Wedding Dress

Vanishing Acts

Sticking my bottom lip out, I stuck to wriggle my own toes and even play with my own fingers as I press my phone against my ear, trying again and again to reach my fiance. 

"The number you dialled is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the tone or try again later."

Groaning, I end the call. He's not picking up. Its been nearly a week since he proposed and we haven't even met up to properly discuss our wedding. For the past week he states that he's been too busy to meet up and our phone calls don't even last for more than 30 minutes. Today, he has completely been ignoring my calls.

Puffing my cheeks out, I call my best friend. He picks up after exactly 5 seconds. I counted.

"Heeeey bestest friend!"

He chuckles. "Silly. There's no such word as bestest."

"I don't care. Are you free now?"

"I'm bored as hell to be honest, but because I want to act cool, well I'll fork out some time if you need me desperately. What may I do for you?"

Grinning, I start to pick out the clothes I want to wear. "Hmmm I desperately need to go out and play, I wonder if that's a good enough reason for you to fork out some of your precious time, you hot big-shot?"

"Well since I'm receiving a call from Her Highness herself I'll meet you. I'll be over to your house in 20 minutes."

"Thank you, Baro."

"See you!"

Glad that I have some company on this boring day, I start to change my clothes. I waited just a while for him before his new blue car comes into sight. Waving brightly, I climb into the car, inhaling deeply at the fresh scent. His new perfume.

"What are you doing with me instead of your future husband?" He teases.

"He's not answering." I reply glumly. "And he's been busy this whole week. I don't know. Lets just go walk on the streets and shop for a bit, please?"

"Your wish is my command." He nods determinedly and drives us both to the nearest shopping mall. Been there a few times but when you're really bored you're up for anything. I press the button for the elevator as Baro parks the car at the carpark, and he runs over to join me. We decide to explore the 1st storey first and i'm excited because Baro hasn't been there and I want to show him everything nice. Oh, and I want to introduce all the good food to him.

It was Sandeul at first. But now its not. He's never there anymore.

"Do you wanna eat first, or do you wanna shop with me first?" I grab on to his arm, and he pretends to be deep in thought.

"Lets get your shopping done first."

Squeezing his arm gently to show my gratitude, I scan the huge mall excitedly, suddenly catching sight of a wedding dress shop. When did that get that? Or did I not notice it all along? Baro follows my gaze and stiffens, but I look up at him with my best puppy eyes.


He crosses his arm, shaking his head. "Lee Sandeul's job."

"Just once, please? I'm so excited!!"

He narrows his eye but softens his stance so I take it that he agreed. Grinning, I drag him into the store, squealing at how pretty all the wedding dresses are. The store assistant comes up to me immediately, bowing.

"May I help you? Are you here to pick out a wedding dress?"


She looks me up and down, her eyes shaped into little crescents as she snaps her fingers. "I think I have the perfect dress for you!"

Exchanging looks with Baro, I tighten my grip around his wrist and pull him deeper into the shop, following the lady. She enters the 'staff room' and reappears, holding the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever come across. A tube dress like many other dresses, but the material used was soft and warm and I felt like snuggling with it the moment I touched it. There was an outer transparent layer and the waist area of the dress was beaded with the finest diamonds.

"Are the diamonds real?" I whisper, not taking my eyes off the dress.

"It is. That's why this dress is incredibly expensive."

"Sounds like money won't be a problem, so go ahead if you want it." Baro nudges me, and I'm smiling as I look back at him, realizing that I was still holding his wrist.

"Should I?"

"You are going to look stunning." He assures, and for a moment all I could think of was flowers and clouds and everything nice. 

"Should I pick out a suit for the groom, too?" The assistant asks as I meet her gaze. "There is a suit that matches with this. The designer of this dress designed it as a set."

"No, you're mistakened, I'm not — " Baro starts but I cut him off, pushing him aside.

"I want to see it."

The assistant smiles and nods, passing me the dress before going back to the staff room. Baro raises an eyebrow at me.

