Point Two

Drawn By You

The alarm clock shrills like a wailing banshee and Sunggyu slams his hand down on the ‘snooze’ button with a loud groan. Is it that time already? He cracks an eye for a second before he shuts it close. The room is silent now and he sighs in relief, raising an arm up and covering his eyes with it. He’ll get up in five minutes.

After a short moment, he starts to drift off once more.

But then the alarm clock blares out again. He makes a face. It can’t be five minutes already.

He slaps it down. Silence.

Off to dreamland once again.

A moment longer and it starts again.

Okay, why did he decide on that clock again? He isn’t sure if he was at the right mind when he first purchased the clock, other than it being a cute Hamtarou clock (with said hamster perching over the ‘snooze’ button) that he spotted in the shopping center when he was out to get some fresh air. It’s a bad decision on his part.

He gives up.

Slapping the ‘snooze’ button one last time before he shuts off the alarm, he pushes himself up with mild efforts, his eyes half-lidded and his hair disheveled. It’s another day, Sunggyu. You must get up and prepare yourself. his mind coos at him. The rest of him screams out in rejection.

Letting out a long yawn, he smacks his lips a couple of times and turns his head to the other end of the bed. It is then that he realizes that there’s a lump right next to him. His eyes trail up the curved lump until they lie upon a tuff of chocolate brown hair.


He squint his eyes.

A person?

His mind draws a blank.

A few seconds later, it starts working again.

Upon realization, Sunggyu shrieks aloud as he jumps away from the bed; however, as he does, his legs got tangled into the covers and he ends up collapsing onto the floor in a heap. The figure in his bed wakes up in the process of it and raises his head up sleepily to see what the commotion is about. And once his half-lidded eyes meet Sunggyu’s, the latter sits up and points an accusing finger at him in shock. “Oh my god! Who the hell are you and how did you get into my bed?!”

“…Good morning to you too.” The person blinks sleepily in greeting, his voice low and deep as if he’s humming a monotonous tune.

“Yah! Tell me!” he demanded in panic.

The person slowly his head to the side, a light frown marred his pouty face. It’s an innocent gesture- one that Sunggyu can’t help but to find it adorable in the midst of his panic. “How, you ask? I’m not sure how. All I know is that I’m here.”

“Y-You can’t be serious?”

“I’m not lying. I have no recollection of anything before I woke up.”

Sunggyu stays in his position, unable to respond back. Okay, how is this possible? He’s sure that he hadn’t gone to any club or bar last night so there’s no way he could’ve brought anyone home with him, much less an attractive young male like the one before him. All he had done last night was draw the person who he felt was his ideal…

His head jerks up in surprise, his eyes focusing on the person who’s staring back at him in mild puzzlement, his reddening lower lip jutting out just a little. Once he thinks about it, this male does resemble the person in his drawing. No, scratch that. He looks exactly like the person in his drawing. And that cute gesture, it’s one of the traits he had written down as well.

“H-Hey.” He begins, his voice trembling. He starts to feel apprehensive.

“Hmm?” is the response he’s given.

“What’s your name?”

There’s a long period of silence. The male begins to shift around, sitting up and pressing his back against the thick, white pillows amongst the bed post. It is then that Sunggyu realizes that the other is bare, the thick comforter hid his lower form from view. Oh, this is making him feel even more uneasy. He clears his throat and turns his gaze away out of embarrassment. Eventually, the male speaks and Sunggyu’s heart leaps into his throat:

“Woohyun. That’s my name.”


Said male nods in response, his expression still puzzled. “That’s right.”

“You’re Woohyun.”


“You’re really Woohyun?“

“Why wouldn’t I be?”


“Yes, I am! Can you stop that?”


Uncomfortable silence suddenly fills the air.

“Ah.” Woohyun begins. “I just remembered how I got here.”

“You do?” Sunggyu asks as he blinks at the male before him.

“Yeah. That paper.” The other points to the paper sitting on his desk- the same paper he was looking at the night before.

Sunggyu feels as if there’s something lodged in his throat once again. “You can’t be serious…”

“I am.” Woohyun insists, his eyebrows dipped into a mild frown. “I felt some sort of pull between that paper and I.”

“…So it can be considered to be your lifeline or something?”

