
Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart




Another day at school and it felt well. Though they give a lot of homeworks and projects, I like this feeling of studying. During break time, I went to the library to grab some books. There weren’t many students like I expected. People nowadays don’t seem to appreciate literate art now. And they don’t seem to appreciate the hard work authors give to finish a book. I grab a history and took a seat to do my homework.


“Doing homework?” I looked up to see him again. “Annyeong Jungsu sunbae,” I greeted and fixed my eyes back to the book. “First it’s Leeteuk. Second, drop the formalities and call me oppa instead.” He said. “Mianhamnida, but I will not drop my formalities. You are my sunbae and I respect you, especially since you are the sophomore’s level representative. Now, if you may, I would like to do my homework in peace.” I said without looking at him.


{Leeteuk’s POV}

She’s different from any other girls. Girls would always call me oppa but she’d rather call me sunbae. She’s reading from a real history instead of looking it up on the internet unlike what most teenagers do nowadays.


“What’s the topic?” I asked, trying to do aegyo for her. “Korean War.” She coldly said. I watch her as she jotted down notes. All I could do is watch her in amazement. I know it would be weird if I just stare at her so I looked for a book or something.


As I returned to my seat, I was alone again. I sighed and rested my head on the table. “Oppa, can I sit with you?” “Oppa, do you need help?” “Oppa!” “Oppa!” Girls were suddenly approaching me. “Mianhae but I’m leaving now,” I excused myself and ran away from them.


And not far ahead of me, walks that beautiful girl with her hair tied up. Sure she was wearing black again, but she stands out among the sea of girls wearing pink.

{End of POV}



I reached home immediately without having to deal with a certain sunbae that really bothered me. I mean, he stared at me while I was doing my homework. I ran away as soon as he stood up and looked for a book. Mean? I am not. He’s weird and creepy. Is this how some men of the current society live now?


I know sound like a person from the olden times, but I lived with formalities even though I grew up from the streets. I was unlike most beggars on the street. I was respected and feared because of the way I talk and act. I do more actions than speaking. So I’d rather steal and fight immediately than do with some imbecile. I’m just not really much of the talkative ones you see.


“Minyoung-ah, martial arts training.” Junhyung reminded me and I nodded. I went to the training room and got ready for my practice to fight. I started to stretch and ignored the other people coming into the room. All were men, and I was the only girl in the room. If there were any girls in the company, they only do paper work and have their own office stalls. Unlike me, I hang out at the main office with Beast.


“Let today begin,” I heard Kikwang said as the room is filled with all different noises and groans from the men. I looked at some of them and all they could do is be silent.


{Leeteuk’s POV}

I’m still sad by the fact that she left without me seeing her. Does she like disappear in the mid-air? I shook my head and smiled at the funny thought.


“Hyung, what’s funny?” Sungmin asked. I shook my head. “How’s school?” I asked them. “The usual,” as most of then would answer. “Hyung, the new weapons would be shipped tomorrow.” Ryeowook said. “And who would fetch them?” I asked and Eunhyuk and Donghae raised their hands as they continue to play with each other.


I looked through the window and I thought that I saw her passing by. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and realized that I was just imagining things. “Hyung, are you looking for someone?” Siwon asked me as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I sighed and looked back them whose eyes were all at me. “Is there someone hyung?” Donghae asked this time. I shook my head, “No. There isn’t anyone.” I went to my office and shut the door loud. I heard them mumble some words, and I just ignored them.


I focused my attention to the papers set on my table. “Beast got a new asset to their company. It shows that their new recruit is one of the best that anyone has seen and encountered with.” I smirked to what I read. This is a lie. They haven’t even tested him to battle and yet they say that this person is the best? Beast is going down.


Kyuhyun then entered the office without knocking. “Ever heard of knocking?” I told him. “Hyung, this is still our office. I partially own this. If you want to have some private time of yours, you should have gone to your room.” He said.


I looked back to my work and remembered Minyoung, her beautiful emotionless face and eyes that can melt me if I would look a little longer. I wanted to find out more about her, but how?


I turned to Kyuhyun who was tracking down someone. “Hey Kyuhyun-ah, can you do me a favor?”

{End of POV}


The practice ended and all their eyes were on me since I had just managed to earn my rank in this practice. Our class had 50 students. Each class had a 2 hour practice twice a week, which means there are more people under them. I managed to immediately climb into the top 10 of our class and they were amazed with my skills.


My story of how I was able to be great at martial arts was because I had to defend myself. I used to be a part time cleaner at a martial arts school, and when I got the chance, I practiced on my own. Sure, I had a decent job back then, but that wasn’t enough, that’s why I resulted into the easy way of having money.


“Minyoung-ah, how were you able to do our homework in history?” Hyunseung asked me. I rolled my eyes and took out my homework to help him.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe