
When He Cheated
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Hello my suddbies ^ o ^) I really am sorry that I haven't been updating and I'm sorry if it kept you waiting, but please undertand > - <) 

Okay so I hope you like where the story is going and I would love to hear what my subbies think/recommend if there is anything wrong or doesn't seem right in my story, just let me know and don't be afraid becuase I don't judge I just accept (^___^) <3


This will be my update in a while and a first for the new year ^__^) Right! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Again, sorry for being a bad author and not updating (>__<)~ Please enjoy and I would appreciate feed back~! <3 



You went home after what happened between you and Donghae, but you needed to get things straight, you needed a little bit more time to think about everything especially since you and Donghae had a hot and steamy make out session. Your mind has been boggled around and you don’t know what to do, but you do know that you need to see Eunhyuk maybe he can fix you. ‘What the hell Donghae? Why…why did you kiss me?” you thought to yourself as you were walking back to your house, then the thought of Eunhyuk asking where you went and what you would tell him was playing through your mind.


You got to the front door of your house still feeling a little flustered about what happened so you took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm your nerves, it worked in only making you think about what might come flooding out of your mouth. You knew that keeping secrets aren’t your thing, so how do you expect to keep something like the whole ‘Donghae-trying-to-get-you-back-by-kissing-you-and-telling-you-everything’ from Eunhyuk? You lost hope for a second.


You it up and opened the door, hoping that Eunhyuk wasn’t up, but rather still sleeping in your bed snoring. So you quickly put your things down in the living room and took off your shoes so that it wouldn’t make any sounds and headed to up the stairs to your room to check if he’s awake. You saw that the door to your room was open slightly and your heart started to race. You took in a deep breath and held it in while inching closer to your door that was open ajar.


There was enough space for you to peek through and you saw a big-muscular figure under the covers lying on your bed and that’s when relief flooded your entire body and you breathed out slowly while your heart rate slowed. You slowly turned around and you went downstairs to the living room and sat on the single-seated chair to think about what happened and to connect the dots about the events with Donghae and the girl Eun Mi.


You didn’t have an idea about how long you were thinking about everything and how to react but you then remembered that you have a flight later that evening and had to pack and make sure that you had everything. You walked up the stairs still in deep thought and opened your door swiftly, completely forgetting to check if Eunhyuk was still sleeping. You were surprised to see that he was sitting upright on your bed as if he was waiting for you. Caught off guard you backed up against your door with widened eyes while starring at him. He had a smirk on his lips and you felt nervous. ‘Crap. Why is he sitting upright, as if he was waiting for me?’ You got worried that he thought that you just got out of bed to get a glass of water or use the bathroom then come back, that’s the complete opposite of what really happened.




Eunhyuk: Hi ____, where have you been?


You: Eh? What do you mean Eunhyuk? ^^;


Eunhyuk: Oh c’mon ____, I know that you left me here on your bed all alone for a very, very long time.


You: No I didn’t…How would you even know if I left you anyway? You’re a heavy sleeper
(O ^ O)


Eunhyuk: I am, but I can tell when a certain someone leav

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HEY! Please check the little message I left you in CHAPTER 24 "The End Is Only The Beginning"!


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Chapter 29: I really loved this story, it was amazing
Reyna_Chavez #2
Chapter 29: Well I just died. It was a really great story. The ending was cute too.
Chapter 29: Awww <3 Such a sweet ending! <3 Altough I feel a bit sorry for Eunhyuk :\ But heyy, Donghae and "I" are back again~ *spazz* It was such a pleasure to read this story, author-nim! It was one of my favourite ^_^ I'll look forward your other works and just so you now: you got a little fan here haha xD Good luck in your future! Wish you all the best ^o^
SUJU4ever13 #4
Chapter 15: Aww... Seems that you like to collaborate starbucks into your story! Seems like you're a starbucks fan too^^
xelfkatiex #5
Chapter 28: /.\!!!! Love this story please update ^^
Chapter 27: Omo! You updated! <3 Welcome back, author-nim! ^o^ The chapter is as great as the others! I really can't wait for the next update~ Fighting!!
Chapter 25: When will you end your hiatus period????
Chapter 25: The story is turning really~ interesting ._. I don't know who to ship "me" x Donghae or "me" x Eunhyuk >.< I love both of them :\
Anyway, the chapter was amazing! <3 Fighting!
Chapter 24: Great chapter author-nim! Can't wait to see what happens next! ^^
Chapter 23: Thanks for updating! ^o^