Chapter 4

The Temptation of A Teenager


“RINGGGG!!!!”the bell was ringing. All the students busily put in their stuffs into their bag, so did the raven black hair young boy was heavenly pouting, and tears were starting to be formed at his dolly brown eyes. There was a slight scratch right below his left eye. He put in his books randomly. His tall good-looking friend was laughing crazily while sat beside that delicate young boy.

“Hahahahahaha!!” “you have to see your face when you were falling down! It was totally amusing!” said Siwon. Jaejoong stared at him till Siwon stop laughing.

“Did you have fun? I am in pain now. And you are busy laughing because of my funny face?” Jaejoong voice was shaking. Siwon who felt the guilt, tried to apologize.

“Hey.. hey.. hey.. I did not mean to mock at you… I was joking okay?”

“But you shouldn’t…”said Jaejoong.

“Okay, I know… I’m sorry Joongie. You know I never seriously mocking you.”said Siwon and he put his long muscular arm on his friend’s shoulder. Jaejoong shuddered a bit. But kept quiet.

“Come on Joongie~ Don’t mad at me okay?”

“Why can’t I?” asked Jaejoong.

“Because I’m your soulmate.” Answered Siwon.

“Why can you say that?” asked Jaejoong again.

“Because I love you, and you really love me too.” Said Siwon.

“Tsk… what an arrogant Mr. Choi. Look.. You said you love me but you were laughing at me and look again!” said Jaejoong while pointing his scratched left cheek. “and look at this!” he rolled up his pants. There could be seen clear enough that his both knees were bleeding seriously.

“God Joongie! You are bleeding! Let’s go to my father!” Panic Siwon dragged Jaejoong out of the class.

“Ouchh!” Jaejoong stopped. His eyes were watery and he bit his lips. “I can’t walk.” He bit his lips cried.

Siwon then helped Jaejoong stand up. Then suddenly he put Jaejoong on piggyback. Siwon run fast to his father clinic, which was almost seven blocks away.


“Daddy!” Siwon shouted while running into his Father’s room without knocking first.

“What the… O my God!” Mr. Choi who was checking the patient suddenly turned around to find his son running like a hell boy while carried his crying friend.

“Dad! He can’t walk! He is bleeding! You must check him up right now! Look look look! He is really in pain!”Siwon said in rush without pit stop.

“It’s okay Wonnie~ I’m alright…” said Jaejoong.

“NO! You don’t! Now shut up and let my dad examine you!” said Siwon again.

“Sshhh! I know what I should do, Siwon. Now can you please be calm and let me check him.” “I’m sorry Ma’am, I have to check this boy… I promise only take some minutes. You may wait outside for just seconds please.” Said Mr. Choi to the old woman who was examined lately. The old woman was okay to leave. After that, with the panic face and glare from his son, Mr. Choi made sure that everything is alright with Jaejoong. Except that the fact that Jaejoong had to get 4 sews at his knees.

“Hm… Joongie, you may not run or walk too far for a while until the sews are dry. Apply this ointment every 4 hours to help the wound heal faster.”Said Mr. Choi. “and this is for you,” Mr. Choi handed out a medium sized milk chocolate from his pocket.

“I got it Uncle! Thanks so much!”said Jaejoong with a big smile.

For Jaejoong, Siwon’s parents were just like his real parents. Especially after his dad was gone, ony Mr. Choi that protect and embrace him like his real son. And it was just a habit that right after Jaejoong got the examination, Mr. Choi would always give sweets to him.


Siwon kept insisting and made Jaejoong to ride on his back to get home. Jaejoong kludged on his back firmly while munching the chocolate. Sometimes he took the chocolate to Siwon’s lips because he knew that Siwon loved chocs too.

“Wonnie~”called Jaejoong softly.

“Hmmm?” Siwon answered with a hum.

“Thankyou… you always act so kind to me.” Said Jaejoong and once again shoved a bite of chocolate to Siwon.

“What are you talking about? I always act like this and in the end you will always thanked me.” Said Siwon while munching the chocolate. “I did tell you not to cry in front of me... I hate it when I have to see you cry.”

“I know Wonnie... I really didn’t mean to cry in front of you…”, “Are you getting tired of me?” “I mean… It’s not like that~ just… I’m afraid that you will feel annoyed with me..”said Jaejoong.

“Yah! Kid! Don’t you know that for these years I was really annoyed but why can you say it right now?!” Siwon said jokingly. Jaejoong pouted.

“I’m Sowwwyyy…” said Jaejoong again.

“Nah, for your gratitude, you have to go with me in Christmas Eve!”said Siwon.

“Uh, now you are asking me out for a Christmas date, Mr. Perfect?” asked Jaejoong.

“It’s not like this is the first time I asked you out, Mrs. Perfect..” replied Siwon.

“But Christmas is just a day after tomorrow… How if I don’t get better?” asked Jaejoong.

“No no no. No way. You will be just fine. I’m gonna pick you up at 6!”said Siwon.

“Ayya Captain!”said Jaejoong with a big smile.

“Okayy! Now fasten the hold cuz I’m gonna run you home!”said Siwon, and he ran to Jaejoong home with a big happy smile.

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meechan35 #1
Chapter 9: Awww.... They kissed again. I feel bad for Heechul though.
HopeLoveFaith #2
Chapter 9: I like this sory. I feel kinda bad for Jae's Brother though. I hope he falls in love With someone else so that Jae and Yunho can be together without feeling guilty.
Cant wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 6: Awww...When will this be updated again? love this fic...
Chapter 6: i smell something naughty angst to happen~~~~
alint2709 #5
Chapter 6: wew.. jaejoong will stay with yunho? guess what happen next..
It's really interesting! Yunnniee... why you act so childish, huh? Poor Joongie,he didn't get the milk! >.<
Update soon,okay? ^^
Lol i love the YunJae squabble at the supermarket!!!

Fall for jaejae soon, yunnnnieee!!!