"I really want to see it.." I pout. "Do it for deullie oppa too~"

"He'll be really, really mad." Baro rubs his face tiredly. "Really mad."

Turning away, I check my phone again. No missed calls or new text messages. "Then maybe he should have responded to my calls and treated me with more sincererity instead. Until then, this wedding is my own."

"Have you guys fixed the date?"

"Around 3 months from now? We want it near Christmas. When the first snow falls." I smile blissfully, thinking of how lucky it'd be if our wedding was really around the time the first snow falls. "If we manage to catch the first snow together, that'd be great too, married or not."

"Sir, here's your suit." The assistant interrupts Baro before he could make a reply to my statement and I casually looked at her name-tag. Kim Sora. Maybe we could be friends, after all she picked out such a beautiful dress for me. "Your fiance is very handsome, you two look so good together." She compliments, and I'm not sure if she's saying that out of politeness or if she's being serious. Laughing off the awkward atmosphere, I push the suit into Baro's hands.

"Its your choice to try it on or not." I inform him in a low whisper. "But i'm definitely taking this dress."

He doesn't budge and doesn't look out, just remain a frozen statue as I enter the dressing room, trying to ignore the fact that Sandeul wasn't here with me on such an important day. Hey screw him for not picking up his phone in the first place and treating me so coldly. And it wasn't my fault that I chanced upon this wedding dress shop. I remove my clothes, trying to put on the dress with trembling fingers. I don't even know the reason why its trembling.

"Miss, do you need help?" Sora knocks on the door and I let her in. She helps me to zip up all the zips and straighten out the dress until it was at its absolute best condition.

"Did he... change?" I ask nonchalantly, admiring myself in the full-length mirror.

"Yes, he went into the dressing-room as well." Sora answers. "You look so pretty. I knew this dress was for you."

"You mean.." I start, but I don't think i look great at all. Instead, I think i made the dress look ugly on me.

"This is our treasure." Sora laughs, standing at the side, watching me with her large eyes. "But the moment you walked in with your fiance I thought of this dress. The suit doesnt really matter cause they really all look the same to me, but you look very very pretty. I mean it."

Hearing her words, my image seems to get nicer as I stare hard into the mirror. Sora hesitates before fixing my loose curls, applying magic with her hands until I was sporting the prettiest hairstyle possible.

"My God, Sora, you are amazing."

She smiles shyly. "Thank you."

"You are gonna be my stylist for my wedding. No joke." I tell her seriously, and a tinge of pink invades her chubby cheeks as she widens her eyes. 

"Really? Me? Thank you!"

"I should thank you for bringing out the best in me." I remind her. "Thank you, Kim Sora."

Sora suddenly seems a hundred times more cheerful as she spins me around once before putting her hand on the door knob. "Lets go out, i bet your fiance is dying to see you look so beautiful."

My lips go completely dry, but I didnt know how to say that Baro wasnt my fiance. Not even close. And wasnt it embarrassing to say that I was trying on wedding dresses with my best friend because my real fiance isnt picking up my calls? It hurts my ego so.


Taking a deep breath and squeezing my eyes shut, I answer. "As ready as I'll ever be!"

The door clicks open, and I open an eye shyly to find Baro standing just right in front of the door which startled me since I thought he'd be sitting on the sofa or something. His eyes widened in response, so did mine, because the suit looked really good on him.

Like it was made for him.

I don't know how to explain it, but he just shines radiantly. He looks so good.

"You're — " we both blurt at the same time, then stop at the same time, blushing. 

"You're actually good-looking for once." I say first, hoping this weird atmosphere will go away. 

He didn't even seem to hear my comment as he breaks out into a brilliant smile. "You're beautiful. And even beautiful is an understatement."

"I know, right." Sora says quietly from behind me, and I move out of the dressing room, realizing that I was blocking her way out. And of course that would mean I took a few steps closer to my best friend who was wearing my fiance's wedding suit.

Weird combination, and a cause for jealousy.

