Chapter4. I Agree

The Famous One



Chapter 4.

“Oh right… let me think about it…how about HELL NO! There is no way I’m going to live with those stuck up popstars okay? NO WAY IN HELL AL” I screamed for the umpteenthtime that day. 

“Sky, come on! You don’t even know them!”

“I know enough to not want to live with them? Wait what did mom and dad say about this anyway?”

“Come on sky, we’re 20, not 2! And plus they agreed, saying something about ‘widening your horizons’ or something. Plus “Superman” are nice guys! You just haven’t met them.”


“How about this? You come live with us for two months, if you really are against the whole idea, you go back to college and I love my sad, sad life all alone. If not, we follow up with the plan.” My sister exclaimed and sighed dramatically, giving me the puppy dog eyes she knew I couldn’t deny.

“Fine! Fine! But never give me that face again okay Al? And if I go through with these two months, you owe me that DSLR.” I said, finally giving in.

“Okay! YAY! Love you sky! I can’t wait!” She shrieked, coming forward to pull me in a hug.

“Wait, Ally, how many people know about this whole plan?”

“Uh, me, you, mom, dad, my whole team oh and of course Cayley” She said referring to her best friend and famous actress--singer, Cayley Edwards.

“Can I tell some people?”

“Yeah, sure I guess. But not too many, only those you’d trust with your life.”

“So, Katelyn, Taylor and Tyler?” I said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Yeah, pretty much, I guess.”

“Okay then, bye! Got some important phone calls to make. You owe me!” I exclaimed, waving at Ally whilst walking to my bedroom. 

“Kay! Bye love you!” Ally said, grinning.

After three of phone calls, some including so much screaming I had to throw my phone across the room in exasperation (Kate, about One Direction ugh) and a lot of “I’ll miss you”. So far I would say that Ty’s reaction was the mildest.

Well, since we’re at the topic of best friends, let me describe mine.

Katelyn Alden. My best friend since forever (more like pre-school) blonde waves, striking blue eyes, bubbly personality, gets hyper really easily

Tyler McLane. My next door neighbor since I was a baby, so we’re best friends. Brown hair, grey eyes, soft brooding kind of guy, plays football (Note: it means UK football, not US)

Taylor Williams. My college roommate, as mentioned before. The first person I talked to in college. Long black hair and dark brown eyes. Athletic but smart. Plays volleyball. A little of a drama queen.

But I love them to bits anyway.

-The Next Day-

I was awakened yet again by the incessant screaming of my annoying twin.

“Shut up Ally! I need my sleeppppppp” I said as my voice faded when I fell asleep yet again.

“Come on Sky! We need to be in London in at most 3 days before they start coming here to stalk me! I need to get you a new wardrobe if you’re gonna be known as my sister!”

Wait…why am I going to London with Ally again? I searched my mind for the answer and when it finally hit me, I groaned in annoyance and screamed “Ugh, fine! Be there in 10!”

When I was done and headed down, I grabbed a banana and sat beside my sister who was watching “Pretty Little Liars” on the television.

“Oohh, season 3!” I exclaimed, getting comfortable on the sofa. My sister simply nodded at my statement. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not your typical girly-girl but I do love a good and cheesy drama. So we just sat there and spent the next hour watching the addictive drama, losing track of time until the sound of two episodes ending came up.

“Oh crap! We were supposed to be at the mall half an hour ago! Oh no!” Allyson shrieked.

“Seriously, Al, what is so important about the mall? We’re just a little late sis.” I said impatiently.

“Just, come on!” She said whilst dragging me towards her Mercedes.

-At the mall-

I was tired. No, not tired, that would be too mild of a word, I was exhausted. One more step and I would fall over. One more word of “fashion advice” from Allyson and I’m going to burst.

We basically went to every shop there was in that mall that sold something remotely suitable for teenage girls. My sister had a blast whilst I on the other hand, just wished I was at home, in bed and reading. After going to cotton on, forever 21, jack wills, mango, Abercrombie and Fitch, H&M, Esprit, Levis and Sephora about three times each, I was bored and tired. But I’m sure the mall had a blast collecting all that money from my sister’s unlimited spending platinum card. I even went to the hairdresser’s to curl my hair and trim it, which I admit did look good.

Luckily for me, the next stop was a spa and manicure, which basically involved sitting, which was the only thing I could manage.

After a heavenly and relaxing massage, we lugged home the countless bags of clothes, shoes and makeup (which I apparently lacked), only to see that dinner was waiting for us.

Our kind and thoughtful mother had cooked us my favorite food, baked pasta, laden with cheese. At the sight, I threw all the bags at my sister and started digging in.

“Thanks a lot Sky” My sister said sarcastically

“No problem sis!” I exclaimed, and soon resumed to gobbling down the delicacy.

That night, as I sat on my bed, stalking One Direction's career, I could see that they were indeed attractive, and did poses a tiny bit of talent, but I guess I just wasn’t into teeny-bopper boy bands. I'd rather something like The Script. I liked the one named Louis Tomlinson the most. From what I saw, he was the cheeky joker of their group, the funny one I guess. He seemed cute. Ah well, I would see in a few days I reckon.


A/N (Author’s Note)


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Hey Kai (: you do realise that you can add more tags? ._. So you get more views xP
And youd better be happy that i was d first comment ^_^
Oh and I get karma for commenting no worries :P
Okay byeeee <3 *waiting for subscribers cos mag has more than me xD* but she writes more! *pouts*