The other nods in response. “Yes.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“But you have to!” Woohyun puffs his cheeks out and oh my god, he’s pouting at him. He can feel his heart jump right out of his body at the sight. Despite that though, Sunggyu still doesn’t understand how can someone like him shows up like this out the blue. The only logical explanation for it would be that Woohyun had snuck into his room, stripped bare, and slept with him. A shiver passes down his spine. If that’s the case, then Woohyun’s a stalker.

“Why?” he questions, crossing his arms. “What you say doesn’t make any sense.”

“But I have no other explanation for it. I don’t even know why I’m here.” Woohyun whines a little and his pout becomes even more apparent. Sunggyu’s inside is melting. “All I know is that…well. I have you.”

Sunggyu blinks once. Blinks again. And then, he shrieks, “What did you say?!”

Woohyun stays silent for a moment, trying to find the appropriate words for him to understand. “What I meant to say is that…I feel something between us. Something like a bond of sorts. Something…special, you know?”

Unconsciously, Sunggyu’s hand rises up to his chest where his heart resides. It’s pounding hard, he can feel it. Is it because of what the other said? He does feel some sort of connection with him, but he isn’t sure unless there’s proof.

Of course, the proof is right in front of him the entire time. He’s sure he’s never met anyone who resembled Woohyun and for sure, Woohyun is only a figment of his imagination- his ideal person.

Just as he’s about to question the other further, the door creaks open.

Myungsoo has bad timing because he enters the room without knocking and before he can call out to his brother that breakfast is ready, his eyes immediately catch the figure sitting on the bed. . It doesn’t take him long before he gathers the pieces together:

“Hyung. Since when do you carry out one-night stands?”

“He’s not a one-night stand!” Sunggyu exclaims in frustration.

“You picked up a lover then?”

“He’s not my lover either!”

Myungsoo’s eyebrows knit together into a puzzled frown. “Then why is he ? And on your bed, no less?”

“Do you see me ?” The older interjects instead, pushing himself up into a standing position and gestures over to his appearance. He’s wearing a worn white t-shirt and loose baby blue pajama pants with clouds decorating it.

His brother merely crosses his arms, looking unfazed by Sunggyu’s attempt. “You do realize that you had the time to go and dress up before I came along.”

Sunggyu palms his face with a heavy sigh. It’s such a shame for him to have a brother who doesn’t believe in anything he says.

“Um…” It’s then that Woohyun decides to speak up. “We didn’t sleep together. I mean, we slept side by side but not…together.”

“Uh huh…” Myungsoo appears doubtful, his eyes now cast upon the other male. “By the way, how old are you? You look young enough for hyung to be a e.”

“Hey! He’s my age here!” Sunggyu interjects bitterly. The e comment really hurts and while he lies about Woohyun’s age, because he doesn’t know it himself, he just lets his mouth run and do the talking for him.

“Are you?” The younger asks, his attention turned to the male in bed.

Woohyun stays silent for a while, taking a glance at Sunggyu, who gives him a meaningful look, and eventually, nodding to the question.

Myungsoo suddenly looks as if he comes to realize something. “Ah…so that’s how it is. You must be hyung’s type then. What’s your name?”

“Woohyun.” The other says simply.

“Please don’t say anymore. You’re making things worse for me.” The oldest mumbles under his breath and shakes his head.

Cocking his head to the side, Woohyun blinks innocently at Sunggyu and really, if Myungsoo isn’t here, he would’ve jump on the bed and pinch those cute cheeks of his. Then, an idea jumps into his mind.

“He’s a classmate of mine who got himself drunk and ends up calling me to pick him up.” Sunggyu makes up, his face blank. Both Woohyun and Myungsoo stare at him- though with Woohyun, it’s out of confusion while with Myungsoo, it’s out of suspicion and disbelief. The oldest then adds, “And because he got drunk, he went and tore off his clothes and heads straight into my bed.”

“How did he end up here without my notice? Surely, I would’ve heard something.”

Oh, right. Myungsoo is the type of person to sleep around two to three in the morning and wakes up around noon. Wait. Why is he up right now, at six in the morning? He soon comes into realization that today’s the only day his class starts early. How lucky he is to be in such a situation- not. He clears his throat uncomfortably, trying to find some sort of excuse.

“…I carried him.”

Myungsoo’s eyes grow wide with shock. “You what?”

