Open the Door!

Cyber Love (HIATUS)


“SEUNGHO!?” Joon quickly covered my mouth with his hands.

“What!?” The sound of footsteps powering down the hallway and towards the door nearly made my heart stop.

Oh he heard me!

I shoved Joon’s hands away from my face and stood abruptly from the bed, facing the door. “ hyung i..err..didn’t mean to call you!”

“Cheondung is everything okay in there?!” We both looked at the door handle as it started to jiggle. “Cheondung why is it locked? Open the door!”

I looked down towards Joon in hopes that he would get the hint and help my come up with an excuse, but Joon just merely sat there staring at the door wide eyed and frozen. Seeing as he wasn’t going to be any help I turned to face to door once more.

“Hyung!  I don’t want to talk right now! Please leave me alone!”

“Cheondung is something wrong? Open the door and we can talk about it!”

“No hyung I’m just….busy right now if you know what I mean!” embarrassed with what I said I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that he would understand and leave.

“Cheondung are you..”

“YES! Yes I am now can up please give me a little privacy!?”

“Err..yeah umm sorry!” Seungho’s footsteps were heard once more as he scurried back the way he came.

I slowly let out a breath that I didn’t realise that I was holding and sat myself down on the floor facing Joon and resting my head on his knee. The amount of panic I felt at that very moment was unbelievable.

“You know you made it sound like you were in the middle o-“

“I know! But I would just like to remind you before you start being a smartass, I only made it sound that way so I could keep him out.”

“yeah I know…thanks” Joon said, while running his fingers in my hair.

I can’t remember the last time me and Joon hyung just sat in a comfortable silence. I miss this.



“Did Seungho hyung ever tell you what happened after he moved?”

“No….I never asked so he has never told me. But it doesn’t bother me I prefer not to know what happened. I don’t want to bring up the past with him, he is under a lot of stress right now with the company and I don’t want to stress him out even more.”

Joon stopped running his fingers through my hair then placed both of his hands on my cheeks and tiled my head upwards to face him. “Please Cheondung, don’t say anything to him. I don’t want him to know that I have been thinking of him in that way again. I can’t take being hurt by him again”

“Okay Hyung. I won’t say a word”

Joon began to stand and pulled me up with him, he then wrapped his arms around my waist and bought me into his embrace. Pulling away he smiled at me genteelly then headed towards the door. Once the door was once again shut I headed over to the window and looked out upon Seoul  taking in its beauty.

“Joon and Seungho huh? I never would have guessed” a small smile creped to my face. I turned around and began heading my bed once again, when I stopped dead in my tracks as I came to a realisation. What if I am starting to feel the same way Joon feels for Seungho but only towards the guy from the internet?.....HOLY EFFING !



Hello! Im back again and this time i bring you an update! Its really short i know but honestly im having such a hard time with tring to update all my other storys DX 

BTW Thanks for the lovely comments and for subbing! im like wow people actually like this story? hahaha 

Im also thinking of changing the poster so i wouldnt get to excited if the next time you see this as updated cause most likely it will just be a new poster and not a new chapter..

Anyways Love you allllllll 


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No new chappie, just new poster and BG :3


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rouleauxlang #1
Chapter 4: I don't know why but I laughed at the revelations. Cheundoong being confused is cute. Everything, it's funny. I am sorry.But it is rather amusing. Please continue :D
MelonCandy #2
Chapter 3: Asgjfllwjeoopfj!! Agdhdj, ajdjooolldlfnevjjjk, jdjsjkqmekfoocb NAHFOEOSBDKQKAHDJK!!! :D


LucesG #3
Chapter 3: OMG... Joon and SeungHo? Wow... And SeungHo ignoring the past... I´m so curious about his behaviour XD XD
LucesG #4
OMG! Joon too? I'm so curious now... Fighting!
LucesG #5
Interesting chapter... I like the way you describes the chat (I remember long time ago I used to chat with random people...old times *sighs*). Fighting!