiding her as she was blindfolded. The scent of the hands’ owner had been invading her senses for a while now. “Strawberries, her favorite fruit.” she thought. Then, the hand suddenly stopped pushing her forward and released her waist. She immediately missed its touch and the tingling sensation it gave her.


“You can take the blindfold off now.”


The blindfold was taken off her eyes and she marveled at the scene before her. Around her was a garden full of white roses and blue tulips. In front of her was a path leading to a round table for two, draped in white cloth and a candle in the middle. Near the table was Hyun, wearing his silver mask and tuxedo.


“Hey.” He said and a smile formed on his lips. He extended his left hand, signaling her to come nearer and towards the table. Once Yoona was standing a meter from him, she was suddenly pulled closer, now staring into the eyes of the man before her.


“Perhaps a passionate night with you would be enough?”


His face then grew close as the distance between their lips grew smaller. Yoona closed her eyes. But the contact that she expected never came. Opening her eyes, she saw that he was just staring at her.


He then opened his mouth to talk.


“This is the alarm clock. Right now, it’s 7:00 in the morning.”


Yoona was then puzzled at what he said. Then, with his voice now a bit louder, he said it again.


“This is the alarm clock. Right now, it’s 7:00 in the morning.”



This is the alarm clock. Right now, it’s 7:00 in the morning.


She stirred awake, her dream cut by the sound of the alarm clock echoing throughout her room. “Why was that ert in my dream?! First, he stole my first kiss. Now he’s appearing in my dreams. Noooooo”


Yes, after thinking it over last night, she decided to forget about the incident and move on with her life. She did give him a powerful punch. “Hah! He deserves it! Surely, he would have a big bruise on his face by now.” However, her brain seemed to be not over the incident yet considering the guy appeared in her dreams.  She then buried her face unto a pillow and let out a scream.


She then went near the sliding door of her room and opened the curtains.


“Ah~ What a lovely day! Let’s go snowboarding Im Yoona!” she thought to herself, remembering the ski slope she saw yesterday.



It was early morning when he was shaken by a hotel staff waking him up. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in a comfy bed that he expected to wake up to as he found himself lying on the floor along the hallway that was leading to the entrance of the ballroom.


Wait, why can’t I properly open my left eye? More importantly, why am I lying on the floor? Then…


Feeling thirsty, he immediately drank the wine without examining it. “Wait, this smell. Oh no!” and his sight blurred and he lost control over his body.


Oh God! Surely, I just kissed her. Damn those strawberries! He then composed himself and went back to his suite.


You might be wondering, why strawberries? Well, Jonghyun has this weird thing with strawberries that actually makes him feel drunk and just kiss the first moving thing he sees. Once, he kissed Yonghwa, much to the shock of the poor guy, as he accidentally consumed a strawberry flavored chocolate. Another, much to the horror of his bandmates was when they found him having a full-on make out session with their dog. Since then, his co-bandmembers have always managed to get strawberries away from him.


What to do? Wait…It’s not like I’m meeting that girl again. Erasing his thoughts of what happened the night before, he opened the curtains revealing a thick blanket of cotton white snow. It was only now that he notices that the resort had a ski slope and decided he would go skiing today.


Gathering his things, he went inside his bathroom and stared at the mirror. Then he noticed something different.




He now discovered why his left eye was hard to open. Staring at it through the mirror, it was now surrounded by a purplish black bruise that made him look like a panda. How did I get this bruise? Wait, that girl. The heck! What did she do to me?! His anger then shot through his body.  


Why is it that I’m always accident prone when she’s close? Wait…that’s right. I’m not meeting her again. He smiled to himself.  Hopefully.

He then started brushing his teeth intensely due to anger, realizing his mistake when he felt pain afterwards.






The cold air met him as he travelled down the slope, dodging resting snowboarders that appear along his path once in a while. He’s not really a pro in snowboarding but he knows enough to do a few stunts. Twisting and doing curves as he went down the slope, he felt the freedom that he hadn’t felt for months and only then did he realize the weight of the stress that their debut has given him.


“Maybe they were right. I did need this.”


He stopped for a while and rested near the side of the slope and away from the path of other snowboarders. “We wouldn’t want to be squished or hit by a passing snowboarder would we?” he thought.


Around him, he noticed that nobody paid attention to him which was to him refreshing. If he were to be at the city, he would already be running away from deranged fans.


Partially, he thought it was due to the ski mask he was wearing. Yes, he decided to wear one, just in case. On the other hand, he thought that nobody would pay attention to him since most of the skiers were either young guys or fathers teaching their children how to snowboard.


He detached his boots from his snowboard and laid his snowboard beside him. After lifting his ski goggles carefully avoiding the bruised part of his face and resting it just above his eyebrows and on his forehead, Jonghyun then lied down on the snow and stared at the sky. The sky was as white as the snow he was lying on. He let out a sigh of relief, letting all the stress out. Then, closing his eyes, he relaxed.


Suddenly, he heard a commotion. He opened his eyes and lifted his upper body to see what it was.




A snowboader was heading straight to another snowboarder, a female, just a few meters away from him. Adrenaline rushing, he ran towards the snowboarder, crashing both of them towards the side and away from the path of the out-of-control snowboarder. 

Unfortunately for him though, their faces also crashed unto each other and now, he was staring eye to eye with the other snowboarder, faces sticking to each other. 

Eyes widen. Fortunately, he still has his ski mask on so no kiss. However, the close contact must have sent the female into panic mode and yet again, he met a punch from a female, and this time, she hit his left eye.




"What is up with women and my left eye!"


A/N: Short update...^^ 

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cloudyluen #1
Chapter 3: wow.. nice story hope you didnt go MIA.
Chapter 3: So much fun in this story. I already fall in love with this story. I hope you can continue this story please.
maerd82 #3
Chapter 1: Old story but fact on Yonna family seems to be wrong but than a good story is the most important.
ririri #4
hope you update this story :)
Chapter 3: Haha, so funny!
I am loving this story already!
New Subscriber here! ^-^
&& hope you update soon! :) ~ ♡
ireikaaa #6
Please update soon! You write really well and I love your story :)
RainbowHeart #7
Chapter 2: Wahhh!!! I noticed the cameo!! Did u watch "the moon embracing the sun"?? Yeon Woo!!! Absolutely love that drama!! <3 *cough cough* Sorry spazzin there for a monent. Ur story is Awesomeness!!! Adorkable Yoong n charmin Hyuun!! ;) Update girlie!!
cool story!!! update soon
krystaljungismybias #9
Chapter 3: Please update soon
Subscribed! Nice JongYoon story! ^^ ^^ ^^