Chapter 1

Momo Love

Taemin POV:

'I,Park Taemin,if I say that life is like a play, my life would be a play were you remember the old days. Maybe it's..a play that's just awkward. I won't ever be the main star of this play.'

A girl walks in front of me with her friend saying "Hey I heard there's another person who confessed his feelings to Park Hana" her friend says "How many times is it this month?!" another pair of friends pass "I heard he wrote down his whole confession to her in a poem his confessing right now on the roof" her friend says "Lets go!" I look at my feet then at them as they pass quickly "Not again..." I get up and start running to the roof

'From the very start of my life,it's already set in stone,that the true main character is my little sister Park Hana'

I see Daehyun lean over and whisper into Hana's ear "Heard that he's Kim Youngwoo,studying architecture" Hana looks at him and asks "Fifth year?" he smiles and nods "He's crazy" Youngwoo takes out a roll of paper and opens it he starts reading it "After the rain," Daehyun chuckles and says "The wind and the rain stopped, In the sunlight," Youngwoo continues "The end of the world is almost here. Do you know that I am waiting for you? Hana,the feelings I have for you are growing day by day. This is why I want to spend my time with you.The elegant poise that I love,has taken over my whole heart.I want to let you know." I whisper to myself "Sunbae,you can be repent and be saved. Please don't say it" Daehyun chuckles again and says "I still want to say it bravely," Youngwoo says "I Love you!" Daehyun does this girly noise and side hugs Hana and laughs Hana just looks at Youngwoo I sigh "He still said those words" he quickly rolls up his speech and walks over to Hana holding it out to her and says "Hana, me meeting you is the best gift in the world. Can you be my girlfriend?" I take out my phone and take a picture of Youngwoo

'Hana became the most important person in my life because she has four special yet different brothers but I'm not in that bunch.'

I open a new picture message and pick out my four older brother's numbers and send them the picture I took "Sunbae,wish you good luck"

"you I will now tell you about my brothers"the scene changes into a dressing room with sytlists doing make up to the oldest "I guess you guys are wondering. You guys are wondering just how Hana's brothers are different? Except for their height,looks,the way the dress,the manner in which they speak,the way they look at other people, and so on, Actually the four of them are crazy" the oldest gets up out of his seat and I follow him "No medicine can cure these crazy brothers.He is the head of the four crazy brothers, Park Junsoo aka Leeteuk. A well-kwon weather reporter, Winning the 'iest Man' 3 years in a row. But people don't know, before the time it takes for him to lift a finger," Leeteuk's phone goes off with a police siren ringtone he opens the message and sees the picture narrowing his eyes "before his manliness,he goes to great lengths to protect his sister." Leeteuk stares at his phoine wide eyed and then glares at it Anchor women says "Now let's hand the time over to our weatherman" Leeteuk lightly bows to the camara "Hello everyone. Now let me introduce today's weather. Because the Pacific has caused a strong,warm,low-pressure front, there will be a lot of showers in the next couple of days.Here I must tell you to wear lots of sunblock,drink lots of water to prevent sunstroke,and also be warned of the sudden downpours.Now let's go on to the individual cities. First of all,here will be particially cloudly with rain.Hsinchu is like Taipei. Taoyuan,Miaoli,Taichung are all the same. Tainan,Kaohsiung,Pingdong,Quemoy,Matsu, in fact all the places in the world are particially cloudly with rain.And that's the weather report. Now let's head back to the main news desk." Leeteuk walks out of the building and quickly gets into his car starting it and quickly drive to the university The scene changes to an outside fashion show the second oldest looks at his models dresses with his hand on his chin he says "Make the fluff on that dress even fluffier.That hair piece is about to fall,secure it"he walks over to the mirrior and looks at his model sitting down through the mirror "Makeup artist, can you make her cheeks look redder? so that the inner colors will come out.okay?" she smiles at him "All right, No problem."

