


Walking the streets with his camera in hand myungsoo was excited. He always liked to just walk around the streets of the city with his camera and capture candid moments of beautiful strangers and wonderful scenery. As he stepped out of his apartment building he inhaled the beautiful scents of the city and started on his journey to the park. 

Meanwhile on the opposite end of the city you and your roommate had an argument of who was to walk you dog Dubu. In the end you lost.  So you were stuck with walking her. But to your surprise the walk was beautiful, the sun was shining and there was a nice little breeze making it cool. Because it was so beautiful you decided to take Dubu to the big park in the center of the city. 

"Wah~ Dubu I think we made a good decision to walk out here neh?" 

Myungsoo turned his head hearing a sweet voice coming from behind him. He saw you and Dubu sitting by the water fountain and snapped a picture. He was amused from the way you and Dubu interacted with each other. He could see the two of you were close, after all you and your roommate had Dubu since she was a puppy, but Dubu seemed to favorite you over your roommate. He decided to snap some more of you two. 

"NO DUBU COME BACK!!!" you screamed when Dubu's leash slipped out of your hand and she started sprinting towards the flock of pigeons in the grass. Myungsoo looked up from his camera and saw your dog and you chasing her. Click. He took another one because he thought it was cute and then decided he should help catch your dog. 

"Hey girl, you shouldn't run away from your owner like that" you saw a cute... no REALLY cute guy talking to Dubu. You slowly walked up to him, he looked up at you and smiled. 

"You have a really cute dog"
"U-uh thank you" you blushed.

The two of you walked together just talking about Dubu and his love for photography. He was also so determined to prove to you that he was the best photographer ever so the two of you including Dubu took the next 15 minutes trying to take a great selca. 

"There!" Myungsoo smiled showing you the perfect selca of the three of you. "Oh yeah that only took about 30 different attempts" you and he just chuckled. 

The two of you continued to chat and walk around and he continued to snap photos of you and Dubu. It was getting pretty late in the day and sadly you had to leave. 

"Well maybe we will run into each other again" you said waving good bye to myungsoo. But he ran up to you and handed you a piece of paper, then quickly pecked your cheek and ran off. You were so shocked by his sudden actions you were frozen, but Dubu's tug on the leash brought you back to reality. 

When you got back to the apartment your roommate had already left for work. So you decided to read that paper he gave you:

Hey it was nice getting to know you today maybe we can go on a formal date? Hahaha. Give me a call.  

Below his little message he left his number. 
'Maybe I should walk my dog more often' you giggled at your thought.
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ShinLTaec #1
ahhh only if that happened in real life i'd be the happiest girl alive... so cute :)
Chapter 1: Melts! Dubu-ah! You love Myungsoo oppa so much, you help him find his girl, ne?! ^^
that was nice *___*
Spazztastic045 #4
Awww that was cute! Nice job :)
flabbycow #5
Excuse me while I melt from Myungsoo's sweetness... I MISS DUBU!!!
llAsianNerdll #6
Ahaha awww kyaaaaa, thanks Dabu for leading me to Myungsoo ^.^
This was cute, I loved it~