Last Night

Last Night

Onew and I have loved each other forever but somethings just get old. We met in kindergarden. "Hi I'm Onew what's your name?" This little boy walked up to me smiling just as wide as he could. "Go away." He sat down next to me holding his knees. "Why are you so mad?" His voice was soft as he spoke. I wanted to yell at him and tell him to go away but something about him told me he was doing worse then I was. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked tossing around a lego. "Because you're lonely. I'm lonely too so maybe we can be lonely together. No one ever talks to me because they think I'm weird." "Why do they think that?" He took off his jacket revealing all his bruises.

"Woah how did that happen?" I reached out to touch them but he quickly pulled away. "Family issues." He mumbled pulling his jacket back on. "So why don't they talk to you?" "They say I'm mean to them." I threw the lego at his face accidently hitting him in the eye. "Oww. Hey you never told me your name." I stared at him. "Jonghyun." "Let's be friends Jonghyun." From that point on I was bothered by Onew all through school. Around 5th grade I noticed I had feelings for him. 

"You get on my nerves Onew." I said throwing my pencil at him. "I know I do but I also know you love me." He still had that cute goofy smile. "Hey Onew can I ask you something?" I pulled Onew out of the classroom. "Jonghyun you didn't finish your test go back and do it." He ordered. "Onew don't make this harder then it already is. I like you." Onew smiled. "I know you like me and I like you too. Now go finish your test." I shook my head no. "Not friend like I like like you." Onew blinked at me confused. I groaned and kissed him. His eyes grew wide. "Ohh you like me like that like me. Ok let's go out." 

I frowned. "What?" "You like me so let's go out. I'm your boyfriend now." Onew kissed me and smiled. "I liked you for a while Jonghyun I'm glad you feel the same way." We went out all through school. Even when Onew had to move we still stayed together. In 10th grade kissing wasn't enough for me anymore. "Jonghyun where are you taking me?" I didn't answer just dragged him down the street. "Hey isn't this your house? Where's your family?" 

I closed my bedroom door behind us and kissed him. "Jonghyun what's with you?" He asked pulling away. "Umm tonight my parents aren't home and I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night." Onew frowned backing up slowly. "Something seems diffrent today. Usually when I spend the night you act normal but today you're acting all weird. What's wrong?" "I was just wondering if we could do something new today." I slipped my hands up my shirt making him jump. "No Jonghyun I'm not doing this." He moved away quickly. "I'm not going to hurt you Onew. Don't worry I promise I won't hurt you." "No." 

He slid down the wall shaking. His jacket slid off of his shoulder showing his bruised up arms. "He touched you again, didn't you?" I asked taking his jacket off. He nodded throwing himself into my arms crying. "Why does your dad keep doing all this stuff to you?" "I guess I just remind him of my mom or something I don't know. Jonghyun you wanted to do it tonight and it's not that I don't want to it's that I'm scared to." I sighed and nodded. "I understand. Until you're ready I'll wait." Onew looked down then kissed me. "You promised you won't hurt me and I'm going to take your word for it. Just be careful." My smile took up my whole face in excitment. "I'll be careful I promise. I'd never hurt you." 

Our relationship was great but after we got out of school I guess I started to want other things. I met this girl at the store and started to date her while I was dating Onew. He never suspected anything until today. "Jonghyun where are you going?" Onew asked holding onto my arm. "Just going out to the store we're out of........milk." I mumbled grabbing my keys and coat. Onew smiled waving me off as I walked down the street to the car. "Jonghyunnie what took you so long? You told me you'd be right out." Taeyeon said coming out from behind a car. "Sorry babe Onew was holding onto me so I couldn't get out as quickly as I wanted." 

"Jonghyun you left your.....wallet." I pulled away from Taeyeon quickly. "O-Onew thanks I was just about to come get it." His eyes filled with tears quickly. "Sure. That's what you were doing." He said shakily throwing my wallet at me and running back upstairs. I ran upstairs quickly running into the house before Onew had the chance to lock the door. "Go away." "No Onew it's not what you think I swear." I walked towards him and he backed away. "Oh really? You were kissing some girl that's all there is to it! How long have you been cheating on me? I can't believe I didn't notice until now. 

I'm so stupid to even believe that a relationship could last this long. Nothing ever lasts this long. So when did you start cheating on me? Was it while we were still in school or what?" I caught his arm and pulled him close. "If you really want to know it's only been a few days. I met her at the store and she flirted with me. I was thinking of you while I was with her though. I'm so sorry Onew I swear I love you. Tonight I was going to break up with her I was just praying you wouldn't find out." 

Onew scoffed and pulled away. "Whatever Jonghyun I should've known you would do something like this. Just go back to your girlfriend. I'm leaving." "No Onew please don't go. I love you so much. I made a mistake please forgive me. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you left me." I hugged him tight. He didn't hug me back he just cried. "Jonghyun why? Why did you do it? You know I love you and only you. Since kindergarden I've loved you and I thought you loved me. Why did you cheat on me?" "I don't know I'm sorry just please stay. Please don't leave." I begged. 

"I can't leave. I love you too much. Just please don't do this again. If it happens again I'm leaving forever." He said finally hugging me back. "It'll never happen again I promise. I love you and only you." 


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Hanna19 #1
stupid jonghyun u_u
SnHiromi #2
JONGHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!! -_- JERK!!
Oh jinkiiiii! You're so kind T.T
Jonghyun better not to cheat on jinki again -,-

Thanks for sharing the story~