I yell out stop "He is our Park Family's second brother,Park Heechul. A excellent fashion designer.Using his high taste and outstanding features,it allows him to get into every girl's life.Don't know how many girls hearts he's captured...He has even become the guy known to not let girls spend their nights alone." I look around at the models and stylisits looking at him with hearts in their eyes I bring my fists up to my chin and smile big tilting my head from side to side looking at him Heechul looks up at his models and says "Everyone,don't laugh.Focus on the task at hand.Let's hurry up.We're up next.Hurry...Come on......Let's go" the police siren ringtone plays again Heechul takes out his phone opens the message and sees the picture he glares at it I pop out from behind him "But with his everlasting strength and ever-lasting beauty,He is the same.Loving his sister until crazy,this brother is." I shake my head the MC of the fashion show says "Let's thank these models for giving us a mesmerizing time here Let's give a warm round of applause for our designer,Park Heechul" everyone claps but Heechul doesn't come out why? well because he's in his car speeding to his little sisters school I pop out into a doorway I look around frowning i float through the door the teacher is speaking while the third oldest is finishing the problem "This problem was what NASAs smartest physicists came up with last year." I speak up "He's our third brother,Park Kibum.With his God-given handsomeness, he also has the world's #1 smartest brain. But his smarts often let the teacher lose faith in his teachings." The teacher continues "You don't need to write a thesis if any of you slove this before graduation." the police siren is heard again Kibum stops writing real quick and takes our his phone opening the message he quickly glares at his phone before closing the message and putting his phone away continuing the problem the teacher continues "I'll let you graduate straightaway." the class cheers Kibum closes the marker drops it and runs out of the room to his car you should know where he is going now...I watch him run out "His only shortcoming is..he protects his sister.Crazy brother." the teacher turns around and says "But..." he calculates the problem in his head shocked "Hey,he got it."the class cheers the scene changes to a lake with a boat and the fourth oldest behind it being dragged by the boat I pop up into the scene near three girls in bikinis cheering for him I point at him "He's our fourth brother,Park Minho He is super athletic and claim that he has a Ph.D. in athletics.There isn't any sport that can trouble him.Before he even graduate from university,many professional teams had their eyes on him." the police siren is heard once again he looks at the strap on his right arm where his phone is located the message is already open he looks at the picture and glares at it quickly and looks up glaring at nothing he rides over to a dock nearby he runs passing the girls

"Hey..Hey....Where are you going? Weren't you gonna teach me how to water ski?" the three girls watch him run off He jumps on to his motorcycle and rides off well you should know by now.. I appear behind him wearing a helmet "Although he's twins with Kibum,they are very different in every way.Except the only similar thing is....hehehe you guys should know this" Minho says "How dare you make my sister think? You're dead meat!" He yells "AHHHH~!" and I join him "Yes,It's the same.He's crazy!" back at the school I walk and hold man hands out and sigh "It looks like it's gonna rain soon.Please return home before the world ends for you." I look out in front of me and see three cars and amotorcycle coming towards me my mouth becomes an 'O' shape in shock I walk a little closer to be stopped by the first car a red one I cover my face  I try to back up only to be stopped by the second car a black one the doors open and out come my hyungs the two oldest "Heechul hyung!" I look behind me "Leeteuk hyung!" Leeteuk says "Where is he?" I look at him "Who?I haven't...I'm going home" I start walking away only to be stopped by Minho hyung on his motorcycle I look behind me to see Kibum hyung's silver SUV great......they all surround me Leeteuk hyung repeats himself "Where is he?" "I don't know" I turn around to be stopped by Kibum hyung the scene changes to the soccer field Youngwoo walks throught the enterance I say "If your a guy and you confess your feelings to Hana,someone should call the ambulance for you!" Minho swings at Youngwoo's head with a bat Youngwoo falls to the ground dodging it Kibum steps out in front of him with Minho Hecchul leaning against the railing behind Youngwoo, and leeteuk sitting a few rows above them Minho looks at Kibum "It didn't hit him" Kibum looks at Youngwoo "hmm..That's pretty good,his reflexes must be fast.No wonder he's in the baseball team" Youngwoo looks at Minho and Kibum "Who are you guys?" Leeteuk hyung speaks up "Taemin,Kepp watch for us" "deh" I walk down to passing Youngwoo and my hyungs I look at Youngwoo "Sunbae,take care." and I walk away but not to far so I can still watch what hyungs do Heechul walks up to Youngwoo and hits his back "We are Park Hana's elder brothers" Youngwoo repeats what he said "Hana's brothers" Heechul says "Ne.Today we are not only here to say hi,but to ask you questions.I heard you confessed your feelings to Hana" Youngwoo nods "Ne." Heechul nods and says "Okay." and looks over to Leeteuk whos walking down towards them Heechul says to him "Leeteuk hyung look him up. Kibum who is this no good ruffian?" Kibum looks up "Kim Youngwoo,He's 26 now.Fifth year at Seoul University with a major in architecture.Height 176cm. Weight 78kg.Left and right eye 1.0,1.2.He has premature gray hairs.In class his average grades are above 90%.Aside from being the head of the baseball team,He's also pretty good at Eagle Style Kung Fu.Last year they won the championships" Leeteuk hyung nods at the information Youngwoo says "Wait.....How did you get this information on me?" Kibum says "I also found out that your family is in the construction business.Your family's income is above 100 million won.They pay taxes on time,are law abiding citizens,haven't comitted any crime above the 5th level in Taiwanese law.His family looks alright" Leeteuk speaks up "Does he have any hereditary diseases?" Kibum looks up at him "Not talking about being diabetic,they don't even have high blood pressure" Heechul pats Youngwoo's shoulder "That's good.From what I heard there isn't much to be picky about.I'm good" Minho says "I don't care about his conditions.Let's beat him up."He swings the bat again and Youngwoo dodges again Leeteuk says "Don't be to hasty." the four older brothers surround him Leeteuk says "Youngwoo,I have a question for you.Why did you only get 45% on your second midterm for Health Education?" Minho looks at him "Is it true,only 45?"

