Just So You Know

The Choice

"Married?" Taeyang asked trying to act like it did not mean a lot to him.
Chan sook took a deep breath and let it out before speaking "Yes, In two months" She said tears on the brims of her eyes.
"Oh, Two months..." Taeyang took a pause before continueing " Don't you think that is a bit quick?" He asked.
"Well nothing is too quick when you are in love." Chan Sook lied hoping she could get over any left over high school feelings shed had for him. Or any other guy she had in her life.

Taeyang looked down again, She is just some girl he told himself in his head. "Well I wish you a happy life." He said as he stood up to leave.

Quickly and fluidly Chan Sook rose with him and as he walked to the door she ran up behind him and gave him a back hug. He slowly turned still in her warm embrace. Chan Sook's tears escaped her eyes and landed on Taeyangs arm. He looked down at her and lifeted her face up slowly. They gazed into each other's eyes and Chan Sook turned red from her feelings towards him. 

Taeyang leaned down and whispered into her ear "Just so you know...You're not just some girl to me" Then hugged her as she cried. He led her back to the couch where she place her head on his lap facing him and the talked for a while. They talked about how she had hated the idea of marrying some man she would only know for two months. And how her father had always controlled her life. Taeyang soothed her through everything by softly her face.

"When will you meet him?" Taeyang asked knowing her true feelings now.
"In 2 days my mom said as I left. I don't want to though. I would rather work or study or hang out with Kangin and Eun Ae and maybe even you." Chan Sook answer becoming shy at the end.

Taeyang smiled at her coyness. Just as the door opened a two familiar faces walked in.

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Yah, I love it. I love how your writing skills are for scenery and for dialogue. But there are a few words that you should spell check, and places where you should put commas and/or periods. But all in all, I loved the first chapter! Update soon :D
I wanna read this so bad! :3 ~ <3