My Weird Bestfriend

Which of the two?

The next day is just as normal as any of your past days at school. The sun shines so brightly, making you squint from the slight light escaping from the window besde your seat. You never complained about it thougn, because you love glancing and sometimes staring blankly at the school grounds outside whenever you feel bored in class.

Your academic status is good. You get good grades because you are somehow active sometimes and you never failed in submitting bunch of requirements here and there which at the same time annoys you more often. You feel like your professors think that you guys in the school you are attending to are the luckiest kids in terms of money and private properties. Yes, you are the only daughter of the most influential business couples around Korea but you never tried or simply thought of acting that way. You don't like to act like 'Hey es! I'm the richest here so back off!', that never touched your mind even once. You just want to be ordinary and normal.

Ordinary as a part of the society.

Ordinary in school.

Ordinary inside the class.

Normal in the eyes of your bestfriend.

Chanyeol, on the other hand, wants the same. His family also owns companies in Korea, a little less fancy than your family's, but acts as an ordinary and down-to-earth individual as you. You are happy for that, being bestfriends with him makes you feel and prove that money is nothing compared to the inner treasure of one's heart.

The bell finally rings, signaling the whole school that it is already lunch break. You are so fascinated by the tree just at the sight of the room's window that you barely paid attention to the class discussion. The only thing you heard from your Einstein look alike professor is about the bunch of homework regarding the topic that was discussed earlier. Oh well, you're doomed.

As you are fixing your things back to your bag, a tall figure walks over and sits in your desk. You look up, smiling widely to see Chanyeol's big adorable eyes.

"Guess what?" Chanyeol says as quckly as he could. His eyes are obviously smiling now too.

You raise your eyebrow, knowing that something's up. "Guess what what?"

He smirks. "I watched a movie earlier." He says, making you stop from what you are doing and attentively stares at him. "And it was good. You know, not like those disney movies of yours."

You raise your eyebrow. "Mind your own, dude." You say jokingly.

"Well, alright. But atleast mind my own, too."


"The movie, uh well." He starts.

"Wait, don't make it long. It's lunch already."

He nods. "The movie was focused on a wanting-to-be-typical-than-being-an-heiress girl." He smiles. You nod sarcastically, trying o hide your smile but failed to do so. "The scene was, uh, she was just staring outside of the literature room she was in for the whole time, doodling to her lecture notebook, completely not paying attention to the discussion his teacher presented in class."

You are just staring at him, half-heartedly listening to his 'story''.  You don't if how stupid you look like with your act. But, who can ever resist this virus? ever?

"Then at the final minute, the teacher gave a long list of homework which was due next week. She felt unhappy about not listening at all. She was oblivios of what shw was going to do, but that was not the end of her. She wasn't the type of girl who didn't know how to survive in school. Fortunately, she-"

"She had her bestfriend in the same class so she aked him for his notes again regarding the topic. Luckily for her, her bestfriend agreed. The end." You add playfully, pinching his nose just enough to make him cry in pain.

The two of you are the only ones left inside the room now. You are used to it though, you always are the last to come out anyway. That's your and Chanyeol's habit now, too.

"Right. Thank you." He says sarcastically, rubbing his now reddish nose as he stands up straight. "I don't think that you'll be a good writer.. or a director either. Being biased isn't good, sometimes.

Standing up, you smile. He follows you out of the room as he contnuously rubs his nose and pouts.

|So.. you're going to let me borrow your notes now?"

He grins down at you. "You don't want me to?"

"I am the one asking here." You scoff, pulling and adjusting the strap of your bag.

"Well, I am asking for your suggestion."

:"You're weird." You roll your eyes at him.

Chanyeol quickly wraps his arm around your neck and rubs the top of your head by his free hand. Being tall really has advantages. "At least I am your bestfriend." He chuckles deeply and loudly, making some of the students look in your way.

You elbow him but still didn't let you go. You just earned a funny 'Aww!" in response. The both of you, then, turn left from the hallway full of 'fancy' students to another hallway towards the cafeteria.

"Aish!" He suddenly curses, blinking numerous times in two seconds. He gently releases you and scratches the back of his neck as he flashes his awkward million dollar smile at you.

You raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well." He says awkwardly. "You should go there now first. I forgot something." He grins. "I'll go grab it in my locker first. Save me a seat, alright? I'll be back soon."

