
A Thousand Pieces
Yeon Young's P.O.V

I took a deep breath. It's Friday already. I've been getting a lot of dirty looks from girls at school, especially Lee Ha Young. Her bullying has been extremely excruciating lately. A rumor has been floating around the school. Well, more like several rumors. About me. All of them. About me and Yoseob. About me and Junhyung. And a few rumors about what I do in my spare time that I'd rather not mention.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed Junhyung's lunchbox. Something feels ominous about today. I have a nervous feeling gnawing away at my insides. The knot was worse when I got to school.

A group of girls surrounded the bulletin board. All eyes turned to me the moment I set foot into the school. The glare was strange. Normally, it's just a condescending glare. Today, it's hate. Not a mean girl hate, but legitimate hatred. Like I've hurt someone they loved. Sudden realization. I ran to the bulletin board.

Posters. For everyone to see. Slanderous. A picture of me and Yoseob at the park next to one of me and Junhyung. The words "" and "" were written in bright red ink. I didn't really care. I don't care about what these losers thought of me. The posters beneath that one were what struck me.

Pictures of me with my sleeves rolled up. This wasn't such a big deal until I saw what they focused on. The photo zoomed in on my left wrist. My scars were blown up for everyone to see. The word "Emo" was written straight across. I looked to the left of that poster. This one zoomed in on my thighs. "Fat". Another was a full shot of me. "UGLY". I felt that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I heard the crowd shift their attention to the front gate. Rich Boy's crowd. Junhyung ignored the girls and walked straight up to me. "Got my lunch?" He stood at my side. I remained frozen. He waved his hand in front of my face, laughing. Clueless to what I'm looking at. "Yah, why are you so-" he turned to see what I was staring at. "What the- YAH." He started ripping down the posters. He looked at me, gently speaking. "Yah, Lower Class, gwenchanna?" His hand held up my chin. I felt tears coming. My vision began to blur. It's too much. Everything. I ran.

I hadn't noticed how far I had ran until my face met the floor. Haha, get it? I fell. Pulling myself together, I stretched for the wallet that had fallen out of my pocket. I looked around as I sat up. The park. Of all places, why here? I opened my wallet and saw the familiar glint of an old friend. My razor blade. I took it out of the pocket and traced the edge with my index finger. I took a deep breath. I knew what was about to happen; I've been through this scene way too many times. Holding the blade firmly, I pressed down as I dragged it across the healed flesh of my left wrist. Blood dripped from the cut as I pressed for another. It's become an addiction. Somehow, I felt better. A sense of relief, I suppose. I moved the blade higher up my forearm and dragged. I continuously sliced my arm, the frosty air burning the exposed flesh. Exhaling sharply, I rolled my sleeve down. A relapse. What now? You weakling. You're useless. You couldn't even hold out over that tiny thing. You may as well kill yourself and stop being a waste of space.

The voices have returned.

Aish. Not my best chapter. I don't know, I don't think it's very good. Miahne ):

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still busy. crazy school work. still working very very slowly!


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peipei_bigbadgirl #1
Chapter 35: I like it the best!! Update soon
anasilvia #2
Chapter 34: Thanks for the update ..
Chapter 32: I love this story it's like the best
anasilvia #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon!
ellemoo #5
Chapter 31: Is it Yoseob? Please update soon <33 Curiosity is killing me XD
Chapter 31: lol hey new fan here and i love your story update soon
ellemoo #7
Chapter 30: YAYY UPDATE! Oh my god... I hope Junhyung will know the real reason for why she's doing so :'(
Chapter 29: Awww~~

Poor girl so many break downs....

But I reckon is much stonger than all the other normal ppl she can still stay strong after wat she went through, I support her!!!

Dont cry girl we admire u youngie~~~
b2utylove57 #9
Chapter 6: Just started the story, but it's actually very good :D So glad I've found a well-written fanfic with my ultimate kpop boy band :)Plus with Yoseob in it..I'm automatically biased xD Looking forward to reading the rest~ By the way, I really like Yeon Young's character. The first chapter was absolutely amazing.
Chapter 28: Eonnie update soon please really soon ;D ima addicted in youre story.......