Sora moves out of the dressing room. "I'll give you guys some time here while I go settle something at the counter. Just yell for me when you're done."

Baro's adam apple bobs up and then down, showing that he had gulped. I wonder if I was able to get the same reaction out of Sandeul.

"Very stunning." He says again.

"You look radiant yourself." I reply shyly. "Really good. You look really good."

"I take it as pun unintended." Baro chuckles, before pulling me close into a hug. I automatically snuggle against his warmth and stiff material of the suit. "You're going to be the prettiest bride of the century."

"You should become a groom yourself soon, too." 

"The right person wouldn't come along." He lets out a deep sigh, his chest moving. "No, correction; the right person slipped right past my fingers. Just like that. Poof. Gone."

"And there is always the left person, my dear." It took much determination and discipline to get out of his arms, turning back to the dressing room.

"There's only one.. one person in this world you wouldn't forget no matter what happens. There's only going to be one person in this world that's going to mean so much to you." He says softly, in a tone i've never heard him use before. But I just can't tell what was new in his voice. "There's only going to be one person that you're going to love so much, one person you wouldn't ever be able to live without. One person that can screw your life upside down but you cant hate that person or even blame that person because her smile is going to get you on your knees in one second flat."

The word registered in my mind as I softly close the door behind me, just in time before the tears start to flow.

It was defeat. Defeat in his voice as I cover my mouth to shut myself up.

"And that person is you." His muffled voice came from the other side and my knees give way. Hugging my knees I start to cry again, because it hurts me as much as it hurts him. I was wrong from the start to bring him into this shop, i was selfish to discuss my wedding with him, i was everything he wasn't.

I was selfish, stupid, annoying and caused him much pain, but he just shut up and put up with my nonsense again and again while putting on a smile for me, and putting a smile on my face too.

But I wondered if he knew he meant that much to me too. He meant as much to me. It wasn't a one-sided feeling, it was mutual. Tracing back to the days when I was still with Baro, I could only hold on to my statement.

We were soul-mates. Even if he wasn't my lover, he was my soul-mate. And I did nothing but caused him pain.


I managed to remove the wedding dress without Sora's help and of course it took me a million years by myself since I was careful not to damage the beautiful dress I was determined belonged to me. It had my name written all over it. I opened the door carefully, but baro was nowhere in sight and for one awful second my heart suddenly sunk so low, thinking he had left. 

"Miss, are you done changing?" Sora was outside the door. I open the door widely, handing her the dress.

"Yeah. I'll take this, and the suit."

"Of course." Sora beamed, not knowing what just took place. I was hopeful that my tear-stained face wouldn't be obvious too. Thank God I didn't put on mascara or eye-liner or it'd be a mess with a white dress. "By cash or card or cheque?"

"Actually, can I leave this here first?" I ask awkwardly. "You see, I dont have that much money with me now."

"Not a problem." Sora winked. "I'll save it for you, but you can't take too long. I'll be dead if my boss discovers this."

"I'll be back in two days, maximum three." I promise, hugging her. "Thanks Sora, you're an angel."

"So.." She was blushing again as I checked my own reflection again. "Do you want my number? So that you can contact me for the wedding.."

"Oh, yes!" I grin. She hands me her name-card.

"Hey I just met you, and this crazy, but here's my name-card, so call me onyourwedding." She sang playfully, rushing the last three words to keep to the tune and I laughed out loud at her cuteness.

"I'll get going now, then. See you soon, Sora."

"Bye, i'll be waiting!" She waves as I leave the shop, wondering if I should call or look for Baro. Sora didn't say anything either. So what exactly happened? Torn between my pride and my guilt, I stand outside the shop, looking around at the couples walking in and out, here and there, giggling and sneaking in fast kisses.

Where is Lee Sandeul.

Looking down at my feet, I try to calm my nerves, hoping Baro isn't angry at me or anything. But I totally didn't expect brown leather shoes to step on my toes as I yell in pain and shock. 

"Yah cha baro! That hurt!"

