It's fine, since It's you

It's fine, since It's you


“Did you know, female ferrets can die if they don’t mate for too long?” The eighteen year old boy looked over his magazine and straight into Luhan’s eyes with an expression that perfectly combined surprise and annoyance.

“Is that right?” The Chinese guy raised an eyebrow mechanically, still trying to stay focused at his own reading material which contained their schedule for the next week and was, in fact, much more important than Sehun’s National Geographic monthly issue.

“I read so in an article about strange animal traits.” The younger guy waved the magazine in front of Luhan like a flag.

“I see. Well, I guess even female ferrets have relationship problems.” In the Chinese guy’s opinion it was a pretty satisfying reply. However, Sehun didn’t look pleased. The pout that had been on his face for as long as Luhan had been sitting on that couch with him –three hours and forty minutes, to be exact- deepened into a full-fledged frown that made the boy’s originally angry face appear angrier.

“Is that all you have to say, hyung? Frankly, I’m frustrated.” Sehun admitted easily, like he always did, even if Luhan hadn’t asked in the first place.

“You’re mad at me because I have nothing else to say about female ferrets?” The older of the two furrowed his eyebrows. Initially, he had been happy that a cute and talented kid like Oh Sehun was idolizing him so adorably. Yet, as time passed by he was feeling more and more exasperated by the boy’s increasing whining.

“I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at female ferrets.” The Korean guy explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Why on earth?” Luhan rubbed his temples, giving up on reading next week’s schedule for as long as the annoying dongseang was around.

“Don’t you think it’s a little too dramatic to actually die because no one wants to sleep with you? I mean I’ve been single for the past eighteen years and I have survived pretty well.” Sehun crossed his arms in front of his lean body and scoffed.

The older guy gaped at him.

“Hun-ah…” Luhan sighed deeply. “I don’t think female ferrets chose to be this way. I’m pretty sure it’s got something to do with their bodies. Instead, of calling them dramatic, shouldn’t you just feel sorry for them?” He didn’t even know why he was talking about this stupid matter but his mouth had a mind of its own whenever Sehun was around.

“I don’t want to.” The eighteen-year-old boy shook his head frantically and the other could not help but ask why.

“I don’t want to say nice things to female ferrets because I feel sorry for them.” The younger guy looked at Luhan more closely.

“I don’t want to be polite and understanding to everyone and end up hiding my true thoughts and feelings.” Sehun’s eyes were spitting fire at the moment and his hyung was getting the vague idea that this wasn’t about single, female ferrets, anymore.

He suspected that he was heading into another one of the boy’s legendary tantrums that came suddenly and left everyone exhausted and a little frightened. Luhan braced himself.

“I don’t want to be like Luhan-hyung!” Despite expecting it, the Chinese guy did not manage to avoid the sting in his chest at the younger guy’s words.

“You’re always agreeing to everything. And you think everyone is ‘good deep down’. Every time someone suggests going out to eat you say you’re okay wherever you go. But that’s-that’s a lie!” Sehun stopped to catch his breath.

“You hate sushi but you always go there when Yixing-hyung asks and you got sick the first time you had that strange energy drink Jongin offered you, yet yesterday when he gave you some more you didn’t say anything and just drank it.” The boy was panting but he showed no intention of stopping.

“Even when you’re with me-” At that Luhan had to put an end to the boy’s speech.

“What about you?!” He asked with an angry flavor on his voice. “Are you saying I’m not lenient with you? Cause if you are, Oh Sehun, then…” Luhan stood up. He was feeling strangely unsettled, like someone had gravely offended him.

What right did Sehun have to even suggest that Luhan was stricter with him when in fact the older guy had tried hard to put up with the boy’s childish behavior?

“I’m not saying you’re not lenient with me. I’m saying you’re too lenient!” That was not something the Chinese guy had expected to hear. He felt his insides deflating at the boy’s words.

