Once Lost

When Lost (Oneshot)

Even though you knew it was pointless to try, you chased after Jang Hyunseung with all your might.  No matter how tired you were from working, you always smiled his way, giving him encouraging words after every performance and handed him his towel and water bottle. However, all he gave you was that polite nod you´ve seen him greet everyone with. You never expected him to treat you differently, because that´d be too much to ask for, but as your feelings for him grew that indifferent smile started to cut through you like a knife.  

Once you even gathered all your courage to ask him out, but he declined without a second thought, saying something about that he don´t date. You thought it was just an excuse to get rid of you, which made you terribly disappointed and hurt. The feelings you have or him didn´t fade though, and each day in his presence made it hurt even more.

Especially since he won´t even look your way anymore as if he thinks that once glance from him would give you false hope.

The other members of B2ST always looked after you, but you quickly became tired of seeing how they looked at you with pity in their eyes. They said it wasn´t that he didn´t like you, but, that he´s just a person that isn´t fond of relationships. That didn´t erase the aching pain making your whole body numb with despair though. Naïve as you were, you thought he could think you were special.

A one sided love is tiring and in the end you decided that it´s no point in continuing showing your affection to Hyunseung. You hoped he could come to love you after a while but it wasn´t happening. If he felt the same way about you, he would have showed it by now. No matter how much you yearns for him or love him, you won´t become a person who force your feelings onto your special person. Bothering him is the last thing you want so you decided to let go of your one sided feelings and move on after years of yearning for his attention.

It was far from easy, but you managed to get your mind off him by focusing on your job. It has always been your dream to make sure the Cube idols look stunning whenever they´ll appear on TV. You´ve been good with make up and fashion since your pre-teen days and you naturally applied for a job as an stylist. You´ve been helping out with B2ST´s make up and clothes for about six months but you got a chance to work with some other idols in Cube just recently. You happily agreed since getting away from B2ST a bit might be just what you need.

It´s a Monday morning and you´re helping out behind the stage, making some idol´s faces looking smooth as a baby´s . The dressing rooms are full of people, but you take a hold of a guy´s arm and pulls him into a corner as you start to put on his make up. A giggle leaves your lips as your oppa tells you a joke. You tell him to stop talking so you can apply the BB cream with faked irritation. He closes his eyes and leans in as if to kiss you and you just add more cream with a snort.

A certain red haired dancer regards the two of you intensively from a distance. His dark eyes are slightly narrow as you laugh at something the other, older, man says.  Hyunseung walks over to the rest of B2ST on the other side of the room with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Isn´t she our stylist?” Hyunseung asks Dongwoon slightly wide-eyed, nodding in your direction.

“Eh, yeah.” He answers with a shrug as he turns to look at you from over his shoulder like he doesn´t really care. She´s a stylist after all and she should work where she is needed. “Maybe she switched groups?”

“Can they really do that?” Hyunseung sounds as if you´re some kind of traitor.

“I guess.” Dongwoon shrugs a second time before he leaves to get his make up done.

Hyunseung frowns a bit but stays silent as he watches you for one more moment. Your smiling bothers him for some reason but he doesn´t do anything about it. He lets their new make up artist prepare his look with dissatisfaction. His face gets greasy for the performance.

Weeks passed and you´ve become more comfortable at work again. Being dumped by your crush doesn´t hurt as much anymore, and you´ve come to terms with that he´s out of reach. You´re starting to have fun at work as you help out with the other groups.

It has been a long day and you´re resting during your lunch break, reading a book a friend lent you the day before. You´re really into the book and you don´t hear that someone else enters the room until it´s too late.

“What are you reading?” The sudden voice makes you flinch.

Eyes dart to the other side of the room to see Hyunseung standing in the doorway. You wonder how long he has been standing there. You stare at him with a puzzled look, as if you´re wondering if he´s talking to you, or someone behind you, but you´re alone. You frown in confusion.

“Did I say something funny?” He asks upon seeing your expression.

It´s the first time Hyunseung commenced a conversation with you. It surprises you a bit, since it seemed like he didn´t want anything to do with you. Why would he be interesting in what I´m reading? You shrug as you get up from your chair, put down your book for him to see, and returns to your work. He must have been irritated over that I were resting, not working. You shrug.

The red head is left behind, staring at your back as you walk away from him silently. He doesn´t even give the book a glance. The irritation inside him is growing. He opens his mouth as if he´s about to say something, but he stops himself.

It has been another long day, and you stayed to clean after yourself, the idols and your coworkers since they leave when their shift ends: no matter how much cleaning there´s left to do. You wipe away some sweat from your forehead as you clean the mirrors silently. Suddenly, you see a reflection standing beside yours in one of the large mirrors on the wall. A pair of dark brown eyes look at you.

“Hello.” Hyunseung greets you.

“Hi.” You give him a polite smile, nothing more. You feel a bit awkward that he greeted you again. “Did you forget anything?”

“No.” He answers shortly.

“Okay.” You answer awkwardly.

You continue cleaning without giving him a second glance: expecting him to do what he came here for and then quickly leave. You don´t feel comfortable being alone with him: not after how coldly he rejected you weeks ago. The way he suddenly pays interest in what you´re doing is a bit bothersome.

“Didn´t you say you like me?” He breaks the silence boldly.

Your eyes widen a bit at the question and your mind tries to understand why he asked you this. Is it to exploit your weakness? Embarrass you even more than his cold shoulder did? You stare at his reflection in the mirror instead of facing him. You take your time to answer the question as you continue to clean up the products you used when making some idols ready for their recordings. You can feel his eyes on you. In the past, you´d jump at any chance to talk to him. Talk to him and not with him, since he never really seemed to want to answer or have anything to do with you.

