Revenge for the Past

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart


Cruel Fairytale


I left my apartment and jumped down through my window. I looked to my sides and made my way back to where I grew up, the darkest streets of Seoul. I know Beast had been here. I saw some of their marks. Also, Super Junior has been here too.


I know it’s useless if I even cover my face. I untied the cloth on my mouth and let it fall. “Ah, look who we have here. Do you remember me?” I turned and saw him, the guy from this morning with 2 bodyguards. “Of course not. But I do, very well.” He looked at me with an evil smile. “I know where your parents are.” He said. I shot him a glare. “Where are they?” I asked. “Where do you think? Living a happy life without you? Having the time of their lives without you?” he smirked. Maybe. Probably their lives are better without you.


“If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re wrong!” he yelled at me. “Where are they then?!” I yelled at him. He held my face and looked directly at my face. “They are in hell now!” he said and let go of me. “What?” I managed to say. “Don’t you remember me? I was the one who killed your parents,” he said in a menacing voice.


My eyes widened by what he has said. Why can’t I remember anything? I can remember having memories when I was 5, but nothing before that. They said I should remember at least something, but not.


Suddenly my head hurts and memories came flashing in. I fell to the ground as that bloody day happened. Guys barging into our old house, gun fires, my parents being killed, and our house that was set on fire. I recall everything now.


I screamed as I recall of this. And a clear image of my bloody parents came into my mind, with a man laughing, and that man was him. I was shaking, and tears were streaming on my face. “Do you remember anything now?” he said and I glared at him.


I attacked him, but I was blocked by his two bodyguards. “You can’t kill me. Heck, you can’t hurt me. You’re just a girl. A tiny girl.” He smirked. I lowered my head and smirked on my own.


In an instant, his two bodyguards fell down. I raised my head to face him. “I remember everything now. Hwang Minjoo,” I said and in a split second. I was now holding him through his neck and lifted him. He was choking, but I couldn’t care less.


“Put... me… Down… Spare me.” he was pleading. “For what you did to me? On how you ruined my life? Never.” I answered. I laid his feet on the ground and took out my gun. I aimed my gun at his forehead and I wasn’t afraid to use it. I pulled the trigger and didn’t blink as the bullet went straight into his brain. Blood was all over my hands. I let go of Minjoo and threw him at his bodyguards. I took my cloth and wiped my weapons and the parts of my body with blood and threw the cloth over the now dead bodies.


I checked my watch and it was already 1:20 a.m. I checked if anyone saw me and gladly we were at a dark place that no one knows. I smirked and spat at Minjoo for the last time.

I went home and sat at my bed. I hugged my knees to my chest and cried as I remember the images of my parents. They left me with nothing. I had nothing. The house was burnt into ashes and they were blown away by the wind. Now, I have killed the guy responsible of the cruel life I used to have.


But then again, if he didn’t kill my parents, will I be able to meet the people I have in my life today? Will I have met Beast oppas? Will I have met my co-workers? And will I have met Jungsu oppa? 




Does Hwang Minjoo ring a bell? *chapter 6* Yes, she remembers how she ended up the way she is now. 

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe