


"Slow down!" 

"I'm not even walking fast!"

"Well, if you haven't noticed, my legs are way shorter than yours!" you yelled at your best friend as he was pulling you by the wrist down a street for God knows what reason.

You and Kris had been best friends since the first day the two of had met, all the way back in the 2nd grade, nine years ago, when you moved into the house next to his. You've seen the best and the worst of each other and have been there for each other through thick and thin. And you'd be lying if you said that you weren't in love with him. You admitted to yourself that you had a crush on him in 7th grade and only to realize that you were in love with him in Freshmen year. 

You've always thought about telling him your feelings, but your friendship with him was way too important to you to risk it on something that might not even work out. You wondered if he saw you the same way. If he saw you as something more than the girl next door, more than the girl that helped him plan pranks on Lay during middle school, more than the girl that he would play basketball with, more than the girl that was just ... his best friend. 

Your thoughts were cut short when Kris suddenly stopped walking and you bumped into his back causing you to almost fall to the ground. After regaining your balance, you glanced up at Kris only to see him staring straight ahead. After following his line of sight, it was only then that you realized where the two of you were.

"Namsan Tower?" you asked, confused.


"Why did you drag me all the way to Namsan Tower at," you glanced down at your watch, "8:30 in the morning?" 

Kris just simply shrugged and jerked his head towards the entrance to the cable car, "Come on, let's go." 

You just stood there, jaw dropped, as you watch him walk towards the building. 

'That's it? A shrug? That's all I get?!' you thought bitterly, staring at the ground in frustration, 'How can this boy wake me up on a Thursday morning during summer and just gives me a shrug?!'


Your head snapped up at the sound of Kris' voice.

"Are you coming or are you just going to continue your staring contest with the ground?" Kris laughed from the enterence to the building while holding the door open with one hand. 

With a small pout on your face, you stomped your way over to Kris and through the door without forgetting to give him a death glare as you passed. 

After buying tickets and hopping aboard, the cable car started to slowly climb up towards the tower. You've been to Namsan Tower before with your parents and friends, Kris included. But this was definately the first time you were going up with Kris, alone. It didn't really help that the car was pretty much empty, aside from a mother and her young daughter and a nice looking elderly couple. You and Kris both watched yourselves get lifted higher and higher above Seoul, not saying a word to each other.

"Why did you bring me here, Kris?" you asked, breaking the comfortable silence. He didn't answer at first but just stood there like he didn't even hear you. 

"You'll find out soon," he said as he continued to stare out the side of the car. You wanted to find out the reason that he brought you here, but decided to be patient and nodded instead.  

When the cable car came to a stop and the women's voice on the intercom instructed that it was safe, you and Kris stepped out of the car. There weren't many people there, only a few tourists and groundskeepers, but what did you expect on a Thursday morning? 

"Wait here." Kris sat you down on a nearby bench and disappeared into a small shop close by. You did as you were told and just watched the groundskeepers sweep and a little foreign boy chase around a bird while his parents took pictures of the Seoul skyline and the thousands of padlocks on the fence that lined the edge of the tower. 

"Okay, I'm back," Kris said as he walked up to you, his hands behind his back.

"What did you buy?"

"I'll show you, but you have to close your eyes first."

"Ah, chincha," you scoffed playfully. 

But, in the end, you did as you were told and closed your eyes. When Kris told you to open them, you saw in his hands infront of you two padlocks in both of your favorite colors, yellow for you, green for him. 

"Padlocks?" you asked as you looked up at Kris.

"Ummm yeah. I mean we didn't get to put one last time we came up here with all of our friends and everyone has to have at least one lock on that fence and I thought now would be a good time to and we can even write messages on them and ... yeah." 

Kris rambled when he was nervous, something that only you knew about him. When he ended his little speech, he pulled out two black markers from his pocket and gave you that little smile that always melted your heart. 

You smiled and took a marker from his hand, "Oh alright, but you can't see what I'm writing on mine."

You both turned around, hiding what you were writing on your locks. You turned around when you were finally finished only to have Kris snatch your lock from you hands. 

"Hey! Give it back!" 

"'______+Kris, fighting'? That is the best that you could come up with?" Kris laughed as he held the lock over your head, just out of your reach, taunting you. 

"Can I at least read yours?" you pleaded, still trying to reach the lock that dangled in his hand.


When he finally got tired of teasing you, he started walking towards the fence with you sighing in defeat behind him. After finding a decent place, Kris locked both of your locks together onto the fence. 

"You can read it now," Kris said to you as he moved away from the locks.

You instantly grabbed onto his green lock and read the message that he wrote, only to have your eyes widen in shock.

'______, would you be mine?'

You looked up at Kris to see him staring down at his feet, biting his bottom lip. 

"Really? You really feel this way?" you asked him, your heart beating a thousand times faster than it should be.

Kris looked up at you and nodded slowly, "I've felt this way since 5th grade, right after you pushed Chen in the mud when he made fun of me."

You didn't know what to say. For the first time ever since you met Kris, you honestly didn't know what to say to him. You were happy beyond words, the boy that you were in love with felt the same way about you. You probably would have cried tears of joy if you weren't so shock by his sudden confession.

"Sooo...do you feel the same way?" Kris asked you shyly, his eyebrows raised.

You couldn't find the right words to say, so you did something totally different.

You threw you arms around his neck and kissed him.

When you pulled back, you saw that Kris was staring at you with his eyes wider than you have ever seen them. But his shocked expression slowly turned into one of joy as a smile spread across his lips. You both laughed as he picked you up off the ground in a hug and twirled you around in circle. Kris set you back on the ground and pressed his forehead to yours, staring lovingly into your eyes.

"Does this mean we're a couple?"

"I guess it does," you said with a smile on you face.

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Saber9241 #1
Chapter 1: THIS WAS SOOO CUUTTTEEEE AND Chen in the mud LOL!!!!!
kpopprincess8 #2
Chapter 1: Lol chen in the mud.... classic kris!
barooya #3
Chapter 1: Oh my, so Kris fell in love earlier than me\\\\ lol
And that Chen part omg > u <
I really love this<3 so cute
Chapter 1: AHAHAHA 'Since you pushed Chen into the mud'
So that's why you fell in love with me ouo
So cute ;;
Chapter 1: Awwwww that was a sweet confession (: I love all ur stories! <3
Chapter 1: "since you pushed chen into the mud" HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG
Chapter 1: SO CUTEEEE!
Chapter 1: Adorableee<3<3~~!! I Loved it so much <3<3<3~~~
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl~ <3 *^* so cute!! >w<
duizhang88 #10
CUTEEEEEEEEE~ I a smiling here like a foollll hahaha