Point Three, ending two

Drawn By You


Today has been the most stressing day Sunggyu had ever experienced in his twenty four years of life. The moment he decides to come from the kitchen to greet Sungyeol, the dog- Du-something- struggles away from the tall male's hold and immediately charges at him with a wide panting grin. Out of impulse, he lets out a shriek of surprise and promptly retreats back into the kitchen where he jumps on his chair and tries to wave the excited pup away.

The other three, who witnesses the entire ordeal from the very beginning, ends up falling into fits of laughter with Sungyeol being the loudest. It isn't until five full minutes after Sunggyu screamed for them to take the damn dog away that one of them- Woohyun, to be exact- goes and carries Dubu into the living room.

Once the two left his sight, Sunggyu hovers down the chair and collapses against it in exhaustion. That already took away ten years of his young life.

"You alright there, hyung?" Myungsoo speaks up, the corner of his lip twitches up for a moment before he pushes it down to a neutral expression. Sungyeol's still snickering from behind the younger male, clinging on said male's arm to prevent himself from falling over.

The oldest sends a leveled glare their way, even though the other two are generally unaffected by it. "You could've helped me sooner!"

His brother gives a shrug of the shoulder. "I was...preoccupied."

"With what, pray tell...?"

" face with a certain choding." is the blunt response.

What he received are two different (and somewhat expected) responses:

"That's an obvious lie!" and an accusing finger pointing at him from a disbelieved Sunggyu.

"Idiot!" and a not-so-gentle whack on the back of the head from a blushing Sungyeol.

Everything sudden breaks into chaos (with Myungsoo being the victim) and by the time Woohyun comes back from letting Dubu out into the backyard, he blinks and watches as Sunggyu and Sungyeol ganging up on the youngest, who looked like he's regretting what he had said.

When the two finally notices Woohyun, they eventually halt their action, much to Myungsoo's immense relief.

Tense silence fills the air for a short moment until Woohyun breaks it.

"So...what'd I miss?"


Myungsoo ends up apologizing to both Sunggyu and Sungyeol, even though there isn’t a need for one. And due to that little mishap, he spends the next hour sulking in the living room while his lover spends his time outside with Dubu- enjoying himself, most likely. Damn that lucky mutt.

Sunggyu, on the other hand, resumes drinking his tea in the kitchen as he observes Woohyun cooking up lunch (wearing a pale green apron with a phrase in swirly red ‘I Kiss Better Than I Cook’ over a large heart- a gag gift Hoya bought for him on his last birthday that he didn’t bother throwing away. He doesn’t think it actually looked good on the other male but apparently, it does. It also makes him wonder whether the phrase suit Woohyun or not). Kimchi jjigae*, that was what the other confidently proclaimed before he set off to work, gathering all the necessary ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator. It was a good thing that Sunggyu stocked up on groceries earlier today too; otherwise, they’d end up eating instant ramyun.

And once he thinks about it, this will be the very first time he’ll eat Woohyun’s cooking. But that was one of the qualities he had written down about said male- that he should be a good cook. Suddenly, the thought of it leaves Sunggyu eager and waiting in anticipation.

“Hey, Gyu,…why are you smiling like that?”

Sunggyu jerks out of his stupor and blinks over to the source. Woohyun was staring at him with a raised eyebrow, one hand holding the knife in mid-air and the other pressing down the remaining half of red cabbage. He clears his throat uncomfortably and doesn’t even bother to say anything about Woohyun calling him through a nickname. He prefers it, anyway. “What do you mean?” he questions with a mildly puzzled look on his face.

“Well…” the other begins, his voice trailing off in a casual manner. “Over the past few minutes, I couldn’t help but to notice this really strange smile on your face. It’s something like this.” Placing the knife down, he points to himself and proceeds to give Sunggyu a wide quirky smile.

Oh, he doesn’t smile like that.

“Are you sure?” Sunggyu asks, looking very doubtful.

Woohyun nods in response. “I’m a witness.”

“You’re exaggerating.”

“I’m not.”

“Whatever. Keep cooking.” Not wanting to start off a petty argument, Sunggyu waves him off with a flick of the hand and focuses more on his half-filled tea, leaving Woohyun rather amused; though, nonetheless, he complies to Sunggyu’s order and resumes cooking.

Half an hour and Sungyeol comes into the living room from the direction of the kitchen, his smile bright and his cheeks flushed red from his activity (and without the dog, Sunggyu notes to himself in relief). As he passes by, he takes a whiff of the delicious aroma hovering in the air and comments in Woohyun’s direction, “Ooh, smells nice!”