“I carried him.” Sunggyu repeats, his eyebrows scrunches together. “What’s wrong with that?”

The younger blinks before he rubs the back of his neck. “I find it hard to believe. I thought your strength was lacking.”


“Um…” The brothers immediately shift their attention to the person between them. Woohyun fidgets a little. “Don’t you have school…?”

Simultaneously, their eyes go wide as they land on the clock nearby. They only have fifteen minutes left and together, the brothers scramble off to prepare themselves for the day, leaving the male to himself.


After much pressure from explaining (and lying) to Myungsoo, Woohyun is welcomed into the Kim household as an honorary family member, due to the fact that the other had been kicked out and disowned by his own family, according to Sunggyu. Myungsoo doesn’t mind the fact that there’s another person living with them. In fact, he’s very amused because he suddenly sees this as an opportunity to tease his brother.

Hyung’s boyfriend, he will acknowledge Woohyun whenever he finds the two together, which happens to be often.

Woohyun usually remains oblivious but every time Sunggyu hears this, he feels like strangling his own brother.

He’ll have his revenge someday.


A week later

Sunggyu’s in class and focusing on his work when he hears a familiar voice.

“Hello and sorry for coming in during class, but I’ve recently enrolled here.”

Sunggyu jerks up in surprise, his pencil slips away from his fingers and clatters audibly against the desk. He must be seeing things. There’s no way that person who came into his class is Woohyun. That’s just impossible!

“I see.” His professor speaks up, looking pleasantly surprised. It’s been the second week of school already so all classes are closed from new entries. Perhaps he is the exception. “Alright then. Please give me your name and take a seat.”

The male smiles and inclines his head in response. “Woohyun….Nam Woohyun.”

Sunggyu feels faint.

When the other decides to take a seat that is conveniently available beside him, he immediately rounds on him. “What are you doing here?” he hisses out loud enough for Woohyun to hear.

The male his head questioningly before a short laugh erupts from the back of his throat. “I’ve decided to attend class with you. Staying home with nothing to do gets rather boring after a while, you know?”

Sunggyu then frowns. “That I can understand but how are you able to enroll into this class? This one requires a pre-requisite.”

“Really? Then how are you able to take it? This is your first quarter, isn’t it?”

How the hell does he know that? “…I’m taking the pre-requisite along with this one.”

“I am as well.”

“Oh my god. You are unbelievable.”

And all he receives from Woohyun as a response is another short laugh.


Coincidentally, after Woohyun becomes his classmate (for all his classes that day), he meets up with Myungsoo and another person as he is about to visit the shopping center (because Woohyun doesn’t stop pestering about ‘going to somewhere fun’).

“Hyung, you know Sungyeol.” Myungsoo speaks up as he gestures to the tall male by his side. The older can only nod in agreement because yes, he does know Lee Sungyeol. The other happens to be a classmate in the same university (but in a class that’s held once a week)- a bright, bubbly person with a thin physique, chubby cheeks, and wavy brown hair.

He also happens to be the one person who has his approval when it comes to dating Myungsoo. Well, technically, it had been his brother who sought his approval but either way, he’s alright with them, so as long as they aren’t lovey-dovey around him (because whenever they do, he gets moody).

“Of course he does.” Sungyeol intercepts instead, smiling at Sunggyu before his eyes land on Woohyun. He suddenly raises an eyebrow up, blinks, and slowly tilts his gaze back to the older male. “That your lover, hyung?” he teases playfully.

For some reason, the term makes Sunggyu’s cheeks flush red.

And instead of replying back, Woohyun does it for him with a bright smile. “I am.”

Three pair of wide eyes stare back at the male in surprise, Sunggyu most of all.

“You are?!” gasps Sungyeol, raising a hand over his mouth.

You are?!” The older exclaims loudly.

Myungsoo, on the other hand, blinks a couple of times before eventually shifting his gaze over to his brother and feigning hurt. “Since when did you two get together, hyung? You told me that you weren’t and that you two are merely classmates.”

“That’s because we are.” Well, as of a few hours ago, that is. He wonders how did Woohyun managed to slip into his class though. Was it pure luck?

“Mm hm. What Gyu said is true.” Woohyun chirps with a nod.

“Gyu?” Myungsoo and Sungyeol repeats and Sunggyu feels like running away and hiding in a place where no one can find him because his face is more than tomato red and the way those two are looking at him is pushing him to his limit. He shakes his head at them, waving his hand as if he’s trying to say, ‘never mind him. Carry on.’