Then he storms to the hallway, leaving you into the now almost empty hallway towards the cafeteria.

You smirk. That kid.. is just so weird.

You continue aalking. When you finally arrived, you immediately make your way to your usual spot: to the end right corner of the place near the washing area. Having that place is functional.

The canteen is almost half full. You rae used to it though. Of course with also another annoying reason.

Kai is on his way towards you, again. He's wearing his usual annoying 'seductive' smile and his eyes are totally focused on you. The whole girl population around the cafeteria is staring at him in awe, making him increase the level of his pride more.

You want to look away, but just couldn't. It's not that you adore him like most of the girls in school are but instead you hate him so much that you want to dig your fingers in his eyes.

Kai is so cocky, stupid, ert and a total jerk. He's the complete opposite of Chanyeol. You knew that he never wil be like Chanyeol or even just a strand of Chanyeol's hair. He's so far in becoming anyone good.

"Hey." He smirks, 'seductively' rebuttoning his uniform infront of you. His hair is a mess like he just got up from bed.

"What are you doing here?" Now, you face your back at him, unpatiently waiting for Chanyeol to arrive.

It's really horrible when Chanyeol isn't around, especially when Kai is bothering you. At least when Chanyeol is with you, you have him supplementing your statements and such. You feel secured. But now, you're surely dead. When the hell will Chanyeol be back?

"To say hi to my soon-to-be-official princess." He pauses. "Hi." He says it normally like he's used to it. Well, you have no doubt about that. He's a total player after all.

You laugh sarcastically, throwing your hands up in an exaggerated way. You let your fake laugh fade as you look at him with fiery eyes of disgust. "Oh come on! I never will be yu princess, ever. And besides, you don't even look like aprince. YOU ARE NOT A PRINCE, YOU JERK! YOU ARE N-O-T!"

The crowd look at you weirdly, muttering things you barely hear and understand. You let it pass though, they aren't your priority. It is you and this jerj that needs to be erased from your world, and Chanyeol who isn't yet around.

In your shock and Kai's extremely high pride, he smiles at you like nothing happened. "Where is your bodyguard?" He asks cooly, sitting down beside you.

"He's my bestfriend! Don't you ever talk about him like that. Look at this fork," You command, holding up the silver fork infront of him. He didn't look at it though, instead he's staring at your face with a satisfied smirk on his lips.

"This fork," You boast once again. "I'm going to dig this in your throat and eyes for you to keep your mouth shut and never dare to speak like that towards my bestfriend ever again or look at me in a very disgusting way. Oh God, why am I even wasting my time talking to you."

"Oh, that's rude. But are you done now?" Kai wiggles his eyebrows at you, making you face palm in frustration. He's not giving up from bugging you, not even a bit.

"So now, let me talk. Later, I will wait for you by the gate. I'll walk you home, alright?"

What. The. Hell. Is. Up. With. This. Guy. Now you surrender, there is no sense of still talking with him. It is just a reason to hurt your larynx, yet he still doesn't care about your words-- million words. You're tired. Totally.

"Get lost." You mutter in a whisper. He stays still, mking you groan angily again. "I said ge-"

"She said get lost, dude." A deep, very familiar voice suddenly comes from behind. You quickly removes your hands from your face and look up to see Chanyeol glaring at Kai. He flashes you a smile then back to Kai again.

Kai shows him back a glare. You sould feel the burning tension in between them, so ou stand up, grab Chanyeol's hand and let him sit next to you on the side opposite fro Kai.

"I thought you forgot to check me out today, fella." Kai smirks at Chanyeol. "It's nice to see you, too."

You hold Chanyeol's hand under the table. He's clenching his fist, letting you know that he's not in the mood towards Kai today. It feels really awkward being in between two almost colliding fires and knowing that somehow you are the reason of it.

"You must have heard what she said, man." Chanyeol breathes in sharply. "Or do you want me to repeat it again? You know, you should've taken 23 units of class regarding respect."

You squeeze his hand, nervously looking back and forth from the younger to Chanyeol. You want this to end already because one, thae ambiance is devastating and two, they're already making a scene.

Fortunately, Kai stands up, still wearing his smile. "Don't worry, dude. I will. And then I'll make sure to let you know about it. I really will appreciate to be classmates with you." He smirks once more, then looks down at you with a pround smile. "Till then, lady. See you around."