Myungsoo, who catches sight of him from the couch, immediately sets off toward the tall male’s direction and automatically hugs him, murmuring things into his lover’s ear that Sunggyu isn’t able to grasp. Although, judging by the intensifying flush on Sungyeol’s cheeks and the surprised expression flashing through a split second later, he has an inkling thought of what Myungsoo might be implying.

“Kimchi jjigae is officially finished!” Woohyun shouts out proudly and focusing onto the said male, Sunggyu manages to catch him dancing in front of the stove and ing his hip in accomplishment. What an odd way of celebrating.

“It’s finished?” Sungyeol pushes the younger male away and heads back into the kitchen where he takes a seat beside the older male. Myungsoo eventually trails behind, looking slightly disappointed.

Food always come first, after all.


Lunch was an alright affair.

Sunggyu was surprised the two who he thought was going to cause trouble, had been quiet and obedient the entire time. Or maybe it's because all the destruction and violence actually happened beneath the table. If it wasn't for the loud shuffling of legs, followed by a harsh kick, courtesy of Sungyeol and his foot of steel, he wouldn't have noticed.

By the time they've finished with their meals ("It was good by the way! You're a surprisingly good cook, Woohyun! Sunggyu-hyung's extremely lucky to have you!" "What the heck are you talking about, choding?!" "Ahhh! Hide me, Myungie!"), Sungyeol suddenly proclaims a movie marathon- watch a movie of each genre available. And scratch off the horror genre, of course. He can't stomach anything horror themed. Myungsoo, on the other hand, thinks it's a good idea to watch a horror movie and eventually decides to slip one into a cover of a well-known romance film when Sungyeol least suspects it.


In the duration of their third movie- the first film of Lord of the Rings, of all things- Sunggyu begins to notice a few things. For starters, Myungsoo and Sungyeol aren't paying attention to the film at all. In fact, he can say that if it isn't for Woohyun and his presence, they'd be having right there on the couch. But once he thinks about it, they wouldn't mind doing it right there, even with them present. Those exhibitionists.

Another thing he notices is the fact that Woohyun's been fidgeting for quite some time now. He isn't sure what makes the other feel that way. Is it because the other male's sitting beside him? If it is, then he hopes it's not for a bad reason. Sunggyu happens to be relishing the feeling of Woohyun's arm and leg pressing flush close against his own.

However, that doesn't mean he's a ert or anything.

Even if he does tend to think about various scenes consisting of ropes, blindfolds, and one Woohyun.

But still. He's not a ert.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Woohyun jumps out of his seat like a rocket, his body rigid and tensed. His abrupt action causes the other three to stare at him in mild puzzlement.

"Hey, Woohyun. What's wrong?" Sunggyu spoke up in concern, being the one who sat right beside the other male.

Woohyun doesn't say a word and opts to retreat up the stairs instead, his steps loud and heavy against the carpeted wood. This worries Sunggyu even more. What could make the other male behave like that?


The older blinks toward Sungyeol, who gaze back up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Maybe you should go check on him."

It doesn't take long for Sunggyu to nod and agree to the suggestion. He's just about to head up even without further prompting. "Yeah. I should. You two can keep watching. I'll be back." And with a wave of the hand, he quickly follows after Woohyun up the stairs.

By the time he reaches the top of the staircase, a loud agonized scream rips through the air and immediately, he knows it is Woohyun. He dashes toward the source, which happens to be his own room, and s his body against the door, screaming out, "Woohyun!"

A second later, a horrified gasp leaves Sunggyu's lips.

There's Woohyun on his knees by the corner of his bed, hunching over in pain.

And there is Dubu standing across the room and shaking his head furiously. In his mouth are torn, shredded slips of white paper and fine lines that he recognizes almost immediately.

His drawing of Woohyun.

With a shout, he storms toward the pup and cried out angrily, "Out, you dumb dog! Get out, get out, get out!"


Sunggyu shifts his glare to the newcomers. "Sungyeol, take your dog out! NOW!"

Without another word, the tall male rushes toward the cowering Dubu and runs out the door along with Myungsoo in a flash. He's afraid to deal with the pissed-off side of Kim Sunggyu.

Once the others leave his sight, leaving him alone with Woohyun, Sunggyu crouches down and tries to search for a way to help the younger male. However, with the drawing destroyed, he feels the other is going to disappear forever. And he doesn't want that. He doesn't want that at all.

"Woohyun..." he mumbles out, his voice held fear and concern.

He wants to touch him, to hold him, to do something, but his body doesn't want to move.

"Woohyun...!" he mumbles out again, his hands clenched into trembling fists.


He watches as Woohyun raises his head up slowly, his eyes wide with surprise.

"I-It...doesn't hurt." he whispers out.


