100-Theme Drabbles Collection : Taeny


A collection of 100 drabbles of various themes, all celebrating the lovely Taeny couple of Girls' Generation.


Note: All the drabbles shall be composed of exactly 100 words, and their sequence will not follow the numbering of the themes below.


Credit goes to ribonsnlace.deviantart.com for the following themes which will be featured in this drabble collection:

1. Introduction---
2. Love---
3. Light---
4. Dark---
5. Seeking Solace---
6. Break Away---
7. Dream---
8. Innocence---
9. Drive---
10. Breathe Again---
11. Memory---
12. Insanity---
13. Misfortune---
14. Smile---
15. Silence---
16. Illusion---
17. Blood---
18. Rainbow---
19. Gray---
20. Fortitude---
21. Vacation---
22. Mother Nature---
23. Cat---
24. No Time---
25. Trouble Lurking---
26. Tears---
27. Foreign---
28. Sorrow---
29. Happiness---
30. Under the Rain---
31. Flowers---
32. Night---
33. Expectations---
34. Stars---
35. Hold My Hand---
36. Fairy Tale---
37. Eyes---
38. Abandoned---
39. Water---
40. Rated---
41. Teamwork---
42. Standing Still---
43. Dying---
44. Two Roads---
45. Heaven---
46. Family---
47. Creation---
48. Childhood---
49. Stripes---
50. Breaking the Rules---
51. Sport---
52. Deep in Thought---
53. Keeping a Secret---
54. Tower---
55. Waiting---
56. Danger Ahead---
57. Sacrifice---
58. Kick in the Head---
59. No Way Out---
60. Rejection---
61. Beautiful---
62. Magic---
63. Do Not Disturb---
64. Multitasking---
65. Horror---
66. Traps---
67. Playing the Melody---
68. Hero---
69. Annoyance---
70. 67%---
71. Obsession---
72. Mischief Managed---
73. I Can't---
74. Are You Challenging Me?---
75. Mirror---
76. Broken Pieces---
77. Test---
78. Drink---
79. Starvation---
80. Words---
81. Pen and Paper---
82. Can You Hear Me?---
83. Heal---
84. Out Cold---
85. Spiral---
86. Seeing Red---
87. Food---
88. Pain---
89. Through the Fire---
90. Triangle---
91. Drowning---
92. All That I Have---
93. Give Up---
94. Last Hope---
95. Advertisement---
96. In the Storm---
97. Safety First---
98. Puzzle---
99. Solitude---
100. Relaxation---


Hello readers ^^


I'm nicella (also known in other sites as nicella23 lol), a new member here in Asianfanfics, who has been a Taeny fanfiction writer since 2011. I have usually posted my stories in SSF, LJ, and ETN before, but when I stumbled upon this site, I decided to join too and share my previous as well as future works to all the readers here :)


Hope to talk to all of you soon and thanks for reading ^^




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EMT0304 #1
wow, love it
lo.. :D broken nose.. bwahahah :D

embarassed HellFany <----- CUTE

haha :D