Ferris Wheel

Ferris Wheel


"Dude you're gonna have to ask her soon if not some other guy is going to."

"Yeah man."

Sehun was pacing back and forth in the living room of his hyung's house. He was trying to figure out how would ask you to prom. After all you were his best friend. There was no way he could deny his feelings for you. After being friends with you for five years now he could no longer hide the fact he was in love with you, everyone saw it. But, you are clueless, totally oblivious to it all.

"Okay I got it guys! But can you guys help me... Please!" sehun said with as much aegyo as he could muster up.

"Fine" replied the oldest Suho.

"Okay here's the plan..."


- The next day-

You were laying on your couch trying to find something to do. You were bored out of your mind.

I lost my mind~

You jumped at the sound of your phone and picked it up on the first ring.


"O-oh hi ____. I didn't expect you to pick up so fast."

You giggled hearing the surprised voice of your best friend.

"What are you doing today ____?"

"..... Nothing im bored out of my mind"

"Great! Let's go to the park then!"

"But oppa~ the park can be boring..."

"N-no its not boring."

"How about we go to the amusement park instead~" you begged him with all your aegyo in your voice.

"Arasso, arasso we'll go to the amusement park. I'll pick you up in like 30mins."

"Yay~! Bye oppa see you in a bit!"

You jumped around your house excited to finally do something then you quickly got ready.

Meanwhile Sehun turned to his hyungs and smiled at them. They just shook their heads at how easily he melted hearing your aegyo. The look on his face told them everything about the call.

"Off to the amusement park!" cheered chanyeol as he skipped out the door.

You were anxiously waiting outside your door for Sehun. Finally a black car pulled up in the driveway and a huge smile spread across your face. Sehun stepped out of the car and told you to hurry up. You were instantly on your feet and in the car in no time.

When the two of you got to the front gate of the park. You were so excited to be there you grabbed Sehun's hand and pulled him to the entrance. He blushed at the sudden contact but started chuckling at how cute you were.

For the next hour or so you dragged Sehun on every ride possible. After that you two took a break from rides and decided to go play some games.

"Omo! Oppa look at that cute panda! And it's huge!" you said in awe of the huge panda hanging above a basketball game.

He looked over at your face and smiled. Then without warning he walked up to the game and gave money to the man to start playing.

"Okay here's te deal kid you gotta get all 3 basketballs into the hoop to win one of these guys up here and if you make at least on you can have one of the small ones down here."

He nodded and grabbed the first basketball. You stood beside him and cheered him on.

First shot goes in. Second shot goes in. It was now down to the last ball he was one ball away from getting you that panda, but he misses. You smiled at him reassuring him and yu just picked out a small unicorn.

Determined to win you that panda he played again. First shot goes in. Second shot goes in. It was the last ball and you couldn't watch so you hide you face with your hands. He shoots the third and final ball... And it goes in. He points to the panda and puts close to your face.


You looked up to see the most adorable panda in front of you. You jumped for joy and hugged him for the second time today you made him blush.

Finally he took you on one last ride: the ferris wheel. As you two rose up higher into the sky, he stared at you.

"____ I'm not sure how I should say this so I'm just going to say it straight up. I like you.... No I think I'm falling in love with you. I've known you for years now and after being friends with you I got to know you really well and I ended up falling for your childish ways and your playfulness. Will you be mine?"

You sat there stunned by his words. But slowly as they registered a smile spread across your face and you leaned over and hugged him.

"I actually started to fall for you too and yes" you whispered in his ear, a bright smile on his face that could put the sun to shame. As you reached the very top the ferris wheel stopped to load people on.

"I have one more thing to ask you..."

"What is it?"

"Look down"

Confused you looked over the edge to see a huge banner that read:

_____ will you go to prom with me?

You smiled and turned to him, "Yes."


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Saber9241 #1
Chapter 1: AAAAWWWW THAT'S ADORABLE!!!! I love those poster/banner confessions. I'm a cliche person XP XD
barooya #2
Chapter 1: Aww sehunie is adorable <3 and so the other exo-K's hehe
Chapter 1: Oh!!!! >w< how adorable <3<3