“You’re so polite and understanding to me that you end up suppressing yourself. And I hate it! I don’t remember saying that I wanted Luhan-hyung to be my personal servant. So why are you being like this?” The tears that had been welling up in Sehun’s eyes started falling from his face to his blue T-shirt that was starting to get soaked at spots.

“I tried to push you to say what you really felt like. I acted annoyingly and childishly thinking you’d break and just shout at me and tell me what you really feel. But you didn’t.” Luhan was stupidly staring at the younger boy who had tears damping his shirt and thin soft-looking lips swelling up from being bitten too hard.

“And I’m so frustrated right now. At the female ferrets that just die if they don’t get a boyfriend and at you for always been so compliant that I don’t even know what you like or don’t like anymore.” Despite his bad state Sehun refused to stop shouting.

“I-I’ve liked Luhan-hyung since the first time we met. I’ve been honest about it…” That made the Chinese’s guy’s heartbeat rise. “Sorry if I made you really mad with my annoying questions, but I’m really tired of trying to guess what hyung feels. Just tell me clearly! I won’t mind.” Sehun wiped away his tears and sniffed loudly.

It wasn’t like Luhan was unhappy to hear the boy’s caring words. Actually, if he had to describe that feeling which engulfed him whenever Sehun looked deep into his eyes, like he was doing at the moment, he would probably rank it somewhere between excitement and pure exhilaration.  It was that sort of heart-throbbing feeling that the Korean boy created in him.

And he wished to be able to admit it; that he had a pretty good reason why he could not say ‘no’ to Sehun and that reason had nothing to do with him being too lenient. He wanted to say he was in love. In love the way he hadn’t been for a long time. So in love that, had he been a female ferret, he would surely be dead by then.

But in front of him there was a highschool boy. A boy that was poking a sleeping dragon, completely unaware that he was going to cause more trouble than he could ever imagine, if the dragon woke up.

“Sehun-ah you shouldn’t be crying for something like-” New tears formed in the boy’s eyes as he cut Luhan off again.

“No, stop caring about that! Close your eyes if you have to. Don’t look at me if you can’t bear to see me crying and just tell me the truth.” The older guy furrowed his eyebrows pensively at these words.

“And if you don’t like what I have to say? What if my feelings towards you are different than what you expected?” It was no louder than a whisper and Luhan wasn’t proud of it. However, in the state of mind he was in, that was the best he could do.

 “As long as you show me honestly, I’ll accept anything.” Sehun nodded encouragingly, still sitting on the same couch, the National Geographic magazine dropped carelessly somewhere to his right and the older guy standing in front of him.

“Show you?” Luhan questioned. He had promised to never do this. To never confess how he really felt. Because Oh Sehun only looked old and he spoke bravely but he was still an innocent kid.

“I’ll show you some other time.” He settled with saying.

“Hyung!” Suddenly, the Korean boy jumped up from his seat angrily, not realizing that Luhan was still standing up right in front of him.

Their bodies collided and even though Sehun desperately tried to steady himself by grabbing Luhan’s shoulders, he ended up falling back to the couch and dragging the older guy down with him.

That was why, five seconds later, when the Chinese singer opened his eyes, he realized that his face was only inches away from Sehun’s. His hands were grabbing the back of the couch to maintain that precious distance between them, as the boy’s were still holding onto his shoulders. Finally, Luhan’s feet were on each side of the boy and he was practically sitting on his lap, feeding off of the younger guy’s heat.

He gasped, not bothering to hide his flushed face, since Sehun could already hear his heart beating fast from the proximity.

“Hyung, I’m sorry… I-I didn’t mean to…” The boy, who, luckily for Luhan, seemed equally ashamed and blushing, mumbled.

“You didn’t mean for this to happen.” The older of the two finished the sentence in a lower tone.

“No… I mean yes, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I know how uncomfortable it makes you.” The boy’s eyes widened as Luhan smirked.

I’m uncomfortable?!” He laughed soundlessly. “Isn’t Hunnie the most uncomfortable right now?”  He raised a hand and tangled it inside the boy’s hair playfully, just to watch him gulp and sweat about it.

