Part One

The Adventures of the Idiots

    "You're kidding right?" Kibum, otherwise known as Key, stared incredulously at his father.


    "Kibum-" the king was starting to have a headache, his son's shrieking voice was grating on his nerves.


    "It's Key, Daddy-O, and why can't the stupid princess save herself? Why in the world does she need me? My face is too y to be in danger!" Key dramatically flipped his (beautiful) hair while scoffing like the polite Prince he was.


The king paled a bit and a slightly scared expression took over his face- he knew what Kibum was like he was mad. And, boy, was he about to become mad at what the king had to say.


     "Well, you see, um- about that. Theprincessisn'texactlyagirlsoheheyeahyou'vegottobegoingnow." he ushered Key out the door using the moment of his son's confusion to his advantage.


He kicked Key's derrière on the way out, making him land on the dirt road outside the castle. Kibum stood up and made sure to get every single piece of dirt out of his newly manufactured suit of armor. Disgruntled, he started on the long journey to who-knows-where, lugging his sword with him.


Of course, like any fairy tale, thare was something in Key's way, just to make the young man even more pissed off.


This obstacle went by the name on Kim Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun was a salesman for GEICO. Apparently, they had lost the little gecko they had been using to promote their company so they just hired Jonghyun to replace him. You see, Kim Jonghyun was a short man that resembled a dinosaur, with big nostrils and spiky hair. The CEO of GEICO seemed to be thinking that nobody could tell the dfference between Jonghyun and the gecko, despite one being human, and the other reptilian.


    "They both look like reptiles, who's gonna see the difference?" he had said, his all-too-big smile daring anyone to contradict him.


As it turned out, Jonghyun was pretty good at his job. He walked around towns asking people if they needed car insurance and stuff like that. People usually only bought the insurance to get rid of him, though. But that didn't matter, sales are sales!


So there Key was, checking himself out in his handy-dandy pocket mirror that he always kept with him to make sure he looked good, when Jonghyun approached him, his usual 'tardish grin on his face.


   "Would you like to buy insurance for your armor? Your mirror? Your face? Your feet? Your hair?" Yup, Jonghyun was going about his business as usual. Key was annoyed, but ever time he tried to shake Jonghyun off, he always seemed to come back and start askin if Key wanted to insure things. It wasn't until Jonghyun asked if Key wanted to insure his 'family jewels' that he exploded in Jonghyun's face.


    "ARGGHHHH-UNF!!! YERGHAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Key screamed while doing some very scary hand motions, some very inappropriate. 


Jonghyun left him alone after that.

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AllmightyKeyLover #1
Chapter 2: OMG! I know it's probably been a while since you looked at the story... Buts it's good! It's so freakin funny! PRINCESS MINHO POWER!BTW you write a lot like someone I know...Update soon! TTYL ;)
SadisticSinner #2
First of all, OMG. This fic is amazing! I laughed so damn much=]] Jonghyun wish his `family jewels` and Onew with his amazing drawings=]]] xD I so luv this fic! Update sooooooon!~
And secondly,
Hey!~ If you'll ever need a poster/CC/CP/background feel free to come and request from ☆Dark Imagination☆ Graphic Request Shop~
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