


"I'm so bored~" your boyfriend whined and plopped himself down on the couch beside you.

"Well why don't you watch tv"

"Ani~ I want to do something with you~" 

"Well I'm reading my book. "

"PLEASE~!" he begged putting on his best aegyo for you. 

'Do not look over at him, DO NOT LOOK AT HIM' you tried to command yourself mentally. 

You sat there trying to focus on your book and not the adorable boy sitting next to you. But out of nowhere he poked your cheek which made you turn to him and instantly you gave in. Changjo was pretty manly but when he did his aegyo for you, he transformed into this adorable guy and it always melted your heart. 


"Yay~!" he cheered excitedly and pulled you up off the couch. 

"So now that you got me to stop reading my book what do you wanna do?"

"Hhhmmm....." he said wrapping you in a back hug, "how about we go skateboarding."

"U-uh Changjo you know I can't skateboard"

"Of course I know that! I want to teach you" he said smiling while resting his head on your shoulder. 

Changjo had managed to drag you outside to the park across from your apartment. You were nervous you didn't want to fall flat on your face in front of your boyfriend. Knowing this is how you were feeling he squeezed your shoulders reassuring you.  

"It's ok _____ I'll be right here next to you, I wont let you fall."

You nodded and he took your hands. Reluctantly you stepped on to the board."

"Okay just hold on to me and keep your balance and I'll pull you along" he said starting to pull you slowly. 

In no time you had gotten use to the way you have balance yourself on the skateboard and changjo let go of your hand. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" you screamed.

"It's okay! You got it!" he shouted bouncing around excitedly. 


His eyes widened and he sprinted after you. Luckily he reached you in time and pulled you off the board before you started rolling down hill. You ended up landing on top of him when he pulled you off. The two of you laid there breathing heavily.

"I am never and I mean NEVER going to do that again" you stated playfully hitting his chest. He just laughed in response and hugged you close to him. 

"But didn't you have fun with me today?"

"With you. Yes. On the skateboard. NO."

"Aigoo.... Well let's go eat."

"Now that is the best idea you had all day."

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Chapter 1: AHHHHHHH.. so cute ..
ahahah! So cute! Changjo ^^
Hahahaha! Cute ending! Changjo is so sweet! I bet his heardt almost dropped when she shouted "The hill!" XP
Lol it was funny and cute