ℐjang Ulzzang Shop ✱


ℐjang ulzzang shop ✱

Are you looking for an ulzzang to use for your application?
Or are you obsessed with ulzzangs? Or are you just bored? Then the
Jjang Ulzzang Shop is the place to be! I have been into ulzzangs
even before I got into kpop, and in these 3 years my collectionhas grown a lot so
I thought it's about time I share it with the rest of the world! Here you can find a
different ulzzang in every chapte, together with some information about
him/her and a collection of pictures.
Want to request an ulzzang? Go ahead and spam the
comment box. I'd be more than happy to dedicate a chapter to the ulzzang
you love, as long as I didn't post a chapter of him/her yet.







Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my little shop. I've seen so many
ulzzang shops out there alreadt and didn't see a reason to start another
one among the 96430932 out there. But when I started showing/using
ulzzangs that people didn't seem to know about, I thought; "Maybe I
should open one?" And finally, here it is! My own ulzzang shop.
I hope you will enjoy your time here and if you have
any questions, don't be afraid to pm me or drop
it in the comment box!






Check chapter 1 for more information about the other chapters
Credits to x--tenshii @
s c a r l e t footsteps for the beautiful poster
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos unless stated otherwise.


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Chapter 4: She's so cute :)
MegamiUljjang #2
Chapter 3: do seung ho lee have cyworld ?
supporting c: ♥
Gah! It's Yamor's bday today!~ Or was it yesterday...? Anyways, Happy Birthday to her! And I agree with AngelicWhisper... I might be lesbian for them too... [naaah] XD.
@AngelicWhisper Yeah I know it's Zhang lol, I realized my mistake before but I can't edit on my phone ;o; Thank you for mentioning it anyway ^^
Oh, btw. Yamor's name is Zhang Yamu, not Xian Yamu~
Waah, I just saw the pictures of Hua Hua Liu and Yamor, just newkfjsneifojs. aha. I think I'm falling for these two tomboys. /willing to turn lesbian for them o w o!
Gah! Yay, thanks so much! Hua Hua is soo pretty! And FINALLY, some decent pics of her! Thank you for also taking the last request too!^^*. You guys really are the best! C: