Public Kissing (One-Shot)

Public Kissing (One-Shot)


Taemin POV

Reading the brochure in my hand as I looked at the painting in front of me, I stole a glance of the most insensitive person that I’ve ever loved. The taller boy in a khaki coloured jacket showed much interest for the drawings—I could not understand what was so attractive about them.

He should have known how I hated going to art galleries, but he did not seem to care. What an idiot.

It was then when he tilted his head and our eyes met.

“Taemin, are you bored?” I shook my head and gave a forceful smile.

“I’m not, Minho.”

“Okay.” I clenched my fist in frustration when I watched as Minho walked away from me.

As I walked across the hall while I stuffed the brochure into my pocket, I spotted Key and Jong Hyun sneaking to a corner of the gallery.

… … ….

I wish I was blind when I set my eyes on the couple behind the wall. Jong Hyun’s hands wrapped around Key whom was pressed against the wall; his lips pressed against Key’s hungrily as if he was about to devour him.

“.” I cursed, and spotted them breaking their kiss to look at me.

“You’re being a spoil sport, Taemin.” Jong Hyun grunted as Key pushed him away.

“You guys can continue if you want to.” I murmured. Key’s expression tickled me.

“You can try it with Minho.” Talking about Minho, I was still hopping mad; I could not believe that he actually left me alone in this place that is suffocating me. Shaking my head curtly, I turned around and left the two love-birds alone.

At the corner of my eyes, I could see the both of them back into action again, wrapping their arms around each other desperately.


I spotted Minho across the gallery once again as I decided to make my leave.

“Taemin.” He called my name again, pulling me closer to him by wrapping his around my waist. My heart began to flutter as his lips brushed against my ear lobe by accident. Pointing towards the painting in front of us, he smiled at me serenely.

“Isn’t this drawing perfect?”

“Hmph.” I mumbled, leaning my head against his shoulder comfortably. I could sense him looking down at me as he said,

“You are bored, aren’t you?” Smiling sheepishly at him, I tilted my head to look a corner of the hall again, where Key and Jong Hyun were making out.

“Are Jong Hyun and Key doing it again?” Minho asked.

“How do you know?” I answered in surprise.

“I’ve seen them in action for so many times. And…” He leaned towards seductively, pressing his lips against my ear, “you are envious of them, aren’t you?”

I pushed him away shyly as I tried to avoid eye contact with him.

“Th—That’s disgusting.” I stammered.

Minho smiled at me cheekily, as he pushed me against the wall gently. Moving closer towards me, I shifted my head to the side, my pulse racing so quickly against my skin.

“People are watching, Minho.” He turned around and knew I was lying—there is not a single soul around. Shifting his gaze to look at me, I stared at him intently as he leaned towards me again.

“Close your eyes.” Minho whispered to me as I obediently did what he told me to. It was then when I felt his lips pressing against mine gently— every single brush of his fingers against my skin, everything time he moved his lips took my breath away.

… … … …

“How was it?” Jong Hyun approached me in our dormitory, cuddling beside me on the couch.

“How was what?”

“Kissing in public with Minho.” I blushed and replied,

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t have to lie, Taemin. It was great, wasn’t it?” Jong Hyun questioned me as I stood up and stood up from the couch.

“You’re nonsensical, Jong Hyun.” I replied curtly.

Because kissing Minho wasn’t great,

It was perfect.


Author’s Note: Hahahaha.  Comment please  


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Chapter 1: ahh this is so cute!! ♡
omfg ;w; <3 i loved it
>< sakdhkjasdna agi¿gdfijaf
aigo srly >3< so cute
It so cute~/bounce up and down/
haruhee #5
I wanna try it XD
boondoks1 #6
keke,,this was so cute,,,of course taemin kissing minho in public or in private would always be great,,,kekeke
kissing minho wasnt great. it was perfect. geesh ! you make my face reddish with hardcore smile. ^^ love this so ____ing much !!
Because kissing Minho wasn’t great,
It was perfect.