Heechul says "It's the truth,in every class he takes,he gets above average scores.He just didn't pass Health Education.I would say there is something wrong with you." Minho says "I think that he doesn't have a bad disease,but he's definitly psychotic." Youngwoo puts his hands up "No...That time was' cause the teacher,she........" Leeteuk puts his hand on his shoulder "I won't say more rubbish.Park Hana is the only girl in our entire family and our most important jewel.So we won't allow just any guy to be better than us."Leeteuk puts his hand on his cheek pushing Youngwoo's head to the side "Especially a guy that scored a 45% on his Health Ed exam. So from now on,break it up between you and Hana or else we have our ways of making you disapper from Hana" Youngwoo sets his jaw and yells out "One Second!! I'm free to like whoever I want and I'm not afraid because I know Eagle Claw Kung Fu!" He does a pose with his hands out making claws and stands on his left foot "Hiyah!" Leeteuk just looks at him Heechul laughs at him Kibum looks everywhere else annoyed and Minho just shakes his head he starts doing other moves which I cannot explain the four brothers start laughing they finish and start fixing what they are wearing and Minho paces behind them with his bat on his shoulder Leeteuk shrugs and says "Eagle Claw Kung Fu???" the other three chuckle and he just smirks you suddenly hear "Hey! Don't leave me alone up here!How do i get down from here?!" the four brothers walk off to their cars and motorcycle

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KPOP_survivor #1
yay teen top i watched the taiwanese one its good please update soon=^^= daebak
ailisu #2
haha it's fine XD
and yay for teen top!!
silverhaze #3
lol sorry i was rushing........I'll fix it soon
ailisu #4
LOLOL i like it so far!!
i think you should put the part into a paragraph >o<
cause i got lost when reading LOL
silverhaze #5
llAsianNerdll thank you!!
llAsianNerdll #6
Yaaaaay first chapter is out :3 I loved it <3
silverhaze #7
I'm just adding a twist by adding gangs in
silverhaze #8
thank you I love the drama so thats why I'm writing this story so a lot of the scenes will be like the show so I do not own most of the plot.......d(^_^)b
llAsianNerdll #9
Omo, I'm excited for this fanfic~ I've watched the Taiwanese drama and I think the story is adorable ^.^