
Mission Exo: Become Kris' lover?


"Aigoo." I said as i hopped off of the helicopter.The people walking by stopped for a second to stare at the helicopter but then continued walking. Some of them shot dirty stares at me, and i swear one of them called me 'dirty and rich'. 

"I'm pretty sure your parents are at your house, meaning not the penthouse." My boss said as he got off after me.

"Ugh. Why are they so stupid?" I rolled my eyes as i called the taxi over. "I'll see you later!" I called as i got on. 

After i told the driver the address, i sat back and watched the city go by. In about 20 minutes, we stopped in front of my house. 

"Wow... young people these days sure have money." The driver said when he saw my house. I laughed at him.

"Only their parents ahjussi." I handed the money over to him as i got off. 

Sure. It's not as big as all of Kris' resort houses and estates and dorms and schools. It was a nice house, but i preferred my room better. 

When i was about to press the doorbell, i heard voices inside the house. 

"You sure are a great cook, Kaemoon." It was a feminine voice i didn't recognize... My mom's name is Kaemoon.... who are these people. 

"Aigoo. You're definitely better." It was my mom's voice. "How's your son doing? Is he on another mission?" 

"Another one indeed." This time it was a masculine voice. I'm guessing these two people were married. "Do you think their okay with our decision?" 

I unlocked the door silently and placed my hand on the doorknob. 

"I don't see a reason why Taeri would be against it." My mom's voice.

"I beg to differ." I said when i entered the room. As i expected, my parents were sitting down at the table, across from them a pair of people i didn't recognize.

My mom's eyes widened when she saw me. My dad raised his eyebrows at me. 

"And why do you say that?" My dad said. 

"And why are you making decisions form me?" I said. My dad looked embarassedly around. He wasn't used to me talking back to him.

"Oh, Taeri. You've grown to be so beautiful." The lady sitting across from my mom got up, walked towards me, and placed her hand on my shoulder. I brushed her hand off. She seemed to be shocked at my actions.

"Thank you." I smiled. Her expression eased a bit. "But please don't touch me if i don't know you." 

"Kwon Tae Ri. Apologize." My mom said. 

I smirked. "I think this might be the only time you should be the one apologizing." I said sternly. "First off. I'm guessing these are Jung Min's parents." I said. The two nodded their heads cautiously.

"Alright then." I continued. "I'm not sure if you know or not, but Jungmin is no more pleasd with this than i am. I thought that you would know by now that i hate decisions being made for me. That's why i left you guys when you went to America." 

"Taeri, if this is about the marriage-" My mom tried to say.

"No. Don't try to fix things." I interrupted her. "I'm not marrying Jungmin. It's not going to happen." 

"We're doing this for your own good." My father said sternly.

"Yes. Marrying someone i don't love is good for me." i said sarcastically.

"Why are you so against this? You used to really like Jungmin." My mom said. 

Well it was true. I did.

"That was in the past." I replied. It was a simple answer. 

"No. You used to like him before you went on this mission." My mom said. I stared at her.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You like Wu Fan, or whatever that kid's name is. Look i'm not going to let this happen." It was the first time my mom has been so strict with me. 

"What are you talking about? To me this is work. I wouldn't let myself do that." I replied. Well at least i was trying...

"Well then. I'm requesting for you to leave this mission." 

"WHAT? I'm already enrolled in the school. I've been doing everything i'm supposed to. Don't you think they would get suspicious of someone who has only been at the school for three months and then leaves for no apparent reason? What if they found out i'm a spy? Don't you know Wufan is the heir of SM? They would find me out easily." 

"Well then in that case, i'm taking you out of SMIA." 

"You wouldn't." I said, voice full of disbelief.

"Trust me. I would." She pulled out her phone and clicked the speaker button. 

"Hello?" I heard my boss' voice on the other end. 

"Yes. This is Kwon Kae Moon." My mom said without breaking her gaze at me. 

"Oh. How may i help you?" His voice was full of respect. 

"I need a favor." 

"Of course, anything." 

"Remove Kwon Tae Ri from SMIA. She's no longer allowed to work there." 

There was a long, uncomfortable silence from the other end. 

"Excuse me ma'am. But that is something that is easily said, but not easy to do." 

"Is it that hard to make her leave the school and take away her ID?" 

"Well no but-" 

"Ok then. I'll expect her out of SMIA by next week." My mom pressed the end button. 

The room was silent. I was barely aware of Jungmin's parents and my father's presence. 

After a full minute, i smirked. "So is that going to make me marry Jungmin?" 

My mom's eyes widened. 

"Didn't think of that did you?" I said as i opened the door to leave.

Time to head to headquarters.


Finally got to update. >.< 

ive been thinking about what to write all week lol. XD 

sorry theres no kris in this chpt. :( 

i'll probably update 2moro or monday :) LONG WEEKEND~~ finally. XD 

lol thanks for reading! 


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Chapter 39: Probably gonna read this one too !!
Chapter 38: nah not interested in the spin off sorry ;)
nerdyviv #3
Chapter 36: wahhhh I have to say this is indeed one different story with an interesting plot, i really like it!! good job authornimmm! :D
xoxoxo8 #4
Chapter 38: I'll read your story for sure Author-nim! I can't wait :D
exowufs #5
Chapter 37: geeezzz;; i love it. <3
Doubtful #6
Chapter 37: This is so good! Definitely one of the best fanfics I've ever read and now one of my all-time favourites.
Chapter 37: This was one of the best fanfics I've ever read.
Chapter 18: Lee Jin Pyo. I could recognize that name anywhere....
Chapter 3: Oh my god, when I saw the link for the background music, I was thinking of City Hunter because I just finished watching it. I was totally spazzing out when the OST i thought it would turned out to be correct, because I thought I was the only one who watched it!