Sungyeol eventually gives him a smile- one that seems so unnatural to Sunggyu because the corner of his lips curves slowly as if he’s come to some sort of revelation. Maybe he does, but mostly likely, it’s something that he’s not going to like.

“So…Woohyun, is it?” the tall male’s lips quirk up a bit more. “How’s life with Sunggyu-hyung?”

Woohyun, oblivious as he is, replies with a thoughtful hum, “Pretty good, actually. Why?”

Sungyeol ignores the question. “He’s treating you well?”


“He doesn’t get violent with you?”


“How’s he in bed?”


“Stop! We didn’t do anything!” Sunggyu shrieks out, glaring at the tall male with a red face. The other simply blinks in an innocent manner. Then, he turns to Myungsoo and wraps his hands around his arm. “Myungie. That’s a lie, isn’t it?”

“It’s not a lie!”

Myungsoo shrugs his shoulders and responds as if he doesn’t hear his brother denying whatever is said about him. “I tried asking him, Yeollie. He keeps saying no, he didn’t do anything with Woohyun-hyung, but maybe he’s trying to keep it a secret.”

“I’m not! Stop immediately!”

“He is, you know.” Woohyun says off-handedly.

“You’re not helping! I-I-Aish! I give up!” And with that, Sunggyu storms off to the direction of home, not caring if people are staring as he does.

The remaining three glances at each other in puzzlement.

“What’s wrong with him?” Sungyeol questions, tilting his head to the side.

Myungsoo and Woohyun shrug their shoulders. “No idea.”


It’s the weekend and Myungsoo tells Sunggyu that he has invited Sungyeol over for a sleepover that he’s planning and that he and Woohyun are invited if they want (though he can tell, Myungsoo wants him to say no because he treasures his personal time with his lover). And so, Sunggyu smiles and says, “Sure, we’ll hang out with you two.”

It’s payback for all that teasing, after all.

Half an hour later and Sungyeol shows up.

“Hyung! I hope you don’t mind but I brought Dubu with me!” Sungyeol’s voice echoes through the living room and into the kitchen where Sunggyu’s sitting peacefully with a mug of tea by his side. There’s the loud, zealous sound of barking that soon follows and Sunggyu immediately tenses up. He’s not good with dogs, not after that one incident where he was bitten by one on his lower calf at the age of ten. Woohyun’s there with him as company but as soon as he hears Sungyeol, he enthusiastically dashes out to greet him. The thought of dogs are soon forgotten as he watches the other leave the kitchen.

Huh. What is this blooming inside him? Jealousy?

No, it can’t be.

Suddenly, he hears Sungyeol and Woohyun laughing. The feeling is getting worse.

No, he’s not jealous.

The dog is barking again. It’s getting to be rather irritating.

Well, it’s time to head over to greet his guests…no, not the dog. Just Sungyeol, so guest. Only one guest.



A/N: ;u; <3 I love you people.
The last part will be posted tomorrow \(=u=)/


junhwan: omggg, I'm sooo happy to know that you enjoyed reading this story \o/ I'll try my best with the alternate ending ^^;
Ryukii: hey, I remembered you xD <3 I know, right? It we couldn't have our stories back the moment the site gets update ;~; but anyways, thanks for still taking interest in this story~
lolaurakelly: hi there ^^ yes, it's unfortunate but at least, I'm posting it again \o/

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705 streak #1
Chapter 4: I still like the 1st ending after years of reading this 😃
Chapter 4: Original ending is the best and most romantic and most real..... kudos authornim!!!
so in this ending woohyun really comes from sunggyu picture and becomes human?
so cute ><
and lol ho.rny myungyeol XD
omg i like iiit omg nice endings gaaaaaaj
this story is soon niceee....
my woogyu heart is so happy!!
Both ending are sweet ! *^* <33
But yeahh ~ I prefer the first ending like the others ^^
Still , you have done a good work ! /thumbs up/
owww i prefer the first ending more than alternate ending so far.
because it doesn't realistic and the alternate ending...umm...kind of forcing ending? yeah but i like your story. greeeaaat <3
D'aww I liked this ending so much! x3I love the way you wrote Woogyu. So perfect. :3