Part 1

Driving Me Insane


“Hurry up and get in the car or I am going to leave you here!” Yifan shouted as he sat in the drivers seat of his family's minivan. He had stuff to do and his kids were just taking forever.


One by one he watched them file out of the house. The first one to dash outside was Luhan in his soccer gear. He had his ball under his arm and a water bottle in his other hand as he opened the sliding door and climbed into the back. Yifan looked back at his oldest son and gave him a fist bump.


“Good luck at your game today okay Lu?”


“Yeah I will appa!” Luhan smiled widely.


Yifan looked back at the house to see if any more of his family had emerged and saw Minseok and Jongdae pulling each other's hair in their Taekwondo outfits.


“Get off of me!” Minseok screamed. Jongdae had half climbed on his back while pulling his hair to try and get Minseok to let go of his dark locks.


“No you let go first!”


“I hate you!” Minseok shouted. Yifan got out of the car and pulled the two off each other, holding them apart as he lead them to the car. Having Minseok and Jongdae as twins was difficult on Yixing and Yifan, especially after having a cheerful angel like Luhan as their first child. He loved them, but they drove him absolutely insane.


After Yifan put Minseok in the back row of seats and sat Jongdae next to Luhan, Yixing appeared at the door with a basket of food. He rested his hand on his eight and a half months pregnant belly as he shut the door behind him and tried to step down the outside stairs.


Yifan was at his side in a flash. He helped his husband down the stairs before grabbing the basket and putting it in the car. Yixing climbed into the passenger seat with a huff as Yifan put the seatbelt around him and secured him in place.


“Okay everyone ready to kick some at your tournaments today?” Yixing asked and the three kids in the back all put their hands in the air as they said 'Woo yeah!'. Yifan climbed into the drivers seat and started to back out of the driveway.


Not even five minutes after they left the house Yifan looked into the rearview mirror and saw Minseok trying to get revenge on his brother. He was just about to give Jongdae a wet willy when Luhan looked over and saw him. Luhan tried to smack his hand away but in the process he hit Jongdae's cheek. Jongdae glared at his older brother and slapped him back, beginning a slap war that somehow managed to get Minseok involved.


Yixing sighed as the sounds from the back of the car shattered the peaceful silence that was too good to last. He looked at his belly and poked it.


“You will be a girl won't you? You will be a wonderful little girl who is quiet and doesn't start fights won't you? You will like pink and fashion right? I don't know if I can handle another son.” Yixing murmured before he glared at Yifan - who he blamed for the lack of girls in the family.


“This is all your fault you know. You just had to get me knocked up. And then the second time you knocked me up with twins. And so help me god if you have knocked me up with another son you WILL regret it.”


Yifan bit his lip and nodded as he stared ahead at the road.


He really hoped he wasn't going to have another son. He didn't want to know what Yixing would do to him if he did.




Congratulations! Its a boy!”


The doctor's cheerful voice couldn't stop Yifan from feeling a cold shiver run up his spine. He looked down at Yixing who was looking incredibly awake despite the anesthesia they had given him and he was glaring daggers right at Yifan.


“Oh you are soooo going to get it.” Yixing said coldly before the baby was placed in his arms and all he was filled with happiness at the little bundle in his arms. He cooed at the baby and rubbed his chubby little cheek with his thumb. “Aren't you precious?”


“What will you name him?” Luhan said as he looked wide eyed at Yixing and the new baby. Minseok and Jongdae tried to sit up in the chairs they had been told to sit in for time out to see the little addition to their family.


Yixing looked to Yifan and they smiled. “Zitao.” They said together. Yifan smoothed Yixing's hair and let the little baby squeeze his finger in his tiny hand. He kissed Yixing's forehead when suddenly the younger man smiled up at him.


“Don't think you are off the hook mister. You are going to get it for not giving me a single girl to calm all the testosterone in our house.” The words that spilled from Yixing's mouth scared Yifan more than he was comfortable admitting. But it was alright. He would handle anything Yixing dished out.


Because he had the most perfect family in the world, even if they drove him absolutely insane.

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I am on hiatus for a little while longer and then I will be back with updates ^^


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Chapter 3: one of my fav kray,,,,,,the fluffiness make my day......=)
Chapter 3: it's really a cute story.i like it so much.
Chapter 2: too cute. fffff. kid!exo are the cutest thing
Chapter 3: hahahahaha this is really great i need to read more
Ahh the memories!! This was the very first Exo fanfic I had ever read!! It was beautiful when I first read it, and it still is....<3
Chapter 2: Lol poor Yixing all those boys!! This is a really cute story!!
Chapter 3: kris jjanggggggg!!!!! hahahhaha
marjorieloves #8
Chapter 2: Kris is the freaking baby boy machine hahahahahahaha omg daebak
Chapter 3: Kris is the best haha
pls i need more chapers