Love Labyrinth


~ Synopsis ~


Living your life happily, that is what you are doing.

Enjoying your life as single with your best friends.

But how is your life once you have entered the love labyrinth ? 

Happiness, Sadness, Jealousy, Hatred, Friendship will accompany you along all time is this labyrinth.

Are you Ready ?



~ Characters ~












Annyeong Yeorobeun ~ *bows*

Welcome to Love Labyrinth ! This is my first fanfiction (^_^)

Please be nice with me ! 

 Sorry for the mistakes, English isn't my first language....



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PCbuhBAM #1
OMG EUNHYUK'S PIC<3 But, like omg... Tabi scared me too.. Don't worry Yumin!! You're not alone!! My heart would be beating fast too!! But, I would of kicked him out of my bed already o3o TABI DUN SCARE ME LIKE THAT. I WAS ABOUT TO EXPLODE IN BLUSH
Now, for Hyukkie~ When I read that Hyukkie was smirking I just got all... Fangirly OTL WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?! And, it was so cute at the end!! I LOVE IT xDDD I want to know more about Minji :DD
Great update<3
kekekekeke~~ I love it~ ^^ Leeteuk get a girlfriend! *whispers* I feel like I've read this scene before... >_>......<_<.... I definitely shouldn't be a guy... I'm a terrible guy... Oh well it's in the past.
but yes I LOOOOVVVVVEEEEE IIIIRRRRRTTTTTT!!!! hahah like really^^
ooh and Eunhyuk tch tch tch, not nice *shakes head*
Kyuhyun is so cute^^ can I love him?? please~~
and Jungsu.. yes your umma is right.. you're too old to be single ._.
uhm.. next chappie?

oh and sorry for the bad comment ._. I'm not good at uhm.. describing what I feel.. bear with me~
uh sorry honey.. idk how to top what the girl below me said
PCbuhBAM #5
Btw~ Yumin's the best Unnie ever<3 Reminds me of silverwolfx2 ^^ hehe~<3 You did a wonderful work ;DD
PCbuhBAM #6
OMO!! /Why is this voice so familiar?/ OHOHOHOHOHO!! Well~ It will soon be the lurve of your life .w. But, I wouldn't know since there's other three members as well~ kukukukukukuku~!! What stood out most for me was that Haerin sorta reminds me... of myself .3. I might like her more >w>... BUT OMG I ALREADY LOVE TABI-APPA<3 He's awesome man. You made him awesome. He's already awesome LOL Teasing Eunhyuk~ sry, I had to say tht >3> KYUHYUN'S SO CUTE OTL. and umz... sry if I comment long ;w; but likez~ I ADORE THE FOREWORD<3 THE PHOTO COVER<3 AND THE WALLPAPER<3 So beautiful~<3 =w=