⇝ Jang Hae Byeol

ℐjang Ulzzang Shop ✱

Jang Hae Byeol / 장해별
Model for stylebymas
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Born in 1988
Goes to Hanyang University

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Chapter 4: She's so cute :)
MegamiUljjang #2
Chapter 3: do seung ho lee have cyworld ?
supporting c: ♥
Gah! It's Yamor's bday today!~ Or was it yesterday...? Anyways, Happy Birthday to her! And I agree with AngelicWhisper... I might be lesbian for them too... [naaah] XD.
@AngelicWhisper Yeah I know it's Zhang lol, I realized my mistake before but I can't edit on my phone ;o; Thank you for mentioning it anyway ^^
Oh, btw. Yamor's name is Zhang Yamu, not Xian Yamu~
Waah, I just saw the pictures of Hua Hua Liu and Yamor, just newkfjsneifojs. aha. I think I'm falling for these two tomboys. /willing to turn lesbian for them o w o!
Gah! Yay, thanks so much! Hua Hua is soo pretty! And FINALLY, some decent pics of her! Thank you for also taking the last request too!^^*. You guys really are the best! C: