The Other Side


Sequel to 'Only You'.  Set three years afterwards.

Tao mysteriously shows up on a snowy night, leaving Kris troubled. The next day, Kris packs his luggage and is ready to leave. You willingly pack as well, not completely sure of what is going on. You follow Kris to his family home, the very one he had grown up in and run away from. The plot thickens as you find out more about Kris' family and why he ran away, as well as the appearance of a woman who may or may not be Krystal! And Chen comes back too

Sound exciting enough for you? Then stay subscribed to find out how the plot will unravel!


First off, I would just like to thank everyone who supported my first fanfiction, Only You, whether you were a new reader, an old subscriber, or a(n) (in)frequent commenter. I love you all; you made my day everyday! 

Secondly, I would also like to thank everyone for being so patient with me as I slowed down my updates, and constantly didn't know when I was going to be able to update next, etc.

Thirdly, ...this is what a foreword is, right? I really don't know...(because in books, forewords are always done by Albus Dumbledore or a friend of his, who talks about how great the book is and what the proceeds of the books are going to...)

Anyways, enjoy the show!


(and yes, it is somewhat of a show because this small story seems to have developed into a giant snowballed drama idea...)

(p.s. ignore the strange posterthing i made...)

ohmygoodness ily guys but y'all need to take a hint and look at the pic ;) don't forget to comment ^_^


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ExoLkpop #1
Chapter 18: Update soon authornim! Tis is awsome!
Chapter 18: New reader, subcriber and of course, new upvoter! Hehe. Been reading this sequel and wow! Can't help but to feel a little anxious. Update soon, dearest authounim!
adikkaytopatfany #3
Chapter 18: Ommo. I badly miss Fanfan. Its almost 4am and here I am, still reminiscing our dragon with the boys. Great story anyway, author-nim! Please update sooner when youre no longer busy. More power. ♡
Chapter 18: Update soon, this story is really good ^^
Chapter 18: Update pls ಥ_ಥ Really love your storyy huu
ReinaPark #6
Chapter 18: update soon...
Chapter 18: Oh my dear, you updated! And I just realized it... But still I very very glad that you updated ㅠㅠ
Dreamareality #8
Chapter 18: Welcom back!!! Im glad you up dated :) love this fanfic soooo much!!
rosesyeah #9
Chapter 15: uuuh this is one of my favorite fanfiction actually. so sad that you don't continue this anymore. anw, I'd like to see 'me' end up with kris ahahaha x'D