“I-I’m always uncomfortable around Luhan-hyung.” Sehun confessed fighting to avoid the other’s eyes.

“If you are always, then why did you have to take things so far?” The baby-faced hyung motioned at their compromising position.

“Because I have to know how hyung feels about it too!” He said it like it was the most natural thing in the world, or so Luhan thought.

Actually, his brain was having a hard time operating at the moment, so that must have been the only coherent thought that he made for the better half of that hour.

The thought that Sehun sounded so natural when he spoke about such dangerous things. And strangely enough even the awkward position they had found themselves in, was starting to feel natural too; feeling like a place Luhan wouldn’t mind staying for hours, maybe even days.

“You just had to poke the dragon…” The Chinese guy frowned childishly.

He leaned over, then, pressing his lips on Sehun’s, like he had dreamed he would, countless times. At first he felt them freezing against his touch, yet before he could pull away and retreat, Sehun wrapped his arms tighter around his neck, parting his lips and pulling him in a frenzy Luhan hadn’t felt in ages. The boy moved underneath inviting him closer, if that was even possible, while he let soft moans escape his mouth when he gasped for air.

Luhan, feeling more and more unlike himself – or perhaps being more honest about his feelings than he’d ever been before- left Sehun’s lips and moved to his neck, placing soft kisses in every spot that he found amazingly fascinating, which was, in fact, every spot he laid his eyes on. He tasted the tears the younger guy had shed before and wanted to do well even more, to make the sad smile disappear from the boy’s face once and for all.

“Hyung… Why?” When Sehun finally spoke it felt like Luhan had been walking in the desert and suddenly someone had dropped a bucket of cold water over his head.

He hurriedly stood up again, releasing the boy from his arms and fixing his clothes awkwardly.

“I’m so sorry. I lost control and-” Luhan stammered pathetically.

“I thought you hated me. I was sure that’s what you were hiding from me. I had no idea…” Sehun was blabbering and blushing but then so was Luhan.

“Ha-hate you?!” The Chinese guy messed his hair. “But I can’t even say ‘no’ to you. I thought you knew that I-” He cleared his voice.

“I’m in love with you, Luhan-hyung.” In the end Sehun beat him to it.

Luhan lowered his eyelashes a bit over his eyes, feeling more relaxed, as he let a small smile crawl up his face.

“You’ll regret it.” He muttered as he slowly sat back on the couch.

“You would be happier if you found a person your age.” Then he caressed the boy face softly.

“This relationship will only mess things up.” The older guy whispered in the other’s ear.

“I can’t tell you it’s going to be easy and I can’t promise you we’ll be happy all the time.” He placed a small kiss on Sehun’s cheek.

“All I can say is that I’m in love with you. And from now on, I’ll be more honest. That is, if you were crazy enough to want to be with me.” Anxiety made Luhan’s hands tremble a bit as he slowly turned the boy’s face around and looked closely at his reaction.

Sehun smiled, that playfully, handsome smile that Luhan loved to see.

“It’s fine, hyung. It’s going to be fine, if it’s you.” This time it was the younger boy who leaned in and closed the gap between then.




A/N: It's late and I don't have the slightest clue what monster I just created. Still, leave a comment and subscribe if you like!!! 

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Krisyeolsdaughter #1
Chapter 1: lol sehun crying this is precious <3
Chapter 1: I dont normally ship hunhan but omg this was so cute, I love insecure sehunnie!! lovely story as always ^___^
VioletButterflyDemon #3
Chapter 1: Cute. Hehehehehe ^-^
nkenyang #4
Chapter 1: most awesomeEST, best-detailed, short-story ever! love the LOVE!!!
Chapter 1: OMG CAN'T CONTAIN MY FEELS!! Read ur Krisyeol story at one go n now this D: I'm insides r jumping around like a madman >< rainbows n unicorns everywhere !! Write more awesome stories authour-nim ^^
Chapter 1: Awww... That was so cute :). I really liked the ferrets reference, too. BTW, is it true?