How It All Began

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart



I was walking one night at the dark streets of Seoul. Hearing screams and laughter from drunken men were familiar to me. I continued to walk and ignore all the noise, except for the running I could hear. My senses were that great to hear and know that those sounds are coming near me.


I looked to see a man running away from a group of 4 men, chasing him, holding knives and ready to attack him. When he was gaining on them, I pulled him into a dark alley and covered his mouth. “Ssh.” I whispered to him as we watched the 4 men pass us. I let go of him and gave a heavy sigh.


We went out of the dark alley. “Thanks.” He said as if he wasn’t that grateful. I just rolled my eyes. As I turned, I saw those 4 men again pointing to us. “Run!” we both said as we ran.


“We can’t runaway from them any longer.” I said and faced the four men only to roundhouse kick the one in front of me. I grabbed the knife of one of the guys. The guy I saved punched the other one and kicked the other one too. I threw the guy with the knife to the ground and aimed the knife at one of them.


“Don’t! Please, spare him.” one of them said. I raised my eyebrow. “Why?” I asked. “Because we’ll leave you if you let us go.” I smirked. “Sure. But before I do,” I placed a mark on the cheek of the guy I was holding. A trail of blood was flowing from his face. “Now go.” I pushed him away from me.


I watched them as they ran for their lives. I turned to the guy for a few seconds and started walking away. I walked a few meters and felt him following me. I turned and saw him gone. “I know you’re hiding behind that vending machine.” I said and he walked out with his hands in the air.


“What do you want?” I asked him. “You were a good fighter. I can see you used basic martial arts for defense.” He began. “And so?” I replied and started to walk away. And he followed me. “The way you hold the knife was also impressive. I like what you did back there to scare them off.” I turned to him. “What are you trying to point out then?!” I was getting pissed off, seriously.


“Join us.” He said. “What?” I was bewildered with what he said. “Join our gang.” He offered. “What gang?” he smiled. “I’m one of the leaders of our gang. Please join us.” He said again. I walked away again and he followed me.


Through the walk, no one uttered a word. He still followed me. I went into a convenience store and ate ramyun there. He sat a few seats away from me and watched me as I eat the usual dinner I can have. I’m not rich. I only either eat this or eat nothing at all. I don’t have any job. I sometimes pickpocket and steal others money for my living too.


After eating, I walked until I can lost him, But he wouldn’t stop. He never stopped following me. I got irritated and face him. “Why are you still following me?!” I asked him. “I won’t stop until you say yes.” He answered. “Why would I say yes!?” I shouted at him. “Well, from what I can see, you have no work and apparently you have no home.” He said. “What are you implying then?” I asked him. “You need work. We can provide you work, work that needs your great skills and talents. We can provide you also a place to stay, clothes to wear and more.” I stopped with what he said. “I’m listening.” I said to him. I saw his smile.


“Work at our gang and we guarantee you that we can provide every single need and want you have. All you have to do is work for us. Practice and train for us.” He explained. “On one condition,” I stated. “What? Anything. We really need someone like you.” He said. “Cover my identity.” I said. “No problem. I want you to enjoy your life and hide your identity during missions.” He said. I nodded.


“By the way, since now I know that you will work for us, would you like to stay at a place that we can provide you now?” he asked. “It depends. How far is it from here?” I asked. “Not that far. Just a 10 minute walk from here.” I nodded and followed him.


10 minutes later, we did arrive at a simple apartment. “The rent is free since you work under us now.” He said. “How will I know that you are legit and that our agreement is real?” I asked. “Simple. In 10 hours, get ready. I will bring you to the headquarters and I will introduce you to my co-leaders.” He said and was about to leave.


“Wait,” I stopped him. “What’s your name?” I asked. “Me? Call me Junhyung.” He said.  I nodded. “And your name?” I blinked and looked away. I rarely talk to people. So I really don’t have a name to give out. “Don’t tell me you don’t have a name.” he laughed a little. He then noticed my face, looking away from him. “Oh,” his face fell. “well, we’ll decide on that tomorrow with the leaders of the gang. “What’s the name of your gang?” I asked again. “You mean OUR gang.” He accented the word ‘our’. I nodded. “From now, you work with us, Beast.”



Meanwhile… (3rd person’s POV)

“Where have you been?!” one of the leaders spoke. “We were chasing a guy who made fun of us at the bar.” One of the 4 men said. “And what happened? How was the fight? Why do you have scar on your face?” The second highest in command asked. “We almost had him, but a girl defended him. She was a stranger who helped him. And he was about to kill him so we had to give up.” One of them said. “You coward!” One of the 13 men shot from his seat and gave an evil glare at the men.


“You know what this means, right?” the quietest and emotionless leader spoke up. They gulped as they were dragged away from their bosses’ office.


“What to do now? Recruit more members?” the maknae spoke up as was hacking some files in the internet. “What else.” The big scary muscular guy spoke and left the room. One by one all the boys left, until there was only one person was there. He looked through the window as the rain started to pour. He closed his eyes and gave a big sigh. 

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe