Fishy Encounter


A fluff story based on a dream that Nee-chan had, where I complete the story for her.


A normal day for me and my daugher. We decided to go to a local aquarium to take a look at the fishes there,
when my daugher, the clutz that she is, fell.
But there was someone there to catch her.


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Chapter 1: haha, this was short but sweet! can't imagine what i'd do if my ult bias suddenly asked me out on the spot, in public.
Chapter 1: so CUTE STORY! sequel?! :))
lileewd #3
This is soo fluffy and cute especially the little girl pointing at Donghae the fishy lol
It would be awesome if you wrote a sequel about the dinner date ^_^
fishy much =.= what happened to their date?? O.o
13thfaerie #5
D'awwwwwwwwwwwe! So cute. If he asked me out this would probably be my 2nd reaction...after fainting! Lol
13thfaerie #6
I can't wait for this one! XD. Looking forward to round 2 of the ty one too though. ;D