Time Control


Time; a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time. Time consists of the past, present and the future.

People say that time flies.


What happens when there is that someone, whom you love, that happens to live in all three time frames at the same time?



Helloooo! It's bubblytea here! I just wanted to say that my other fanfic 'The Life of a Not-So-Ordinary Girl' is currently on semi-hiatus. I have been very, very busy with school work etc. But here I am, writing another fanfic!

This one is a 'time' inspired fanfic. Now, will get quite confusing, but I will make sure that I explain everything afterwards, so please don't fret!

So that I don't have to say this in the author notes in every chapter, I'll say this now: Sorry for all the grammatical and spelling errors. If you happen to find any, please comment below and tell me.

Also, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all my subscribers! It means a lot of me!

Anyways, on with the story! Below, in the foreword, is a little insight about my story. I know it's not much, but I hope it tells a little about it.

As you might be able to tell, my writing style has actually changed. Please comment below what you think about it. Also, if you have any suggestions that you would like me to include, please do tell me!

Okay, I'm sorry for blabbering on. So, keep reading if you would like to find out what happens! :)








*Please note that I do not own any of the above photos. They are only used to suit the characters of this story.



A Little Insight---

As I inhale the fresh air surrounding me, I can feel nothing but cold chills shivering down my back. The pure, white snow ubiquitously falls; brightening up the pathway with its pallidity. I slide on my blue, puffy jacket to retain my body heat within me. Pathos memories seep their way through my mind, making me feel out of control. I shake my head to convulse my train of thought. However, the memories are too overpowering, they subjugate my body. The frigidness of the air knocks me out. I lie there, on the icy entresol, with my body unconscious.

A brandish shake jolts my body, awakening me. My eyes drift open; my pupils adjust to the luminosity. I introspect around me to find my body resting on a chaise. The bland yet statuesque beige colour complements the cream walls. The exorbitant appearance of the chaise awestrucks me; as it certainly is not one of my belongings.

I gander to my left to find a tall male figure sitting in another luxurious piece of furniture; this one looking not as costly as the one I am currently lying in.

“Oh, you’re awake,” His voice so taciturn I can barely hear him. I can only do nothing but stutter nothing. “Maybe I should introduce myself first.” He stands up from his seat and lowers his upper torso, creating a perfect ninety degree bow. His gorgeous brown hair spontaneously falls, his bangs covering half his eye as he straightens his body. “Annyeonghaseyo. Kai-imnida.” I only just notice his perfect tan that complements his hair and body shape.

I think I’ve just fallen in love.

Chapter 2 has been uploaded! Enjoy~


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Kashee #1
Aaah, it was Kai from the past ! Wow, this story reminds me so much of "Arbitrage", because I had a hard time figuring out how the whole time travel thing works, but after 3 times re-reading it, I think I get it.
Now, about your story. Not gonna lie, it is a bit confusing as well, haha. But I'm not going to give up, I'll read your story until the end, because I'm sure I'll understand after a while, so update soon ! :D
Kashee #2
OMFG she met Kai from the future ! Can't wait to see the next chapters. :D
this is interesting~ Please update soon :)
Kashee #4
I reaally can't wait ! :D