Ch. 1


Look at him, hugging Sehun like his life depends on it.

Kris glares at Chanyeol. How dare he hug someone else and not even care that his boyfriend is standing right in front of him? Sehun feels the icy mood coming from Kris and struggles to get out of Chanyeol's grasp.

"Sehunnie! Stop moving!" Chanyeol whines, tightening his grip around the maknae's waist.

"Hyung! Please let go of me before Kris hyung kills me in my sleep tonight!"

Chanyeol turns his head and looks at Kris. "Hyung, you wouldn't hurt poor Sehunnie would you?" It looked as though Kris' glare had deepened.

"Not unless you let go of him."

Pouting, Chanyeol let go of Sehun and watched as the poor maknae ran behind Zitao for protection.

"Yah! Why don't you ever let me hug the others?" Chanyeol yelled tugging on Kris' sleeve.

"Because I don't like it! You know that no one can resist your happy virus. You need to stop hugging people!"

A wide grin covered Chanyeol's face and he held Kris' hand. "Your jealous aren't you?"

His boyfriend scoffed. "Oh please. Why would I be jealous of peasants getting hugs from you?"

"HEY!" the other members yelled from their spots in the living room.

"Admit it babe, you're jealous of me hugging the other members." Chanyeol giggled.

Kris looked at Chanyeol and dragged him to their shared bedroom. He then pinned the younger boy against the wall. "Of course I'm jealous you giraffe. I hate seeing my boyfriend hugging other people when he should be hugging me and only me."

The younger caressed the older boy's cheeks. "You know I only love you. I hug the other members because they're like my family Kris. That's all I ever do. But with you, I can hug you, kiss you, and cuddle you, and sleep with you at night all I want because you're the one I love."

Kris' eyes softened and he leaned down to capture the younger's lips in a sweet, yet passionate kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Sorry if it wasn't good. It is my first oneshot I made. If there are any mistakes then I apologize because I kinda rushed this.

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Chapter 1: Lols a jealous yifan is such a sight
akahashi #2
Chapter 1: Ouch.. it's so cute...
Chapter 1: Awww this makes me want to puke rainbows everywhere. I loooove reading fics were Kris is jealous *-*
Nice story ^^
fuyeahkrisyeol #4
omgomgomg, so cute ;~;
renchop #5
If just more longer, oh my god my fangirl blood rushes for krisyeol ;A; this is beautiful, should i call this drabble? This is cute and fluff! Love it
This is so cute <3
ChocoAikocream #7
awww, cute short story :3