Then he walks out. You sigh in relief. What are you getting yourself into?

"Hey." You awkwardly smile, squeezing his hand yet again. "Are you okay? I'm sorry."

Chanyeol smiles back. "I'm fine. And why are you apologizing? There's nothing wrong with that, you know."

This makes your heart flutter. How long can you hide everything from him? The feeling that he's making you is getting deeper and deeper  now that anytime soon you never will be able to handle it anymore.

"Thank you." You say softly, wanting to hug him or something for your gratefulness for what he did. But suddenly decided not to. You feel protected and secured again, but you can't deny that you're feeling guilty about it too.

Chanyeol raises his hands and pokes your cheeks as if they're jellies. "So much for saying thank you, little girl. I'm hungry. Let's eat now."

"Eat?" You ask in confusion, seeing that he doesn't have any food with him. "But you haven't ordered fo-"

"I want your food." He says plainly. "Your mom surely added some for me, right? She loves me just enough."

You groan, "Not again, Chan."

"What? That would be like a thank you thing."

You roll your eyes at him, lazily taking out you lunch back. "Yeah, right." You say sarcastically.

The two of you proceed eating, teasing each other here and there making some of your food spill down the tiled floor.

"Ya! Stop playing like a kid!" You laugh as he battles your chopsticks with his own to get the last piece of grille meat.

"Oh, hey, I have something for you." He says, shoving the food to his mouth then putting down his chopsticks and proceed searching something in his bag.

"What is it?"

"A weapon." He says.

"A.. weapon?" You repeat stupidly. " Don't tell me we're going to.. to kill someone here.. specifically," You whisper. "Kai?"

He laughs. "Aigoo! No, you pabo!" And then he turns around to face you His eyes are so adorable, you have to admit it, even though they really are twitchy. "Tada!" All smile, he shows you a picture of a girl with curly long burgundy hair and roung eyes. She's beautiful, and somehow you think that you already saw her before.

You chuckle awkwardly. You feel jealous about her. What if she's the one Chanyeol is always talking about who he wants to confess to? That's just.. not a good idea.

"Ya! You okay? You already saw her before?" He asks, waving his hand with the picture infront of you.

"You unconciously nod. "Somewhere. Is she-"

"Yes. This is SeKyo." He says.

You gulp. WHAT?!

"She's the one Kai is flirting with, too. But she's letting Kai to." He continues.

Ah. Okay.

"Ah. And?"

"She's kind of like can help us to get rid of Kai. She can manipulate him somehow. Who would not be?"

You shake your head. "I think that can't do anything about it. What if let's just ignore him like he's invicible, even when he'll approach us?"

"You think that will make him go away?" He asks. You nod. "That's just adding fire to it, silly." He'll get your attention more and more and that means, more annoying and unpleasant things will happen."

You think about it for a moment. Well, he got a point. If that's the case, plus Kai's pride, that would really happen. And you and Chanyeol will be the one to suffer.

"Alright. But you think she'll agree about your.. plan?" You unsurely ask. "Well, if you.. have a plan."

"Of course I have." He smiles and jokingly says, "I'm wise enough.after all."




So, what do you guys think about it yet? Chapters one and two are just, you know, fillers. Hehe. I did a long update today since I'm really that busy at school for the past daysssss until now. Sorry. T___T  I promise I will update more often after exams. I'm like in doubt of my test results. Lel  especially the physics one. T__T

Anyways, thank you for those who subscribed, commented, and viewed this. Feel free to hit the subscribe button and leave comments or anything you want. I really will appreciate it. :))


Gomawo! Gomawo! Gomawo!

*let's roll like a buffalo together*



I want to show you some imgs

Let's have some Chanyeol



[ Imgs and gifs not mine. Credits go to their rightful owners.]


Bye bye for now! <33333


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OTL. I changed my title to 'Which of the two?"


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Chapter 5: I shall follow you there! But what about your other fics author-nim?
OMGGGG your FF is really goood! I like your style of writing *_* and the story is good~ I like reading about their relationships omgomg I hope that you'll add next chapter soon T.T~~~~ I really like this~
nice story~~
Oooh i'm loving this story ! Chanyeol <3
This sounds like it will be a good Story can't wait for an update ^_^
Ooh~ this looks interesting. Update soon~