
My Secret Messages

The next day, I woke up extremely tired. I haven't been able to sleep all night. That's probably because I felt super guilty. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I should just skip school today... I thought about that for a moment. If I skip school I'd be able to avoid Changjo for a whole day, but what's the point of that? He doesn't even know who put those post-its there. Plus, if I was absent today, then it'd be suspicious right? I sighed and got ready for school. I'll just sleep in class or something. After I brushed my teeth and put on my uniform, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.

"Bye mom!" I waved to her as I went out of my house. I dragged my feet on the pavement. I swung my hands back and forth to let the time pass by. I didn't feel like thinking about anything at the moment, so I closed my eyes and continued to walk. I started humming to a familiar beat inside my head. Suddenly, I felt something hard hit my head. "Ouch." I opened my eyes and found myself infront of a stop sign. At least no one saw that... I think. 

I heard someone chuckling near me. I rubbed my forehead and turned towards the direction of where the noise was coming from. This is just had to be the worst say ever, because apparently Changjo decided to come to school early today. He was standing within an arms length away from me. My eyes widened for a second when I saw him, so I looked back down and quickly crossed the street. 

"Wait," I heard Changjo exclaim, but I didn't listen to him. I quickened my pace and tried to get away from him as fast as possible. "Slow down! Don't make me run!" I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me. At this point I just started running towards school. When I was about a block away from my destination, I looked back and saw Changjo walking. He seemed to be watching me from a distance. I decided to walk too since I was practically out of breath. Thanks to Changjo I was sweating a little. 

Right before I walked into school, I felt a pair of hands go around me. One arm went around my wasit, while the other covered my mouth. "Got you!" I tried to move out of the person's grasp, but it wouldn't work. This person had a tight hold of me. " Don't worry! I'm not going to kidnap you," I heard him chuckle. Oh gosh... I know just who this person is. It's the person who's been chasing me this morning. When he finally released his grip, I tried to make a run for it, but he grabbed a hold of my wrist. I turned around in shock. What the hell does he want from me?

He bent down to my level and moved my bangs out of my face. He just kept leaning closer to me. It was too close for comfort so I pushed him away. "Relax! I'm just checking your bruise." His voice sounded soft and caring, but I twisted my wrist free from his grasp and fixed my bangs.

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself." I gave him a weird look and turned to leave, but he caught my wrist again. "What is it now," I asked in a little annoyed tone.

"What's your name?" He smiled at me. Okay, this is getting really creepy. I started to panic. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him my name.

"Hyesung," I blurted out. I gave him a blank look as he examined me. He seemed unsure for a moment. Right before he was going to release me, Hyesung came.

"Jihyo!" Hyesung ran up to me. Crap.

"Hyesung, huh? That's not what your friend is calling you." He raised his eyebrows at me. I released my grip, and grabbed Hyesung.

"Let's go." I made her walk at a fast pace.

"What's going on," Hyesung asked me.

"I'll be watching you, "Hyesung"," Changjo yelled out loud. I flinched when he said that.

"Why will Changjo be watching me?" Hyesung seemed so confused at this point. 

"I'll explain when we're in a safe place." I led Hyesung to the rooftop of our school. Both of us were trying to catch our breath.

"Are we safe yet?" I nodded and sat down next to a wall. "Alright, so tell me what happened." Hyesung sat down next to me. I took a deep breath before going on.

"Well, I was walking to school today. Then, I accidently bumped into a stop sign, and I guess Changjo saw so I got emabrassed and ran, but he decided to run after me too. I started running and I thought I lost him, but he suddenly crept up behind me and yeah..." I touched my forehead and flinched a little. "Still hurts a bit, but I'll manage."

"Okay, so just a few questions. Why is he so early today?" Hyesung took an apple out of her backpack and took a bite out of it.

"No idea. I was just as surprised." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I can't believe he decides to be early today. "It's not like him to come this early."

"Yeah, I thought so too. Okay, so next question. Why is he calling you my name?" She raised her eyebrows as she took another bite out of her apple.

"Haha, yeah... about that. I didn't want him to know my name so I used yours." I shyly smiled. Hyesung shook her head and kept chewing her food. 

"Last question. What are we going to do now?" Hyesung didn't look at me when she asked that question. I turned around and faced the school gates. I could see Changjo walking around. He was kicking rocks around to pass time. I could tell he was waiting for Ricky. 

"I... don't know... Wait and see I guess?" I peirced my lips together. I continued watching Changjo for some time. At first it seemed like he didn't know that I was watching him. However, he began drawing something on the floor with his foot. On the dirt, he spelled...지효, which was Jihyo... my name. I started to panic. Okay, maybe he still doesn't know my name, but Hyesung said it out loud!

Suddenly, Changjo did something unexpected. He put his index and middle finger to his forehead and did a somewhat saluting motion. He started smiling and waving. I turned a little red and turned away from him. 

"Hyesung... I have bad news." I gulped. 

"What is it?" She gave me a confused look. I just pointed behind me. Hyesung got on her knees and turned around to see what I was talking about. Then, she started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I pouted.

"I'm sorry, but this is just so entertaining for me." She laughed inbetween her words. I crossed my arms and frowned. I sighed and grabbed my backpack.

"Let's go hide somewhere else. No point in staying here if Changjo knows we're here." I opened the door to the stairway and let Hyesung go down first.  Our footsteps kept making these loud clanking noises when we walked down the stairs. It wasn't strange, but I just thought it was very loud. When we finally got to the last step, Hyesung pushed open the door. She stood there for a moment and didn't say anything for awhile. I was going to say something but she made a stop like motion with her right hand. 

"Oh, hi Changjo. Nice to see you." Hyesung made a pushing motion with her hand whcih signaled me to go run. I tried my best to go quietly back up the stairs. "What're you doing here?... Uhm I don't believe Jihyo is here right now. She ran out before I did. She's probably somewhere in the building. I can help you try to find her! Uhh... here let's go!" I heard the door close. That's when I started going back down the stairs. I walked down towards the door, but I didn't go out yet. My heart still felt like it was going to explode, so I waited for a few moments. 

I took deep breaths before grabbing onto the door handle. I slowly turned the knob and peeked outside. Looks like there's no one in sight. I opened the door wider and stepped outside. I wonder where Hyesung and Changjo went. I walked around for a bit, but I had to take slow, cautious steps. I walked around the school for a few minutes, but I couldn't find Hyesung or Changjo anywhere. 

Soon, students started coming to school, so I decided to head to class early. They have to go to class sooner or later anyways. I put my hands in my jacket pockets and stared at the floor as I walked. I wonder where Hyesung and Changjo are... 

I walked into the classroom, still looking at the ground. "Took you awhile to come..."

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Chapter 5: yay! finally you update! i really like this story~
Chapter 5: please update soon ~~
Chapter 5: WOW! This story is amazing!
really like this story . :)
Chapter 3: Not updating anymore?! :O I randomly found this story...
Yanyan19 #6
Update! ><
Coniii #8
min <3changjo <3