“Oh, I did.” Past tense. You force a smile to your lips as you turn around to meet his eyes, not his reflection, for the first time during your conversation. “But I gave up, so don´t worry.”

Something changes in Hyunseung´s eyes at the answer. “I see.” Is his only reply.

“I´m sorry, for how I acted before. I must have been a bother, even a hindrance, for you.” You smile as you try to make him think you´re over him.

You know when to give up and you don´t want to bother him anymore. You offer him a gentle smile before you start cleaning again.

He stares at you silently. “What if… I don´t want you to give up?” He whispers after while.

“What?” you barely heard him.

He takes a deep breath.“If I said, I want you to give it another try, would you?”

Hyunseung stares at you with an almost desperate expression. It makes you really confused and lost. Does this mean he likes me? No, not after he rejected me like that…You stare at him a bit coldly.

“Why?” You ask him.

You´re about to tell him off when he doesn´t answer for a long moment, but the door bursts open and a B2ST member comes rushing in without a second thought.

“Oh there you are!” Gikwang enters loudly as he spots his fellow friend.

Hyunseung looks at Gikwang in a bothered manner for a second before he greets the other man. Gikwang, on the other hand, stares at you as if he´s trying to get the pieces together.

“I need to go… cleaning.” You bow your head to them and leave.

“Did I interrupt something?” Gikwang asks in a confused manner.

“No.” Huyunsung shrugs, but he can´t hide is irritation.

You avoided Hyunseung even more after that with your heart beating loudly anytime you saw or heard B2ST. Your body and mind is in turmoil again, especially since how he acted indicates that he does care about you, no matter how indifferent he first seemed. You wonder if he´s just playing you, since you´re available, but you remember how Yoseob once told you that when Hyunseung shows interest in someone, it´s sincere. That he´s not interested in a relationship with someone who doesn´t interest him, or has impressed him. You bite your lower lip nervously. You haven´t done anything to make him notice you lately though, so you don´t get it.

“Hey, you spaced out again.” Your oppa nudges you with his elbow with a teasing smirk on his face.

You´re in the middle of a small job: to pick out outfits for one of Cube´s groups that´ll perform at tonight´s Music Bank. One of the members, our oppa, has followed you into the huge wardrobe without his shirt on. You were supposed to fetch him something to wear. He looks at you with an indicating grin. 

“I told you to wait outside.” You tell him without sparing his body a second glance.

He puts an arm around you as he looks at the shirts. “That one will be fine.”

“You got the worst taste…” You comment with a laugh.

The guy turns silent all of a sudden as you take down the striped shirt, and it´s not until you turn around that you notices why it turned so silent. Hyunseung stands in the doorway, looking at the two of you with a cold expression on his face. You suddenly get really embarrassed, your stomach turns ice cold, as you realizes what this looks like. You and your half oppa is in a small space. You want to say it´s not what it looks like but you can´t.

“Come.” Hyunseung tells you, reaching for your hand.

You stare at him.

“Sorry, but she´s with me.” Your oppa tells him.

The two men commence a stare battle.

“I bet you´re intelligent enough to dress yourself?” Hyunseung snaps at him.

Eyes widen as your oppa lets you go. You can´t grasp what just happened as Hyunseung takes your hand in his and leads you out of there. You have to jog to keep up with him as he almost drags you out of the room, down the corridor and into another room. When you finally stop, you feel out of breath, and your hand is sweaty but Hyunseung doesn´t let it go.

“What are you doing? I was in the middle of work! ” You ask him in a frustrated manner.

Hyunseung doesn´t answer as he turns to look at you. He looks a bit angry, but also relieved.  This makes you even more frustrated. His expression turns into a soft smile slowly and you feel how the butterflies in your stomach takes flight. He has never smiled at you before. Not like that, not sincerely.

“Hyunseung…-sshi?” You murmur in confusion.

He continues to smile as he moves in closer to you, his hand squeezing yours. Your eyes grow large as he leans in closer to close the distance between you with a kiss. His lips feel warm and soft against yours, and you feel how he touches your hair with his free hand. It´s so soothing and comfortable. Your face turns tomato red as you realize his simple kiss makes your heart race faster than a sport car. You can´t help but lean into the kiss and kiss him back.

“Don´t leave my side again.” He tells you as he breaks the kiss.

“You asked me to leave.” You tell him. “You told me you would never like me.”

“I was wrong.” He admits, gaze growing soft as he looks at you. “I thought you were a nuisance at first but when you were gone, I felt strangely empty inside. You made me too comfortable around you to appreciate what you did for me until you were gone. Seeing you with laughing with others… got me irritated…”

“The mighty beast Hyunseung got jealous?” You ask him wide-eyed.

He scoffs a little but he doesn´t disagree, and this makes you grin at him broadly.

“You… really… did start liking me?” She can´t grasp this.

“Yes.” He admits with a growing smile. “And I want you to return to being B2ST´s stylist.”

You smile gently at him, squeezing his hand.

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Joyvin #1
Awww so cute. Enjoyed reading this ;)
Finally, another Hyunseung fic. AND IT WAS ADORABLE<33
Fantastic job. ^^
Ah this was really cute <3 Lol I loved jealous Hyunseung~~ <3 perfect!
Aww keyopta!! I liked it!
Its cute~ I like it ^^ good job.