Suddenly, the other male takes Sunggyu's hand into his own and directs it to his chest where his heart is located. "I think...I think I'm human!"

Sunggyu gapes at him because indeed, he feels something- a heartbeat.

But wait, that doesn't make any sense!

"How...?" he manages to utter out.

"I have no idea."

Silence soon fills the air.

After a long period of time, however, Sunggyu grabs Woohyun by his shirt and jerks him back and forth in both frustration and relief. Mostly in frustration. "You idiot! I nearly had myself a heart attack! I thought you were going to disappear!"

"I-I'm s-sorry!" Woohyun tries to apologize through the shaking. "I d-didn't k-know m-myself!"

Sunggyu eventually stops to heave a sigh and pulls the other male into a tight hug, causing Woohyun to blink in confusion.


He closes his eyes and buries his face into the crook of Woohyun's neck, inhaling his familiar scent. He then tells himself that the other male is still here. There’s nothing to worry about. "Don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry..."

Feeling the shorter male's hands grasping the back of his shirt as his hugs gets returned, he soon pulls away just enough to give Woohyun a deep, passionate kiss. The other gasps in surprise but eventually, he gives into the kiss and responds back with equal fervor.

And with that, Sunggyu feels like everything's alright now.

So as long as he has Woohyun by his side.



*kimchi jjigae- kimchi stew

A/N: It's been long due but finally, I have the alternate ending finished! \o/ I hope it's up to your standard as with the original ending.
And holy snap, the amount of comments and subscribers overwhelm me ;A;
You guys are amazing <3


Raina-ssi: thank you! happy you enjoyed this story~
minsoph74: happy to know that, thank you <3
happybubblelove: really? I'm very happy to hear that! ^^ don't worry, Woohyun is definitely real (in the orginal ending anyways). Thanks for reading and commenting!
Ryukii: lol love you too~ and thanks for reading and commenting <3
inspirit-kay: aha, I love reading long fics myself. It's just that I can't seem to write more without quitting halfway ;u; but thanks, for reading and commenting!
mitsuchan: lol I feel accomplished then xD And yup! Sunggyu's the only one who didn't know. Thanks for reading and commenting~!
croWn_nd: happy to hear :D thanks for reading and commenting!
lolaurakelly: lol glad you think so ^^ thanks for reading and commenting
woosoogyu: yup, for that ending, Woohyun is real 8D And I'll try to write more in the future. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Bonnie: glad to know you enjoyed this story <3 thanks for reading and commenting~
AmileaChanhee: thanks much, for reading and commenting :3
megalomaniagirl49: happy to hear that 8D yay woogyu <3
CheonByeol: yeah, there was that possibility but I wouldn't want to do that~ lol Thanks for reading and commenting!
Bright5: actually, Woohyun is the person Sunggyu bumped into 8D and I'm happy you enjoyed reading this story. Thanks for reading and commenting~
creepy_lurker: aww, happy to hear you love this story :3 lol love you too~ Thanks for reading and commenting~

additional responses

Bright5: thaaat's right! 8D Both ways, Woohyun is officially human lol Thanks for reading and commenting!
croWn_nd: I'm happy to hear :3 whether you like one or the other, I'm still glad you enjoyed reading this story~ Thanks for reading and commenting!

woosoogyu: lol yeah, I did put supernatural so why not a supernatural ending? xD thanks for reading and commenting~
inspirit-kay: lol yaaay~ thanks for reading and commenting~
OmoItsTatiana: Thank you~~ :3 happy you enjoyed reading it!
MasterL: you're right. I had troubles ending it so I agree it was a bit forced ^^; but thank you. Happy you enjoyed reading it nonetheless.
their_INSPIRITbeauty: Much appreciated for the comment. Thanks much <333
Baguette: yeah, everyone seemed to like the first, which I'm very happy about! Thanks for reading and commenting~
kikuchannie: happy to know 8D thanks for reading and commenting!

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705 streak #1
Chapter 4: I still like the 1st ending after years of reading this 😃
Chapter 4: Original ending is the best and most romantic and most real..... kudos authornim!!!
so in this ending woohyun really comes from sunggyu picture and becomes human?
so cute ><
and lol ho.rny myungyeol XD
omg i like iiit omg nice endings gaaaaaaj
this story is soon niceee....
my woogyu heart is so happy!!
Both ending are sweet ! *^* <33
But yeahh ~ I prefer the first ending like the others ^^
Still , you have done a good work ! /thumbs up/
owww i prefer the first ending more than alternate ending so far.
because it doesn't realistic and the alternate ending...umm...kind of forcing ending? yeah but i like your story. greeeaaat <3
D'aww I liked this ending so much! x3I love the way you wrote Woogyu. So perfect. :3