Something Which Had Been

Something Which Once Was

“Donghae, why are you not waiting for me?”

The group had just returned from an interview, the rest lounging in the studio, however, Eunhyuk would have decided to stay and do the same, though, his best friend hadn’t even taken a seat let alone the refreshments and s offered by the company (which were being handed out by Leetuek) and violently slammed open the door and proceeded to storm down the corridor. Astonished like everyone else, just more so that his best friend would behave this way, Eunhyuk placed down his cup filled with a clear liquid, quickly rose from his seat which clattered in the aftermath and followed Donghae out of the room. He had been fast enough to leave even before the door closed for the first time. Shutting it behind him, the pressure wafted his clothes behind him. -- With that, Eunhyuk was hurriedly trying to catch up with his obviously quicker friend.

“I don’t know.”

Donghae growled in reply with a voice overflowed with annoyance. He was trudging – almost stomping – along the carpeted floor, paying no attention to where he was going or how he’d get there, the only thought on his mind being to get some air. With Eunhyuk being so close to him at this point it felt as if his chest would constrict while his heart squeezed and choked itself to nothingness, the only reminiscence being the juices left afterwards. “I don’t know.” He repeated for an, unnecessary, second time.

“...” Eunhyuk furrowed his black eyebrow which hadn’t matched, but strangely suited, his current hair color and had his already slightly frowning face turn into a one of greater distaste. “I want to walk with you; slow down.” Eunhyuk said in a more demanding voice this time, growing just a bit fed up with the childish act Donghae was putting on causing him and, most likely, the others to worry for, perhaps, nothing.

“Ha.” Donghae scoffed stubbornly.

Eunhyuk crumpled his lips and moved them to the inside of his mouth in confusion. As he recalled, nothing bad had happened to Donghae that day…or at least nothing that he knew of. It caused a pang in his heart to summon for an instant to accept that he didn’t know something about Donghae even for a second. Eunhyuk quickened his pace; the distance of about 6 feet between him and Donghae shortening by around a mere foot. “Dongha--!” He was about to say something to scold his friend, though, it seemed that the sudden change of pace had been too much for his low-heeled dress shoes to keep up with, causing him to stumble on his feet.

Donghae looked back, worried, wondering why Eunhyuk stopped in the middle of his name. Peering out of the corners of his almond eyes he saw his friend close to tripping, this made him disregard any bottled up anger he had for the while and completely swerved his body around, ready to catch Eunhyuk from his assumed fall. Though, with him looking downwards to his feet, Eunhyuk quickly regained his footing and scratched his head.

Donghae observed. Donghae looked at the way Eunhyuk’s slender fingers broke through the strands of his blonde colored hair; the fingers only to be blanketed after a good time of . This intrigued him. He thought everything about his friend, Eunhyuk, was lovely. He wanted to feel his fingers casually, he wanted to pat his head and rustle his hair affectionately in front of other people as if nothing was wrong. But, it’s not like that wasn’t something he wouldn’t be allowed to do, simply it was the fact that he desired for this to mean more than just ‘the best friends of Super Junior’. He deeply desired for this to be known as something equivalent to love. He wanted it to be love; terribly.

Emancipating himself from his delusional fantasies, Donghae was positioned to turn around again when he felt something snake and wrap bony, thin stakes around his hand; Eunhyuk’s own hand. He stared at the other male, not letting his yearning to lock his friend in a hold to his chest and muffle his face between his shirt all while letting his arms clothe him escape from his voice and motions. “What..?” He asked rather coldly.

“Donghae,” Eunhyuk looked at his friend with eyes that even made Donghae shift from his angered expression for an unnoticeable second. “What’s wrong?” Eunhyuk moved his other, previously motionless, left, hand to coil around the wrist attached to the same hand of Donghae’s he was possessing. He bore an absolute focused look on his face, only paying attention to Donghae during that time, not even minding that his right foot bumped into the leg of a mahogany table decorating the hallway.

His mind was telling him to take his hand away, to push his friend away, to say no to him, to leave, to run away from these reoccurring feelings. But, the expression on Eunhyuk then that he thought extremely adorable, and reserved just for him no less, made him at least have the decency to keep his hand in place. Nevertheless, this didn’t prevent him to eye his friend in rage. “Shouldn’t you be worrying about something else?”


Donghae’s glare thickened. “Oh, say, I don’t know, but, just a guess – that foreigner?”

“Wha--..” Eunhyuk’s eyelashes batted together as he blinked faster than he normally would’ve (another trait Donghae took to) at the sudden brought up subject. He remembered, of course, flirting with a quite pretty foreigner just for fun on the show the group had appeared on just around 10 minutes ago. He looked at Donghae, not understanding his point. “Donghae, it was a joke.. You, too, have done it a lot. Why do you care?”

At this point in time, Donghae wanted to scream. He wanted to scream in Eunhyuk’s face that he loved him, he wanted to scream in Eunhyuk’s face that he would punish him if he did that before him ever again, no, even when he wasn’t around. But, like always, he could not. Eunhyuk wasn’t his, and he dreadfully realized that himself from the beginning of these feelings he came to see as more than a deep bond between two males appearing like ‘brothers’. - Something he loathed to be referred as. But even if he had all these contemplations, he had nothing to say to Eunhyuk’s question, not even a witty comment that wouldn’t bring misfortune to his cover.

He was embarrassed; the area of his cheeks became a slight tint of a faded red; a blush. He gulped as a stream of sweat made its way from his forehead to his chin, only to fall and evaporate on top of the fabric of his clothing. A small existence. A small existence that he thought his feelings would last as; a phase. “Dumb.” He muttered, not thinking and not knowing what he was saying. Though, this word wasn’t even to describe how he thought Eunhyuk was acting, it was to him. To tell his inner self that he believed this cowardly behavior was dumb.

Not expecting anything, to his surprise, two arms trapped his own, binding them to the side of his body. He glanced down, the tip of his nose being brushed by clumps of stray blonde hair; Eunhyuk’s hair. Unconsciously, he rubbed his nose back and forth in the bundle which feeling resembled that of a pillow’s, only to stop himself a little later, properly satisfied. “…Eunhyuk..?” He sounded his beloved’s name.

“Shut up.” Eunhyuk only tightened his grip. “That wasn’t true. So shut up. Shut up.”

Donghae really didn’t comprehend what Eunhyuk had meant, but was happy with this reaction. He took it upon himself to move his hands to touch, feeling the surface of clothing, then hold Eunhyuk’s back, as well, clutching the shirt sturdily.

And for that moment. Only for that moment. They were connected. A connection no others could touch. There was no space between their bodies; the delightfully warm currents coming from the heater above them, on the ceiling, enveloping the pair rather than passing through them.

He was loved.

No regrets.

“Eunhyuk, I love you.”

“Shut up.”

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