*Breaking News: Infidelity*


Reporter: "Breaking news about the world famous millionaire, Lee Teuk, it's been confirmed that a surveillance video clip from his personal room was leaked out into the public. He first became a millionaire after he inherited his position as president after his grandfather retired. He has been married for around 6 1/2 years and has two children, one girl and one boy. The video clip spreaded like wild fire throughout the globe, it was announced by the authority that Lee Teuk threatened his secretary to quote 'Do as I demand or else you'll lose your job, home, and your family.' This shocking news brought out the true side of Mr. Lee, and he is currently facing trial on whether or not he is guilty. On the outside, Mr. Lee was known for being the most caring and well-mannered person but as of today he is hated and about to lose his position if he is found guilty."

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The whole story isn't rated M but if it contains anything of that sort then I'm going to rate it M okay.

I'm currently writing up the chapters so be patient and please leave comments once I post them lol :]



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