You and Donghae?

Valley Dreams Animalia Academy

Eunhyuk's POV

"You missed it?" Kyuhyun gasped as we took a seat on the grass behide the boy's dorm.

I nodded as a blush of embrassament creeped up my face.

"I was going to the bathroom."

"Idiot," he grumbled and then flicked my ear lightly, "well if you must know. A girl from the bear class and a girl from the cat class got into a fight in their animal forms and had to be tranqulized."

My eyes widend after he had finished explaining and he was leaning back on his elbows.

Woah, who won?"

Kyuhyun paused at my question and then tapped his bottem lip with one of his fingers.

"I don't know actually," he replied ad then an evil smile spread across his face, "but the bear probably would of."

"Well no duh," I mumbled and then turned to see Sungmin, Donghae and Ryeowook walking our way, "hey, I wonder what they want?"

Kyuhyun shrugged and then layed straight down on the grass.

"Mabey their lost."

"Yea, that must be it." I grumbled as Sungmin walked up to us, leaving Donghae, and Ryeowook standing back awkwardly.

"Hey guys!" Sungmin chirpped and turned to Kyuhyun with a big smile, "can I talk to you for one second?"

Kyuhyun let out a soft sigh, but got up slowly and narrowed his eyes at Sungmin.

"Yes?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"Come with me." Sungmin growled and grabbed Kyuhyun's arm, pulling him away and around the boy's dorm.

My eyes widend as I turned to look at Donghae and Ryeowook, who had as confused faces as I did.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, Ryeowook looked down at his wrist and gasped.

"I'm late!" He yelled and then pushed Donghae towards me, "you two wait for them. Bye!"

With that Ryeowook took off and left Donghae and me starring awkwardly at eachother.

"Um...sorry about that," Donghae mumbled and blushed lightly, "Wookie's just weird sometimes."

I chuckled softly and nodded.

"Yea, I'm used to it." I explained and nodded in Kyuhyun's direction.

Donghae nodded and then took some steps closer to me.

" what class are you in?" He asked and looked up at me.

I smiled softly and watched as his eyes twinkled in the sunlight.

"The class that has monkeys."

"Wow," he gawked and smiled big, "I'm a fish."

"What kind?" I asked and took a seat on the grass.

"A clown fish." he replied and blushed a deep red.

"Nice," I nodded and then patted the spot beside me, "hey sit down, we might be here for awhile."

He nodded and then took the spot beside me. We sat there for abit in silence until I cast my eyes to the side to check him out. I think my heart almost stopped through when my eyes landed on his face. He was gorgeous. He had big dark brown eyes that (like I said before) just twinkled in the sun. His hair was a dark brown and abit messy, but just enough so that it didn't look to messy and also didn't look to neat. His skin was also milky white and made you just want to softly caress his cheek, but the thing that got my attention the most had to be his lips. His lips were a soft pink and the way he was smiling right now made me just want to grab him and kiss him right then and there.


"What?" I whisperd and then blinked acouple of times.

"You've been starring at me for the last minute," he frowned and placed his fingers on his lip,"is there something on my face?"

I gulped and shook my head quickly.

"No! I was just admiring your face."

"What?" He asked and tilted his head to the side.

"Admiring your taste!" I quickly corrected and pointed to his uniform, "in clothing!"

"Oh," He whisperd and looked down at himself, "but we wear the same stuff."

"I know, but you wear it better," I explained and the whipped my head around to see Sungmin and Kyuhyun walking back over to us, "hey look who it is!"

Donghae went to open his mouth and say something, but was cut off when Sungmin and Kyuhyun stopped infront of us.

"Hey guys!" Sungmin giggled, but then a frown appered, "where did Wookie go?"

"He was late for something." Donghae answerd as he stood up.

"Weird, there aren't anymore classes today." Sungmin mumbled, but then smiled big, "well we gotta go, bye guys!"

Donghae turned to me and smiled softly.


"Bye." I replied back as Donghae was grabbed by Sungmin and pulled away until we couldn't see them anymore.

Kyuhyun turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked, standing up.

"You and Donghae?"

"What about us?"

He chuckled softly and then winked.

"Oh nothing."

I narrowed my eyes and went to grab for him, but he was to quick and dodge it.

"Come and get me!" He yelled and started to run away.

I let out a laugh and started to run after him.

"When I catch you!" I yelled as we ran around the dorm, "your dead!"


Key's POV

"They were totaly fighting over you." Ren explained while Niel was fixing his hair in the mirror.

"They weren't." He denied for the hundrenth time and then walked over to me, "do you have any colone?"

"It's a study date," I chuckled while handing him two different bottles, "not a dinner date."

Niel narrowed his eyes as he snatched the bottles out of my hands and smelled them both.

"I know that!" He snapped and threw the cheaper bottle back at me, "but I don't want to look like a mess."

Just before Niel was about to spray himself , Ren jumped off his bed and grabbed his wrist.

"That ones to strong," He stated and picked up the cheaper bottle, "use this."

Both Niel and I gave him a funny look and he rolled his eyes.

"What? I even think your expensive colone is to strong." He grumbled and flopped back down on his bed.

"Okay then," Niel said slowly and then checked the clock that was hanging above his bed, "oh, I'm going to be late!"

He quickly sprayed himself and then picked his backpack up.

"See you guys later!" He called as he threw the dorm's door opened and flew out of the room.

The door slowly closed and then Ren turned to me after he was sure Niel was gone.

"I thought Min was out cold?"

"Niel said she texted him and explained that she was fine now and they could still study," I replied and then smiled slightly, "he was worried about her all day."

"Awwwww!!!!" Ren squealed and threw his arms up to make a heart, "Niel has a crush!"

"He does doesn't he?" I giggled and then paused, "wait, do you know where their going to study?"

"Um...I think in the libary," He answerd while lowering his arms, "why?"

"Well since we have nothing to do tonight," I started to explain and then smiled evily, "why don't we go to the libary?"

"You mean like spieing on them?" Ren asked and then stood up, "because if we do were going to need a disguise."

"Of course!" I laughed and then started to drum my fingers together, "we just gotta make sure that we DON'T get caught."

"For sure!" Ren chirpped and then ran over to the closet.

"Because if we do," I stated and looked into the mirror, "we will be so screwed."

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Chapter 71: Poor Donghae :C