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The Other Side Of Me



That ... ... was the first sound that was heard in the empty house.

After dropping you off your mother went off to a two day trip with your father.






You question yourself mentally, as if trying to get rid of it, you continue to bang your head upon the wall. Before you bang your head for the fifth time, a hand gabbed you by the shoulder and turn you around with a strong force.

         " Hey, are you out of your mind? Hitting your head like that will make you a stupid girl! "

You glance up and saw  ... ...

        " Key ?! "

Kim Ki-Bum, a.k.a Key, is a great friend of yours when you went to London for a trip 3 months ago. The two of you bonded really well although it was only for two weeks.

Key, a perfectionist and a fashionista. Although his job is to perform infront of millions, but fashion is his top priority.
After 3 months and his busy schedule, the two of you never met since....
...... Which is why it is more confusing for the reason HE is in your house.

        " W....Wha....Whhy...Hooww??? " As you clumsily stutter your words, Key made himself comfortable on a sofa.

      " Plain water is fine. Oh, but could you add a slice of lemon to top it? Thanks~ " 

Unable to believe what you are seeing, you just stood and gaped ike an idiot.

      " I'm Waitiinngggggg~~~ " Key called out, annoyance is his tone. Knowing better than to start Key's rage, you rush off to the kitchen.

You came back with his drink and set it on the table.

       " Thank you dearie~ " Key thanked and took a sip and then glance at you and noticed you staring at him.

       " Why stare? I know I've grown even more handsome... Ack! " You slapped key lightly at the back of the head, but he still whinned and rubbed the back of his head as if you hit him with a bat or something.

        " How. Did. You. Get. In. ? " You spelled out owrd by word. First is Chanyeol mysteriously got hold of your number, and now Key is in your house.

      " Hm? Your mom let me in " Key replied, flipping through the megazine he found on the table. Without turning around, Key probably sensed the puzzled look you had plastered on your face.
       " I think she recognize me from the trip, I gave lots of fashion advice the last time we met."

      " Yeap, and thanks to that half of MY closet is full of scarfs and dresses. " I remarked and it was Key's turn to have the puzzled look. He look away from the megazine and shot me a why-so?-glance.

       " Her closet ran out of space. " you shrugged

       " Really? Then why are you still wearing this??? This is way pass season, and this colour is totally off..." You just smile as Key continue to comment on your clothing from head to toe. You were expecting to have at least another hour of fashion lecture but Key stopped only after 15 minutes. You look at Key and realise he has set his gaze on something else. Following his gaze, you see that Key had his eyes on the prom ticket that Suho gave earlier. 


.... O oh....I'm in trouble...


Just by standing next to Key, you could feel his strong aura emitting from his inner fashion soul...

..... the aura... of being his lab rat...


     " ( your name ) !!! You never tell me you were going to a prom!!!!!!!!!!!!"

oh no... please don't.. don't * fingers crossed*

        "We have to dig your whole closet and find the perfect outfit!!!! " Key shrieked, hands in the air

.... and this is where it starts ><''' 

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MsTrollolol #1
I want to apologize for my rude comments in the past. Hope u will forgive me ‘︿’
syaveda #2
Chapter 13: Update soon
Chocola #3
Chapter 13: *_* put more Exo next time hehe just kidding but seriously
Chapter 13: OH MAAH GAAH
Chocola #5
Chapter 12: FINALLYYY, WOOOOOO xDD ur English is soooooo gud :(
Get featured soon, okay !? YOU NEED TO GET FEATURREEDDD
Chapter 11: Me too. TEAM SUHO! =^___^=~ kekeke
Chapter 11: Seriously, i am for team Suho. Hahaha
Chocola #8
Chapter 10: I read a page, saying that writer's block is just a lie. LOL no offense, I sometimes get it too, bcoz I'm lazy. I'm ur fren, so dun hate me TT TT The page said that you should give an outline to every chapter, then write it down, hahaha XD dun follow my advice, just write the story for yourself, not for the number of subbies and viewers ._. Fighting~ I have lots of stories to write now hahaha
Insoogirl69 #9
Chapter 9: Hehehe chanyeol is so funny i want baekhyun also suho can choose lol udate pls fighting