He grins crazily, holding 2 ice-cream cones in his hands. He one and passes me the other. "My treat, so dont worry about it."

"I was wondering where you went."

"I wouldnt leave." 

"I know, but still, you scared me for a moment." I admit. "Where shall we go now?"

"Is Sandeul still not picking up?" Baro asks, and I nod sadly.

"I wonder what's up with him.."

"I'll try calling him." Baro takes out his own phone and I wait for him to make the call, knowing that nobody is going to answer. But then..

"Hello, Sandeul? Its you, right?" Baro glances at me before turning his back on me. "What have you been doing?" He hisses.

My heart hits the white tiled ground.

"Dont you think you should  call Jinnie back? She's been looking for you.."

"Hang up, Baro." I say, my voice shaking. I breathe deeply to steady my voice and it comes out strong and firm this time. "Hang up."

Baro does so obediently.

"If he doesnt want to talk to me, we shouldn't force him. Maybe he's regretting proposing to me already. Maybe he's scared. Maybe — "

"Don't act like you're strong, missy." Baro's eyes penetrates right into my soul and I let myself fall apart. "I know you well enough."

"I hate him." I whisper, a big fat tear rolling down. He catches it with his index finger, wiping it away, looking amazed.


"Huh?" I blink away the tears.

"When you're sad, tears come out from your left eye first." He explains, then shakes his head. "This isnt the time to be talking about this. Do you want me to find the reason?"

"No." I sigh. "He will tell me if he wants to. I hate forcing people."

"I understand." Baro nods, his face serious. Then one second later, he has a silly grin on again as he puts an arm around my shoulder. Not the couple way, but the way guys do to guys. Like we're brothers. "Lets go play."

Raising my eyebrow, I decide to play along. "Where..., hyung?"

He catches up with me quickly. "Clubbing and watch chicks, or to the arcade to let off some steam."

"I prefer the second option, hyung."

"Well then off we go, my little brother." He cheers, dragging me forward. "And by the way, your ice cream is gonna melt."

His warning came too late.

"." I groan. "Got a tissue?"

"Nah." Baro shakes his head. "Use your shirt."

Thats when I laughed.




I'm really anticipating and excited because I wanted Baro's hair to be purple or something, and it came out with a colour close to purple. I don't know, purple / pink? Anyway he looks just stunning like he always does. My God, I can't even start describing how much I love Baro! ^^ And of course how much joy being and interacting with other Banas have brought me.
This is one long chapter i know, it was meant to be two but nevertheless here it is :)

I love you all xx



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Will update tomorrow! ^^ Sorry for the long wait~


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Chapter 11: Aw... Sandeul.. </3 the chapter is really heartbreaking :(
But, yepp~ author-ssi, your story is getting more and more interesting! I really don’t know if who she’ll gonna choose now.. is it Sandeul again? or she’s gonna lie to herself and be with Baro? I know she likes Baro too, but she loves Sandeul more right? and I’m sure if Deulie knew that Jinnie is pregnant and the fact that he’s the real father.. i know whatever happens that even satan can’t stop her, he’ll gonna fight for it. Well, i just have that feeling. kekekeke i’m assuming much. >_<
I’m also being biased here. Sandeul’s Sanderp. HOPING. :D Update soon~ ^^
Author-nim.. sorry for the caps.. but believed me, YOU ARE SO JJANG! YOU’RE WRITING SKILLS IS SO GREAT! :) I’M SO GONNA WAIT TILL YOU UPDATE :)

Chapter 11: Oooooh man! I don't know who to cheer for anymore :( I love Baro and he totally deserves her!! But poor Sandeul D:
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 11: Omg cries!!!
BlackPearl96 #6
... so how about you update... soon
DeullieSa34 #7
update sooon authornim please~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 10: You lucky lucky person you~ happy you got to attend the concert! i've been seeing pics all over tumblr it's just mocking me. Even jinyoung's solo 0_0. Hope you have a great trip!
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 10: Omg. Your so lucky! Going to korea and japan for a vacation..thats a lot of money!T_T